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Showing posts from April, 2019

Avengers Vs Messengers:

*Let's teach our children ;* Before Iron-Man, there was Dawood Alayhis Salaam, the one who could bend iron and metal with his bare hands. [Qur'aan 34:10]. Before Superman, there was Sulaymaan Alayhis Salaam, the one who could fly by controlling the winds. [Qur'aan 38:36] Before Ant-Man - the one who enlarges to 60 feet tall, there was Aadam Alayhis Salaam who was created 60 feet tall. [al-Bukhaari, 3336; Muslim, 7092] Before Wolverine - the one who cures himself instantly, there was Esaa Alayhis Salaam, the one who could do one better and cure others instantlyby the will of Allaah. [Qur'aan 3:49] Before Aquaman - the one who communicates with sea-creatures, there was Sulaymaan Alayhis Salaam who could communicate with ALL creatures. [Qur'aan 27:16] It's human nature to want a hero, albeit a super one.  And if we fail to provide our children with the correct one, they will naturally fill that void with an imaginery one. Alhamdulillah for a religion t

We are in the same position as Musa (A.s) and are in need for Allah's help:

Divine trials and tests are designed to humble you along your journey. Humility is a necessary quality for the perfection of your human experience and it also puts you in a more privileged position with Allah ( God). For Allah is always with those who are broken by their circumstance and responds to them more readily than those who rely solely on their resources out of sheer arrogance or ignorance, or both. When Musa fled Egypt running for his life after killing a man by accident, he settled by a tree realizing that there was no one who could save him from this situation. He turns to Allah (God) and says, “My Lord, whatever you have prepared for me (in your divine decree), I am in need of it now.” Source: received through WhatsApp Message.

Only you can do your work best:

Imam Al-Shafi'iee said: "Nothing scratches your skin better than your own nails, So take care of all your own affairs yourself, And if you go to seek help from someone, Then go to someone who acknowledges your worth." In Arabic: ما حكَّ جلدك مثل ظفرك فتول أنت جميع أمرك وإذا قصدت لحاجةٍ فاقصد لمعترفٍ بقدرك Source: received through WhatsApp message.

Are you from the people of Duniya or from the people of Allah:

Imam Ali radhi allahu anhu was asked how can a person know that he is from the people of Duniya or from the people of Allah. Hz. Ali replied `there is a meter inside yourself that you can test with it to know which side you are and Ali ra) proceeded by saying that If a person comes to your home to give you a gift, and the same time another person comes to take something from you " if you are more happy with the person that gave you Gift then you are from the people of duniya, and if you are more happy with the person that took from you then you are from the people of Allah. Source: received from WhatsApp, source need to be verified.

*رشتوں میں محبت کیسے پیدا کریں... ؟*

*1.   ایک دوسرے کو سلام کریں  - (مسلم: 54)* *2.   ان سے ملاقات کرنے جائیں  - (مسلم: 2567)* *3.   ان کے پاس بیٹھنے اٹھنے کا معمول بنائیں ۔ - (لقمان: 15)* *4.   ان سے بات چیت کریں  - (مسلم: 2560)* *5.   ان کے ساتھ لطف و مہربانی سے پیش آئیں - (سنن ترمذی: 1924،  صحیح)* *6.   ایک دوسرے کو ہدیہ و تحفہ دیا کریں  - (صحیح الجامع: 3004)* *7.   اگر وہ دعوت دیں تو قبول کریں  - (مسلم: 2162)* *8.   اگر وہ مہمان بن کر آئیں تو ان کی ضیافت کریں  - (ترمذی: 2485، صحیح)* *9.   انہیں اپنی دعاؤں میں یاد رکھیں  - (مسلم: 2733)* *10.   بڑے ہوں تو ان کی عزت کریں  - (سنن ابو داؤد: 4943،  سنن ترمذی: 1920، صحیح)* *11.   چھوٹے ہوں تو ان پر شفقت کریں  - (سنن ابو داؤد: 4943،  سنن ترمذی: 1920، صحیح)* *12.   ان کی خوشی و غم میں شریک ہوں  - (صحیح بخاری: 6951)* *13.   اگر ان کو کسی بات میں اعانت درکار ہو تو اس کا م میں ان کی مدد کریں  - (صحیح بخاری: 6951)* *14.   ایک دوسرے کے خیر خواہ بنیں  - (صحیح مسلم: 55)* *15.   اگر وہ نصیحت طلب کریں تو انہیں نصیحت کریں  - (صحیح مسلم: 2162)* *16.   ایک دوسرے سے مشورہ