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Showing posts from February, 2020

Practice the art of patience at the time of facing adversity and pain, which we might face for Allah's sake:

*Muslim's Religious Persecution & It's Solution Through Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ* Throughout the ages, we Muslims have been suffering for following the religion that we love - Islam. Right from the day one of the proclamation of Islam by our Noble prophet ﷺ, we suffered the brutality and pain, just for the love of Allah and His beloved ﷺ. In fact, the prophet ﷺ himself was someone who had endured this pain, for us, to show us what to do in such testing times. If we reflect upon the journey made by the prophet ﷺ to Taif, the suffering which entailed him, as well as the manner in which he returned to Makkah, we can derive the following conclusions and solutions for our testing times today. Few people might mistakenly think that the prophet ﷺ was defeated in Taif. But the reality is that he received all these trials willingly, swallowing the bitterness with patience, for the benefit of humanity. Otherwise, it was super easy for him to take revenge on the foolish men who

Parenting- the environment you give at home is the best training for him : so keep building on it-

The Task of Parenting.  Little did we know that the technologically  savvy world would impose such a big challenge on the upbringing of children .The artificial dazzle of media and technology has made it very difficult for the parents to raise children on the right lines.  Nevertheless this Hadith gives all parents a great inspiration:  an infant is born on the FITHRAH(the true nature of Islam) it is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian ... Sahih Muslim- Kitab ul Qadr . So let each parent be assured and be confident that every child has the  islamic inclination and fibre by default in his innate nature . This hope and faith shall bring shall be a big asset for parents in their task of parenting and shall also bring in positivity in their approach . The second aspect highlighted in this hadith is of  great importance in the present scenario .The fact that has been highlighted therein is about the importance of parents and their method of parenting .The early educat

*Islamic Leaders' Mercy Towards Non-Muslims*:

*Islamic Leaders' Mercy Towards Non-Muslims* When Hazrat Umar (ra) was about to pass away, he wanted the heritage of peaceful existence to be continued during the reign of his successor too, who was yet to be selected. He (ra) said: "I advise my successor to fulfill the contract of protection of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ with the non-Muslims under treaty, and to fight for them if the need arise and not to burden them with more than what they can bear." *References:* _1. Sahih Bukhari 3:1111, 2887_ _2. Musannaf by Ibn Abi Shayba, 8:436_ *_Please share so that others can benefit through the sacred life of Rasoolullah ﷺ and his Caliphs (ra)_*: Source: _An initiative by The Quran Foundation, Tolichowki, Hyd_ _www.quranfoundation.org_X

*Rasoolullah's ﷺ Mercy Towards Non-Muslims - 3*:

Narrated by Hazrat Anas (ra): "A jewess once invited Rasoolullah ﷺ for meals. He accepted the invitation and went to her house with few companions. The jewess brought poisoned mutton to Rasoolullah ﷺ and he ate it. When Rasoolullah ﷺ discovered that the meat was poisoned, the jewess was brought to him. He ﷺ asked as to why did she do that. The jewess replied: "I wanted to assassinate you." Sayyiduna Rasoolullah ﷺ said: "Allah will not empower you to do it." The sahaba then asked Rasoolullah ﷺ: "Shall we not kill her?" He replied: "No.", and he forgave the jewess. Hazrat Anas (ra) later narrated: "I continued to see the effect of her poison on Rasoolullah's ﷺ palate." *References:* _1. Sahih Bukhari 2:923, 2474_ _2. Sahih Muslim, 4:1721, 2190_ *Note: Rasoolullah ﷺ never retaliated for attacks on his sacred personality, that was his mercy. But sahaba never kept quiet during such incidents, that was their Eimaan (stron

*Rasoolullah's ﷺ Mercy Towards Non-Muslims - 2*:

As per Abdur Rahman bin al-Baylamaani (ra), a Muslim killed a man who was either a Jew or a Christian. This was reported to Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and he said: "I'm most responsible of all for fulfilling the rights of those under my care (non-Muslim citizens)." Then he ordered the killing of that Muslim man as a punishment for him, and he was killed. *References:* _1. Musnad by Imam Abu Hanifa, p. 104_ _2. Musnad by Imam Shafaee, p. 343_ _3. Al-Sunan Al-Kubra by Imam Bayhaqi, 8:30_ *_Please share so that others can benefit through the sacred life of Rasoolullah ﷺ_*: Source: _ The Quran Foundation, Tolichowki, Hyd_ _www.quranfoundation.org_

Sayyiduna Ali ibn Abi Talib raziAllahuanhu said concerning his spiritual companionship with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ,:

"I was still a young child and the Prophet ﷺ took me into his custody. I used to cling to him and he used to feed me, and (when I grew a little older), he never found me uttering a lie, nor did I ever try to deceive people. In my eyes he (the Prophet) was like a guiding star and I used to follow his actions and deeds carefully. I was attached to him like a foal of camel attached to its mother. He used to place before me high values of morality, and used to advise me to follow them; every year, he would spend some days at the grotto of the Mt. Hira and I used to be with him, I was his only companion then and none else could meet him at Hira. It was there I used to see the light of revelation and used to smell the fragrance of Prophet-hood. Once the Prophet ﷺ told me: "Ali! You have attained a very eminent place. You see what I see and you hear what I hear." (Recorded in the Tafsir ad-Durr Al-Manthur by Imam Jalaludin Al-Suyuti [ra]) Source: received

Do not neglect disciplining a child: By Imam Ibn Jawzi

📙 Disciplining Children By Ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله (d. 597H) The best of discipline is that which is done at a young age. If a child is left to his own characteristics and he or she matures into an adult possessing those characteristics, changing the person would be difficult. A poet said: “If you straighten the branches they will straighten up, But wood does not soften if you amend it. Discipline benefits children gradually. But it will not benefit those who have aged.” Being perseverant in discipline is important, particularly with regard to children, as it benefits them and doing good becomes a habit. A poet said: "Do not neglect disciplining a child, Even if he complains of the pain of exhaustion." Know that a doctor considers the age of the patient, as well as his place and time before prescribing the medicine best suited for him. Likewise, discipline should be suited to each child, and signs of the success or failure of a child can be noticed

Corona virus- Understanding through Islamic thought:

OUTBREAK! THE CURRENT corona virus threat is on the news everywhere. The children were hearing about it. My teenage son was naturally curious about viruses, mutations, origins and what was happening. Taking the opportunity, I decided to explore the issue and connect it to Islam. It’s important to show that Islam has a view on all issues and gives guidance. وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ تِبْيَٰنًا لِّكُلِّ شَىْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ ‘And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims.’ (an-Nahl 89) 1. Controlling disease spread The images of cities on lockdown, scanning travellers at airports and stations and empty streets can be scary. But this is not new for Muslims. When it comes to highly contagious communicable diseases, Islam has given guidance. Whilst they probably didn’t have novel coronavirus in the time of the Prophet ﷺ, they did have the plague. The Prop