Our religion did not stop in the face of the loss of the Beloved (ﷺ) . And similarly, our religion and spirituality does not stop at the end of Ramadan:
When the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) passed away, it was an incredibly tragic moment that left the Ummah completely shaken. Many companions felt like there wasn’t a point in living anymore. They were frozen. They were speechless. They didn’t know how to cope.
But in the face of this incredible tragedy, the biggest tragedy this Ummah will ever face, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (rA) stands up and makes a very powerful statement — He said, “Whoever used to worship Muhammad, know that he has passed away (ﷺ) . But whoever used to worship Allah, know that Allah is Ever-Living, He never dies.”
Our religion did not stop in the face of the loss of the Beloved (ﷺ) . And similarly, our religion and spirituality does not stop at the end of Ramadan because the same Allah in Ramadan, who gave us the blessed month to grow and transform is the same Allah outside of Ramadan- His doors of mercy and forgiveness are constantly open.
Thus, the month of Ramadan is not the end of the journey of a believer but rather it's the beginning of the rest of the year to come. Ramadan simply served as a refill of energy in our tank and then we are ready to push forward for the rest of the 11 months. May Allah allow us to take our Ramadan energy and grant us the ability to continue forward as better versions of ourselves!
*Mufti Hussein Kamani*
Source: received through WhatsApp Message