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Showing posts from October, 2018

Muslim Women at home are doing a wonderful job:

Women and household work ! πŸŒΆπŸ…πŸŒΆπŸ…πŸŒΆπŸ…πŸŒΆπŸ…πŸŒΆπŸ… To all of my believing sisters out there who feel “ being stuck at home “ with child rearing and cooking and cleaning day in and day out .... who feel their productivity and creativity is withering away , who feel there is a lot to do out there like going for hifz classes , attending lectures , volunteering for dawah activities and other ways by which they can gain Allah subhaanahu wa taala s pleasure .... Do you feel there is less opportunities at home for acquiring great rewards ? Then let me remind you of 2 great women of Paradise ... Khadijah and Fatimah , may Allah be pleased with them both ... Khadija , (R) was not a scholar of Hadith like , Aisha (R) ... she has not related a single Hadith, nor has she participated in any battle of Islam ... Then what are her achievements , of course being the first convert is the best of them .... which is obviously beyond our reach , but is it only that ? No ... her role as devoted wife a

Children listen to us or imitate us:

*One lady was travelling in a train with her 6 year kid, they both were reading Quran.* *It seemed unbelievable to most of the fellow passengers.* *Then one of them got up and asked.....* *"Ma'am in today world the kids who are born yesterday play with smartphone  and this kid is reading Quran, How come he is not with playing phone or a tablet?* *How come he listens to you and discusses Quran in detail and how did you make him do that?"* *To this the woman calmly replied "Sir, kids do not listen to us but they sure do copy us."*πŸ™ *A small sentence,* *A deep meaning.*πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ Source: WhatsApp message..

The Etiquettes of Companionship (Part 1): Good Opinion and Overlooking Faults – Shakyh Yahya Rhodus

This is the Al-Maqasid podcast/audio powered by SeekersHub global. The Maqasid (purposes) that are foundational to life of the believer are: (1) Knowledge, (2) Devotion and (3) Service. It is through these purposes that we are able to truly fulfill our duty on Earth. Join this podcast to explore these purposes which carry the meanings of the Prophetic inheritance. What is discussed: (1) Overlooking other people’s faults and (2) teaching oneself to have a good opinion of others. Click to open seekershub website audio page: About the speaker: This is an initiative of 'Kind teacher' blog to share short insights of Islamic knowledge.

And They Called it Women's Liberation:

Snippets : - The majority of women still work at the lower levels of the economic pyramid. Most are employed in clerical positions, factory work, retail sales, or service jobs. Around 50% of the workforce is female. While about 78% of all cashiers and 99% of all secretaries today are female, only 31% of managers and administrators are female. Equality in the workplace has been a mirage but it has conned millions of women into leaving their homes and destroying the family structure. - The move of women from home to the public workforce has been gradual. First poor women went. Then unmarried women. Then married women without children. Then married women without young children And then, all women.  - For money to be earned, people had to leave their homes. When women worked on the farm, it was always possible to combine work and family. When work for women moved outside the home, however, the only women who could follow it were those without family responsibilities or those who had no