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Showing posts from December, 2018

They are your children, Amanah from Allah:

*They are your children*              ðŸ§•ðŸ‘² They are not burdens, they are not your mistake, they are not your headache, they are not your empty dirt bags in which you throw your stress, negativity, rage and anger into. They are not your financial difficulties, they are not your delicate toys to break emotionally, physically and mentally. They are not your weakling to walk all over and disrespect. They are not your verbal diarrhea sink to spew curses, insults and ridicule into. They are not your bad deeds coming back to haunt you. They are not the reason to live in an abusive marriage. They are not puppets to be controlled at all times. They are not your second chance to try and live your unfulfilling life, your shattered dreams and your broken aspirations through them. They are not your enemy, your competitor, your despair, your hurdle, your set back and your full stop. They are not the reason you stop perusing your dreams, hobbies and interests. They are not their nanny

Few thoughts on knowledge and self in light of islam:

To gain knowledge we need to consider these aspects: Niyyah Concentration Interest Need/eagerness to learn. Only then can we get hidayah To listen intently and hold on good are the attributes of the rightly guided Basic ailments that creep into our system stealthily and eat up the good in us. These take us away from the nusrath of Allah swt: 1) Kibr- considering others as haqheer., Ignoring haqq. A person who has kibr in his heart start neglecting the huqooq of people around him. To get over kibr start behaving politely with everyone around us and start respecting them for the emaan in his heart. 2) Ujoob- when someone does something good we start saying I did it instead of saying Allah swt enabled me to do it Ujoob is the door to kibr. 3) Bad goyi- misuse of the tongue. To eliminate these vices 1. Hold on to ur salaah with sincerity by perfecting it. Source: reflections from a teachers' professional development session at Huda National school Bangalore. Reflection

The upbringing of children as per sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w):

why are you not strict with your kids?? why dont you scare them a bit?? why you just watching and not doing anything about his/her behaviour???? This is why!!!!!   MUST  READ FOR ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE THIS QUESTION!!! THIS IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE OF!!!!! Prophetic Parenting* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recognise that your child... Is just a child. He or She isn't an adult. For the religion recognises that. Which is why he isn't held to account for any religious obligation until he hits puberty, and then he is treated as a fully accountable adult. So you are not allowed to hit him (lightly with a twig) until he is at least 10 years old and even then for something as serious in the religion as refusing to pray. And this hit is not to punish, it is to discipline. Because it's not even a proper hit, it's light tap on the hand to make him pay attention. So what is with parents who are so quick to pinch a 3 year old for spilling a drink? Or to shout at them angrily when