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Showing posts from August, 2016

The use of the tongue:

🌻🍃🌻🍃🌻🍃🌻 🌻*THE TONGUE* : 🔸The Tongue is one of the great blessings of Allah SWT among the other Blessings. 🔸The use of the Tongue is very extensive. 🔸Show of Emaan or Kufr can both be evident from use of the tongue. 🔸The tricks of the Shaytan start from the tongue. He uses the tongue to express kufr and thanklessness, and pushes the person towards a bad ordeal. 🌻A famous Hadith is quoted, "People will be pushed into Hellfire, nose first, because of their misuse of the tongues." 🔶In order to escape from the dangers of the tongue ,it needs to be harnessed by the ties of the Shariat, and the chains of Sunnat. 🌻The Prophet SAW said, "The person who remains silent, is the one who attains reprieve." 🌻*Types of Tongue* : 🔶Useless Talk Talking about useless thin...

Love Your 'Own Beautiful Wife':

*●Don’t shout* at your wife when you are talking. It really hurts her. *●Do not share* her love or affection with another woman. It is called Adultery. *●Never compare* your wife to another woman. If the other woman was good for you, God would have given her to you. *●Be gentle* and accommodating. She has sacrificed so much to be with you. It hurts her deeply when you are hash and humiliating. Be tender. *●Hide nothing* from her. You are now one and she’s your soulmate. Let there be no secret you are keeping from her. *●Do not make* negative comment about her body. She risked her life and beauty to carry your babies. She is a living soul not just flesh and blood. *●Do not let* her body determine her worth. Cherish and appreciate her even till old age. *●Never shout* at her in the public and in private. If you have an issue to sort with her, do it in the privacy of your room. *●Thank and appreciate* her for taking...

Who had mercy on those who did evil to Him:

When I complain about the taste of my food.. I remember Him Muhammad (peace be upon him) who used to fasten some stones on his stomach to hold on his hunger When I complain about how less clothes I have.. I remember Him Muhammad (peace be upon him) who had only two pieces of clothes for the rest of His life When I complain of how uncomfortable my bed is.. I remember Him Muhammad (peace be upon him) who slept on the palm frond and coarse cloth in his entire life When I become so miser to give and share with others.. I remember Him Muhammad (peace be upon him) who used to give his everything that he almost left nothing for himself When I think of how poor I am.. I remember Him Muhammad (peace be upon him) who loved the poor so much and said to be with them in jannah, it cheers me up When I'm upset of those who hurt me.. I remember Him Muhammad (peace be upon him) who had mercy on those who did evil to Him When I think of those who hate me.. I remember Him Mu...

Quotes by Umar ibnul Khattab (ra)

*_SOME OF THE BEST QUOTES EVER_* ```Ameerul Mu'mineen" Umar ibnul Khattab (ra), the second Khalifah of Islam "Get used to a tough life, for luxury does not last forever" — Umar ibnul Khattab (ra) "I have never regretted my silence. As for my speech I've regretted it many times" —Umar ibnul Khattab (ra) “Allah loves moderation and hates extravagance and excess.”Umar Ibn Khattab (ra) "I thought of all types of wealth, but couldn't find a better wealth than contentment in a little" — Umar ibnul Khattab (ra) "Let not your love become attachment, nor your hate become destruction.” — Umar ibnul-khattab {ra} “May God bless the man who says less and does more.” — ‘Umar ibnul Khattab (ra) “Patience is the healthiest ingredient of our life.” — Umar Ibnul-Khattab (ra) “Doing good for a good done to you is simply repayment, whereas doing good for an evil done to you is a tremendous virtue....

Aap ka baccha kaha padta hai??

गाँव के कुएँ पर 3 महिलाएँ पानी भर रही थीं। तभी एक महिला का बेटा वहाँ से गुजरा। उसकी माँ बोली--- *" वो देखो, मेरा बेटा, इंग्लिश मीडियम में है। "* थोड़ी देर बाद दूसरी महिला का पुत्र गुज...

A Pious Husband and wife:

WHAT AN EYE OPENING STORY: There’s a bakery shop near to our house. Often, on my way back home in the evening, I buy some stuff for the morning breakfast. Today, as I was about to leave the bakery, I met our neighbour Mr. Irfan who himself was leaving the same shop. After the exchange of some traditional greetings, the conversation went like following. I asked: “What have you bought?” Irfan replied: “Nothing much Hanif, just some chicken patties and some sweetmeats for my wife and children”. Jokingly, I enquired, “Why so? Hasn't your wife cooked today?” Irfan said: “No, Hanif, it’s not like that. Actually today in office we were a little hungry so my colleagues ordered some patties and sweetmeats. Since, I had this at the office I thought to buy some for my family too. It’s not fair that I eat whatever I like at the office while my kids and wife remain bound to eat whatever is cooked at home.” Confounded with great ...

Duas for different emotions...

Assalamualaikum warahamatullahi Wabarakaatuhu, The website in the below link will ask you how you are feeling (Select Your Emotions) and SUBHANALLAH it will give you a DUA to read. Amazing work !!! Do try it.... and remember me in your prayers. Jazakallah..

Minimum 35 Ways to Respect your Parents:

1. Put away your phone in their presence. 2. Pay attention to what they are saying. 3. Accept their opinions. 4. Engage in their conversations. 5. Look at them with respect. 6. Always praise them. 7. Share good news with them. 8. Avoid sharing bad news with them. 9. Speak well of their friends and loved ones to them. 10. Keep in remembrance the good things they did. 11. If they repeat a story, listen like it's the first time they tell it. 12. Don't bring up painful memories from the past. 13. Avoid side conversations in                       their presence 14. Sit respectfully around them. 15. Don't belittle/criticize their opinions and thoughts. 16. Avoid cutting them off when they speak. 17. Respect their age. 18. Avoid hitting/disciplining       their grandchildren around       them. 19. Accept their advic...