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Showing posts from January, 2021

How to lead a productive and happy life:

 *🌈MOTIVATION🦋* *Points on Living a Productive Life* 1) Start your day with the *Fajr* Prayer.  _Begin the day with Allah’s name, shun all the things that bring you shame._ 2) Seek *forgiveness (istighfaar)* continuously, *abstain from sin* and you will receive an *increase in sustenance* (rizq). 3)   Always remember to read *Salaat.* It is the key to *success.* 4) Bear in mind that everything *you utter* is being *recorded.* 5) Do not lose hope ... even in a bad storm. 6) In the of midst of *worries and anxiety* recite * laa hawla wa laa Quwatta illa billah*. 7) Earn the *Duas* of the poor through *charity*. 8) Try to spend some time with the *Quran* instead of reading Newspapers and Magazines.  9) Initiate *change within* yourself, and your family will follow you, in sha Allah.  10) *Respect* your parents. They are the most important bounty and the means of *Allah Ta'alas pleasure. _Rabbir hum huma kamaa rabbayaanee sagheera._ 11) Do not lose your *temper.* Do not hold *grudges

The 40 Acts of Paradise:

 * Abdallah Bin ‘Amr Bin ‘Āsؓ  said that he heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say, “There are forty acts, the best of which is giving food, if any are done seeking their reward and believing in their promise, Allah will grant them Paradise by this act.” (Bukhari). Shaykh ‘Abdullah Bin Siddīq al-Ghumārī (d. 1993) wrote a small book enumerating these forty acts : 1. Feeding people in need and without remuneration 2. Removing a harmful object from the road 3. Feeding and watering animals 4. Visiting the sick 5. Befriending and visiting someone only for the sake of God 6. Belief in God and the Final Hour 7. Giving when you have little 8. Enjoying the good and forbidding the evil 9. Helping those with disabilities 10. Heling the misfortunate 11. Returning a salam greeting 12. Responding with blessings to the one who sneezes 13. Responding to an invitation 14. Following a funeral procession 15. Beginning a salam greeting 16. Giving sound advice 17. Removing harm from the mosque 18. Smiling in t

Mothers have a great role to play in shaping the characters and morals of nations:

 * *Two incidents about the loss of a pencil!* *The first case of the missing pencil:* One robber says: Once, when I was in 4th class, I lost my pencil. When I came home I told my mother about it, as a punishment she hit me and scolded me. She called me stupid, irresponsible and much more. As a result of my mother's harsh behaviour, I made up my mind that I would not go to my mother empty-handed, so I decided to steal the pencils of my classmates. The next day, I made a plan and I didn't stop stealing one or two pencils but stole the pencils of all my class fellows. At first, I used to be afraid, but with time I got confident and more fearless. After doing so for a month, I lost the thrill. Then, I decided to go to the next class. I went from one class to another, and finally I went to the school principal's room.  It was a year of practical experience in which I learned to steal both theoretically and practically and then I became a professional bandit. *The second case o

I ask: _"Why was I tested?"_ see what Quran says-

 - I ask: _"Why was I tested?"_ Quraan answers: *“Do men think that they will be left alone saying, ’We believe’, and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false.” [29:2-3]* I ask: _"Why could I never get what I want?"_ Quraan answers: *“It is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing, which is bad for you. But Allah knows, while you know not.” [2:216]* I ask: _"Why was I burdened this way?"_ Quraan answers: *“Allah does not place a burden to a soul greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns.” [2:286]* And, *“So verily, with every difficulty there is relief: (repeated) Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.” [94:5-6]* I ask: _"Why do I lose hope?"_ Quraan answers: *“So lose not heart, nor fall into despair…” [3:139]* I ask: _"How can I face it?"