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Showing posts from February, 2021

Sheikh Khattab Bohaj (Rahimahullah) and Islam in Gambia:

 - Published as received. *The Gambian Scholar who passed away in Sajdah* This has been my third trip to The Gambia on behalf of Ummah Welfare Trust. A small West African country once colonised by the British. One of the great challenges that the colonisers had, after they'd agreed to end slavery and over a century of oppression, was how to utilise a new generation of Africans to spread Christianity across the West African region. In 1787 AD  many slaves from America and the West  returned to Freetown, the modern-day capital of Sierra Leone, West Africa. The town was to be the base for their mission. As a result, today, many Christians in Sierra Leone have Muslims ancestry, which is clear from their Islamic names. What fascinated me about The Gambia, however was that Islam till today here remains strong. Over 95% of the population are Muslims, and by constitution, it is a Muslim country. Alhamdulillah, Islamic clothing is commonly seen and there are many Islamic institutes. The gen

Animals which have been named in the Quran; the birds and insects of which are:

-  Approximately 35 animals have been named in the Quran; the birds and insects of which are: Salwa (سلوی)=The quail (Baqarah:57),  Ba’uth (بعوض)=Mosquito (Baqarah:26),  Dhubab (ذباب)=Fly (Hajj:73),  Nahl (نحل)=Honeybee (Nahl:68),  Ankabut (عنکبوت)=Spider (Ankabut:41),  Jarad (جراد)=Grasshopper (A’raf:133),  HudHud (هدهد)=Hoopoe (Naml:20),  Ghurab (غراب)=Crow (Ma’idah:31),  Ababil (ابابیل)= probably ‘Swallow’ (Fil:3),  Naml (نمل)=Ant (Naml:18),  Farash (فراش)=Butterfly (Al-Qari’ah),  Qummal (قمّل)=Flea (A’raf:133). Also, other animals have been mentioned in the Quran which are as follows: Qirdah (قرده)=Monkey (Baqarah:65),  Bighal (بغال)=Mule (Nahl:16),  Ghanam/Na’jah/Dha’n/Ma’z (غنم/نعجه/ضأن/معز)=Sheep (An’am:143-146 and Sad:23-24),  Dhi’b (ذئب)=Wolf (Yusuf:15), Ba’ir (بعیر) and Jamal (جمل)=Camel (Yusuf:65; A’raf:40…),  Qaswarah (قسورة)=Lion (Muddathir:51),  Kheyl (خیل)/Jiyad (جیاد)(plural of جواد)/Safinat (صافنات)(plural of صافنة)=Horse (Nahl:8; Sad:51),  Baqar (بقر)=Cow (Baqarah:70)

The salaf would be happy and optimistic when worldly difficulties stuck them:

-  Worldly Difficulties | - The Salaf would be happy and optimistic when something of this world became difficult for them. I never quite understood this statement. Were they happy and optimistic because a difficulty meant eventual ease, as is Allāh’s promise? Was it out of anticipation of a fulfilment of a worldly need? Or was there something more to it? Then it occurred to me after many years of returning to this statement that a man who sets out to find work and finds it easily and effortlessly is a man who misses out on a grand opportunity of begging Allāh and raising his worries and concerns to Him. The man who faces road blocks inevitably finds himself humble, submissive and desperate at the door of Allāh ﷻ. A man who goes in search of a job, a wife, a car, a home, some wealth and gets it readily each and every time isn’t necessarily successful. A man who can easily dip into his plentiful resources and fulfil a need perhaps misses out on the opportunity of turning to Allāh in the

Importance of counselling in Education:

 - Muslim Education, some light in current situation: Counseling holds the Key By M. A. Siraj It is heartening to know that the Mercy Mission would be taking up task of providing scholarships to students in need of financial assistance. Although a lot of organizations are already doing this, there is limitless scope for more to be done with further zeal, insight and strength. Education is a vast field and number of issues need to be borne in mind. Financial assistance to those who are keen to pursue education and do well in life and be a good and contributing citizen of the nation is just one. Hundreds of young people carry dreams in their eyes, expecting much from their lives. But they remain dreams, never to materialize. Financial crunch scotches all hopes and smothers their drive and enthusiasm. In Ramazan 2018, a woman had knocked at our doors. Bulky, clad in an old-styled burqa, she came and sat for a while. Behind her walked her son who had brought her driving their autorickshaw.

Focusing on Quran, mastering it and growing with it:

 Focusing on Quran, mastering it and growing with it will be one of the greatest commitments you make in this life to protect and shield your heart from the illusions of this world. Memorising Quran, in fact, is a lifelong commitment. Don’t start a new decade of your life without having devoted yourself to hifdh and recitation of Quran. Quran will provide steadfastness to your heart and safeguard your intellect while increasing your focus and shifting your priorities for a more blessed and healthy lifestyle as it’ll become the guiding light for you on your journey in this life. قِيلَ ادْخُلِ الْجَنَّةَ قَالَ يَا لَيْتَ قَوْمِي يَعْلَمُونَ * بِمَا غَفَرَ لِي رَبِّي وَجَعَلَنِي مِنَ الْمُكْرَمِينَ سورة يس “..he was told ˹by the angels˺, “Enter Paradise!” He said, “If only my people knew of how my Lord has forgiven me, and made me one of the honourable.” - Surah Yaseen. Source: received through whatsapp