*We should be teaching them stories* like *Abu Bakr* (ra)’s loyalty and undying service for his master, *Umar ibn Khatthab* (ra)’s love for justice and tolerance, *Uthman ibn Affan* (ra)’s level of shyness and modesty, *Ali ibn Abi-Talib* (ra)’s show of courage and bravery, *Khalid ibn Waleed* (ra)’s desire of combating evil, *Fatima bint Muhammad* (ra)’s love and respect to her father, *Sallahuddin Al-Ayubi* (ra)’s conquest of the promised land, and much much more to tell about… Above all, we should teach them about *Allah* (subhanahu wa ta'ala), *Qur’an* and the *Sunnah* with love ... it is a very important aspect! And then see how the change begins...! InshaAllah ! Source: Whatsaap message