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Being accessible, lenient, tender, and easy to get along with

 - Ibn Mas‘ūd (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Shall I not inform of whom Hellfire is forbidden for? Or he is forbidden for Hellfire? It is forbidden for someone who is accessible, lenient, tender, and easy to get along with."     [Authentic hadith] - [Narrated by At-Termedhy - Narrated by Ahmad] الشرح Shall I not inform you of whom Hellfire is forbidden to burn? It is forbidden for he who is accessible to people, who sits with them in the places of worship, and treat them kindly to the best of his ability; and he who is forbearing, lenient, and tolerant in dealing with them. Source: received through WhatsApp message.
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I was already given something even better than what I asked for, but I was too blind to see:

- - You learn only when you are humbled. Alhamdulillah, I have never been told that I cannot do something. My parents have always been super supportive, my closest and dearest have always been extremely encouraging and affirmative. And I have always been privileged to have the luxury of choice. So, to be told I could not do something truly was a kick to my pride. But this Ayah in the Quran was a much-needed slap to my ego, a wake up call my soul sorely needed, and it was an Ayah that truly humbled me. Allah SWT says in Surah Ibrahim, Ayah 34:  "If you tried to count Allah’s blessings, you would never be able to number them."  When Allah SWT says you would never, then it means you would never. Full stop. Meaning... no one, from the beginning to the end of time, can ever list ALL of Allah's Blessings even if they tried! His Ni'mah is truly innumerable!  So here I am thinking...  if I cannot even begin to number all of the things that He has already blessed me with, the


 - It's time to openly question the interest-based paradigm and promote interest-free finance as the proven alternative. The time has come. But the first step to questioning a paradigm and offering an alternative is to educate oneself. Click to read: Source: Received the document through WhatsApp message. This blog does not have any connection with the document source.

What Namaz tells about our life discipline?

 - *Every human wants "Success"* *Always late in offering Namaz says a lot about your character and personality that you lack discipline, inner strength and faith and you are not trustworthy.* *No one wants to be told or heard that they are unreliable or lack discipline. But actions speak louder than words and being late in prayer is the first warning that you are headed for constant procrastination in every aspect of your life.* Hazrat Hasan Basri says: "When prayer becomes the least important thing for you, then what else is the most important thing for you? The more you improve your prayer, the better your life will be. You do not know that prayer is associated with prosperity and success. Come to prayer, come to success. How is it possible that you ask God for success? Do not arrive in time to fulfill the right of?”* *If you are facing a delay in your affairs and social life, such as livelihood, marriage, work or health, then examine your prayer to see if you are not

Do we burden ourselves by persistently overthinking as we wait?

 - Life, in general, is a constant waiting game. We are always waiting for something - a taxi, a text message, the next meal, the next holiday, an opportunity, forgiveness, etc etc. But how do we wait?  Do we put our lives on pause as we wait? Do we burden ourselves by persistently overthinking as we wait? Are we distracted while we wait?  I believe the "wait" gets torturous the moment we start questioning Allah's plans for us. Because that is when our Trust in our Rabb starts shaking, and so the real test is in the wait.  And what we do as we wait says a lot about our faith. When we wait with 100% trust in Allah's plans, gratitude takes over the place of anxiousness. Because we know with full conviction that as we wait, He is gently preparing us for what He has already perfectly planned for us. And when we wait with beautiful patience, we understand that Allah keeps no one waiting unless He sees that there is only goodness within the wait. Sometimes the ultimate rewa

Grant our sisters pious husbands:

 - Sisters don't seek a husband who can lift heavy weights Look for the one strong enough to lift his blanket & leave his bed at Fajr time Because if he remembers his duty to Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎   He will always remember his duty towards his wife in shaa Allah  May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎  grant our sisters pious husbands... Aameen Source: WhatsApp Message.

Contribute for raising a good next generation:

-  Dear parents, the teachers/ustad in the Madrasa are doing so well to instill the fear of Allah and Islamic principles in your children, please do not ruin their efforts by not practicing it!  Ruining their efforts is introducing and making the children’s daily life all about worldly music, dressing them immodestly in public, using hair extensions on them, being careless about the salah and so on. Remember what the teachers are doing is actually your job because you are accountable for your child before Allah first and foremost. They only spend not more than 16hrs with the teachers averagely in a week, so please put in more efforts. We currently tend to now use these Amanah Allah has given to us as Aesthetics, and also contribute for raising a good next generation. Dear parents you can do better. Jazaakumullahu khairaa May Allah ease parenting for us, Aameen Source: Muslimchildrentips