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Showing posts from July, 2021

Why Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) is a Leader:

  Source: the above information is gathered through whatsapp.

Islam is overall a religion of perseverance and tolerance. In short a religion of patience:

-  July 29 2021 (The original speech was in urdu, after that it is translated into English text by Mohsin sir) Surah Al kahf. Meaning of patience explained:  *By famous scholar of Islam Ibn Ul Qayyim in his book "Patience and Gratitude."*  "It means stronger common sense and religious motives."  *Patience has a different role in different aspects.*  * When controlling sexual desires it's called honor (waqaar). *When restraining greed it's self control(tahammul) *When used in anger management it's forbearance (bardaashth). *When refraining from haste and hurry it's gracefulness (Shaistaa). *When refraining from running away it's courage (bahaduri). *When avoiding revenge/retaliation it's forgiveness (Maafi). *When refraining from stinginess (kanjoosi) it's generosity (Sakhawath). Islam is overall a religion of perseverance and tolerance. In short a religion of patience. Being created with a mixture of fire, water, mud and air, certain fea

About Hell, Hell fire- Jahannam ki tafseel :

 July 30 - 2021. Today's learning: (The original speech was in urdu, after that it is translated into English text by Mohsin sir) Surath Al -Kahf.Chapter 18- verse:29.  *Hell explanation: (Jahannam ki tafseel):*  By Islamic interpreters.(Mufassireen e Islam).  *Brief description of the verse:*  When the truth is revealed then it is upon the people whether to accept it or reject it.If they accept it then it's good for them and if they reject it then there's a torment of blazing fire for them.  *Inference:* Here the humans who had being given the free will(ikhtiyaar) act according to their own whims and desires.Angels don't have this kind of choice with them only the jinns(one of the creation of Allah with fire) and the humans have this free will option.  *Consequences of the free will:*  Allah has revealed all the ways of guidance in his final book.Those who don't accept and practice they would be sent to the hell. Seven names of hell are as follows: 1.Jahannam 2.Laz

Business Etiquette from Prophet Muhammed's ﷺ :

 * Prophet Muhammed's ﷺ Business Etiquette* - In Islam, trade has always been recognised as an important aspect of human life. Before revelation came to Prophet ﷺ, he earned his living as a trader. His integrity and veracity were quickly noticed by his employer, Sayyida Khadijah (RA), who later married him.  *★ Sadiq and Ameen* It was a result of his ﷺ honesty and noble character that he ﷺ was called as 'Sadiq' (truthful) and 'Ameen' (trustworthy) amongst the Makkans. Hazrat Abu Sufianؓ  (the bitterest enemy of Islam before he accepted Islam) said: "It is inconceivable for one who has never told a lie during his whole life to invent lies against Allah ﷻ. The Makkans agreed unanimously that Allah's Messenger ﷺ was a truthful person. Once before his conversion, Yasir (ra) asked his son Ammar (ra), where he was going. Ammar (ra) said that he was going to the Prophet ﷺ. Being fully satisfied of his son's safety while with him ﷺ, he replied: "Muhammad ﷺ

When it comes to sacrifices in life, we are supposed to follow the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S):

 - Assalaam u alaikum Haj and qurbani reminds us we are Millat e Ibraahim We are supposed to follow their footsteps  Men to imbibe spirit of sacrifice from Hazrat Ibraeem A S Women from Hazrat Hajira A S Children from Hazrat Ismaeel A S Sacrifice for the beloved Almighty Allah.  Let us renew our intentions today and remove all the hurdles in front of us to work for Almighty Allah 's cause Let us make our eid really meaningful and mubarak to ourselves and entire humanity  Jazakallah

The Eid ul Adha let us strive to reflect on these sincere sacrifices, and unconditional submission towards Allah (S.W.T):

- The sacrifice has got a greater meaning for mankind. The point of the sacrifice is to kill something dear to man as an offering to the divine, as Abraham (A.S) was prepared to do, serving as a reminder to followers of Islam not to become preoccupied by their possessions or lose sight of their spiritual compass.  *Say, "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah , Lord of the worlds.* (6:162) Eid ul Adha reminds us of the Sacrifice of a family of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). This Eid ul Adha let us strive to reflect on these sincere sacrifices, and unconditional submission towards Allah (S.W.T).  Let us not forget the reason behind the celebration of Eid al-Adhaa; the true sacrifice of a father and son, their ultimate submission to Allah and the lessons they left behind. May we strive to sacrifice our wealth, time and efforts for the pleasure of Allah swt.  *Taqabbal Allahu minna wa minkum* *Eid Mubarak from Kind Teacher Islamic Blog team* Explore be

We need to go back to these core teachings and examples of Islam and similarly strive for achieving an ethical and moral society, wherever we live:

- Assalamualaikum, For those who can drop their 21st century cultural baggage and read this sermon in its own historical context, one can’t help but admire it as one of the earliest declarations of human rights in written history. Almost everything Muhammad SAWS says in this prophetic sermon was almost unheard of and inconceivable prior to the arrival of Islam. The Prophet of Islam addresses some of the core universal values in a society where those values are long forgotten and violated in a systemic basis. The Prophet didn’t only say but transformed his society, in a very short period of time, remarkably in all the values and lessons that he talks about.  In this sermon of Muhammad SAWS, Muslims find their deep commitment to the universal human values such as sacredness of life and property, equality, justice, peace and more. Upon these high universal values, the religion of Islam was built.  We still have so much to learn from this 1,440-plus-year-old cry and we are so much in need

Don't forget to follow these 12 Sunnah for Eid Al-Adha 🌙

 ⤵️ 1. Waking up early. 2. Taking a Ghusl 3. Using a Miswak/brushing your teeth. 4. Dressing in your best clothes.   5. Putting on a nice scent. 6. Delay eating until after you finish the Eid prayer, even if you eat before it's not Harām or Makrūh. Eating before the Eid Salah is for Eid Al-Fitr, eating after the Eid Salah is for Eid Al-Adha 7. Arriving early at Masjid. 8. When you are driving to Masjid (better to walk) say these Takberāt out loud :   “Allahu-Akbar.  Allahu-Akbar. La ilaaha illallah. Wa Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Wa lillahil hamd”. 9. It's Sunnah for the imām to talk about Udhiya (sacrifíce) & 3 days after Eid 10. Return home from a different road from which you came from. Because on the day of judgement the road will testify that you used it for the sake of Allah, so it's better to have more roads! 11. From the Fajr of 9th Dhul-Hijjah to the Asr of 13th Dhul-Hijjah after each farḍ prayer say these Takberāt:    “Allahu-Akbar.  Allahu-Akbar. La ilaaha il

*Learning Meeting Etiquette from Prophet Muhammed ﷺ

 - Hazrat Imam Hasanؓ  reported: "Husainؓ  said, 'I asked my father about the conduct (Seerah) of the Prophet ﷺ towards those in gatherings. He said that the Prophet ﷺ always had a friendly facial expression. He had a soft and friendly character. He neither had harsh or coarse behavior, nor was he a fault finder, and a person who used to get involved in trivial argumentation. Prophet Muhammed ﷺ would overlook things that he disliked, but at the same time did not force others to dislike them too. He forsook three things for himself: involvement in disputes, being excessive in any matter, and matters that did not concern him.  As far as he went with dealing with people in the meetings, he never dishonored anyone nor got into the personal matters of people.  Prophet Muhammed ﷺ spoke only the words with which he hoped to get rewards from Allah. He laughed at what people in his meetings found to be humorous, and would express amazement at what they expressed amazement at. He would

Why are our young generation being so impatient, why aint there mutual understanding in marriages these days:

 - An eye opener!  Recently in sunday's siasat newspaper someone gave an ad for second marriage as he lost his wife last year. Hundreds of proposals received in 2 days..But it was extremely shocking and sad that 99% proposals came from girls who took khula from their previous marriage and all of them were highly qualified girls..some being post graduates, mbbs, mtech, btech, Bed, Med etc. Not a single proposal came from from uneducated girls. Wonder as to why is this happening! Girls are taking khula within a year of marriage..Is this the impact of education? Is being highly educated making them ultimately incompatible for marriage. And marrying someone who is beneath them in terms of educational credentials leads to ego clashes...some of these girls were single after 7 years of khula, some since 5 years while others 3 years..Its extremely pathetic that this is happening in muslim society, why are our young generation being so impatient, why aint there mutual understanding in marri

Quran: we will be able to take benefit out of it, if only we read it, understand it and bring it into our lives:

 - Understand this with a story: A BEGGAR WITH A TREASURE- An old woman was begging in front of a masjid. A man said to her, "Your son is capable of earning, then why are you begging here?"  The woman replied, "My husband has passed away and my son went foreign for a job. While going, he had given me some money for my expenses, which I have already spent and now I have no money, that is why I am begging here." The man asked again, "Doesn't your son send you anything from the foreign country?" The old lady replied, "Yes, my son keep sending me a colourful paper every month that I keep pasting on the wall." The man then went to her house and saw that 60 bank drafts were pasted on the wall. Each draft was of ₹50,000. Not wise enough, thus she did not know how much wealth she had at her home. The man explained to her the value of the drafts and how to cash them.  Our condition is also the same as that of the old woman. We have the Qur'an, we

12 Good Ways How to Become Successful in Life in Islam:

-  Reminder for myself foremost 🌹 12 Good Ways How to Become Successful in Life in Islam 1. Set the Intention Right Everything begin with the intention. If we start something with the right intention, to seek for blessing from Allah SWT, it will be easier for us. When we are working hard to be successful by looking at Allah SWT, He will always be with us. It matters more than anything.  2. Have Passion in Your Efforts Nobody will be able to reach for their goals unless they have passion in it. Passion is an inner drive that motivates us to always work even harder and not giving up. Passion is main ingredients for success as it works as machine who keeps us alive. “Even so, there are some who choose to worship others besides God as rivals to Him, loving them with the love due to God, but the believers have greater love for God.” (2:165) 3. Give the Best on Work One can dream as high as possible, but dream will remain dream if you don’t work to make it true. Your work define your succes