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Showing posts from April, 2018

So be patient with beautiful patience:

#Sabr-#Patience وَلِرَبِّكَ فَاصْبِرْ ✨ *"And be patient for the sake of your Lord."*♥ -[Al Qur'an, 74:7] It ain't easy, to always keep your train of thoughts to be positive, vibrant and happy. Rather it's takes humongous effort from your side. The effort to believe that Allah isn't restraining something you desire except to direct you to a greater path of excellence. The effort to believe with all your heart that, Yes! Allah Subawanata'ala, who named Himself- Al Wadood, The Most Loving, does love "you". He loves you with all your imperfections, unless we too constantly purify ourselves for His sake. It takes a real believer of faith to acknowledge his shortcomings, own up for it, and pick himself up from the downtrodden shackles of life, be embarked with goodness, and then make revolution to happen. Patience is a virtue, that's bitter than bitter gourd. But it's outcome is sweeter than that of honey. While we await for the bl

One never says, it wasn't supposed to happen:

Fro m the fruits of true belief in al-Qada wa al-Qadar is that once anything has already happened, we do not doubt that it happened as it was supposed to. So, one never says, it wasn't supposed to happen this way. Rather, once a thing has taken place, we know and believe that it happened as it was supposed to. Thus the saying, قدر الله و ما شاء فعل, meaning this is from the Qadr of Allah, and He does whatever He wills. Source: Received in Whatsapp message

What is the secret of your religiousness?

Someone asked *Hassan Al Basri:* *"What is the secret of your religiousness?"* He replied : "I understood 4 things: 1. I understood that *my RIZQ cannot be taken by anyone, so my heart became content.* 2. I understood that *no one can do my actions (worship) for me, so I started doing them myself.* 3. I understood that *Allah is watching me, so I became ashamed to do wrong.* 4. I understood that *death is waiting for me, so I started to prepare for my meeting with Allah."* May Allah grant us this understanding, and the ability to act, أمين ‏يا رب العالمين Ameen ya rabbul alameen. Source: Whatsapp message

Full Quran audio:

Dear friends, prepare for Ramadan by listening and understanding Quran. Share This Post With All Your Friends to Earn Sadqah e Jariya آسان ترجمہ قرآن (Audio Version - 30 Para Complete Links Below, Recitation and Translation ) ترجمہ: شیخ الاسلام حضرت مولانا مفتی محمد تقی عثمانی صاحب مدظلہ عربی تلاوت: شیخ مشاری راشد العفاسي اردو آواز: حافظ افضل مشکوتہ صاحب قرآن کریم کو خود بھی سمجھیں اور اس میسج کو Forward کرکے دوسروں تک قرآن کا پیغام پہنچانے کا ذریعہ بنیں پارہ نمبر 1  پارہ نمبر2 پارہ نمبر3 پارہ نمبر4 پارہ نمبر5 پارہ نمبر6 پارہ نمبر7 پارہ نمبر8 پارہ نمبر9 پارہ نمبر10 پارہ نمبر11 پارہ نمبر12 پارہ نمبر13 پارہ نمبر14 پارہ نمبر15 پارہ نمبر16 htt

Whom among us does Allah love:

*HOW DO WE DETERMINE IF ALLAH LOVE US?*🤔💞❤ 1. If He give us wealth? 2. If He grant us health? 3. If He give us power? 4. If He give us children? 5. .....? A scholar once said , he was wondering if Allah loves him: So he checked the Quran to see what are the characteristics of the people that Allah has mentioned He loves them. He discovered that Allah loves * Al_ Muttaqeen*   ( the pious ), he says " I wouldn't dare consider myself one of them." So he continued searching.... Then he found that Allah loves * As sabireen *  (the patient). So he remembered; "how impatient I am." So he continued searching.... Then he found that Allah loves * Al Mujahideen * (those who strive in His path), so he remembered how lazy and powerless he was. So he continued searching.... Then he found Allah loves * Al Muhsineen *  (those who do good deeds). So he remembered how far he is from that. *then He says* "So I stopped searching to avoid more disappointment.

Follow Sunnah Not Society:

A Muslim Man went to the Moulvi of his area Masjid and said..l won't be attending Namaz in Masjid anymore.. Moulvi said, may I ask *why??* Man said, I see during *Khutba* people busy on their cell phones, some are gossiping, some just ain't living right, they are all just hypocrites... The Moulvi got silent, and he said, OK... But can I ask you to do something for me before you make your final decision? Man said,what's that? Moulvi said, take a glass of water and walk around the Masjid 2 times and don't let any water fall out the glass. Man said, yes I can do that! He came back and said it's done. Moulvi asked the Man *3 questions*: *1. Did you see anybody on their phone?* *2. Did you see anybody gossiping?* *3. Was anybody living wrong?* Man said, I didn't see anything because I was so focused on this glass, so the water wouldn't fall. Moulvi told him, when you come to Masjid , you should be just that focused on *ALLAH Subhanahu Wataallah* , so

Rousseau and Islam:

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (French: 28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778) was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of the 18th century, mainly active in France. His political philosophy influenced the Enlightenment across Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the overall development of modern political and educational thought. This article discusses how Rousseau's thoughts were influenced by Prophet Mohammed (Saw) and Islamic Civilization. Click or paste the below link in browser to read the full article. rousseau - islam - james - campbell