1. SubhānAllāh 100 times [like performing 100 Hajj]
2. Alhamdulillāh 100 times [like giving 100 horses as charity]
3. Lā ilāha illAllāh 100 times [like freeing 100 slaves]
4. Allāhu Akbar 100 times [performed the greatest deeds]
(Ref: Mishkāt al-Maśābīh, vol.2, p. 346)
5. Astaghfirullāh 100 times [forgiveness of sins]
6. SallAllāhu 'alā Sayyidinā Muhammadin SallAllāhu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam 100 times [praying once: 70 doors of Mercy will open]
7. Lā Hawla Wa Lā Quwwata illā Billāhil 'Aliyyil 'Adhīm 100 times [treasure of Jannah, cure for many mental and physical diseases]
8. Sūrah Ikhlāś 100 times [praying thrice: equal to praying Qur'ān]
9. Allāhummagh-fir li Jamī'il Mu'minīna Wal Mu'mināt 100 times [praying once: reward equal to each believing man and woman]
10. HasbunAllāhu Wa Ni'mal Wakīl 100 times [protection/removal of calamities]
11. After each prayer:
-SubhānAllāh 33 times
-Alhamdulillāh 33 times
-Allāhu Akbar 34 times
-4th Kalīmah once
-Ayat al-Kursī once
-Astaghfirullāhal Adhīm al-ladhī Lā ilāha illā Hu al-Hayyum al-Qayyum Wa Atūbu ilayhi 3 times
•After Fajr: Yā 'Azīzu Yā Allāh (100 times)
•After Dhuhr: Yā Karīmu Yā Allāh (100 times)
•After 'Aśr: Yā Jabbāru Yā Allāh (100 times)
•After Maghrib: Yā Sattāru Yā Allāh (100 times)
•After 'Ishā: Yā Ghaffāru Yā Allāh (100 times)
[The 5 treasures]
Source: received through Whatsaap message.