Be aware of this reality at all times and know that your "self" is the accurate record of your life!
- The self is not a final product. It is potential waiting to be used and shaped. It is a melting pot for competing tendencies and diverse inclinations. You are meant to be the crafter of the final product, and you will be judged based on this. Allah writes your qadar in a way that reveals how you will craft this moldable clay we call the "nafs". The things you think, intend, say, and do are all tools that leave an impact on the raw daugh of the self. There is no moment when you are not adding shape or detail to this work of art. Whether you are idle or active, quiet or rowdy, positive or negative, you are shaping this raw self! The challenge is to be aware of this reality at all times and know that your "self" is the accurate record of your life! Source: received through whatsapp message