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Showing posts from November, 2021

Prophet Muhammed ﷺ – The Best Father Ever..

-  *Prophet Muhammed ﷺ – The Best Father Ever* Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was a perfect father and a unique grandfather. He was unique in every way. He treated his children and grandchildren with great compassion, and always directed them towards goodness and hereafter. He smiled at his children, loved them, but did not allow them to neglect matters related to the afterlife. In worldly matters he was extremely open, but when it came to maintaining their relationship with God, he was dignifiedly serious. He showed his children how to lead a humane life, and never allowed them to get spoiled.  It is narrated in Muslim by Hadrat Anas bin Malik (ra), who served Prophet Muhammed ﷺ for ten continuous years, as saying: “I have never seen a man who was more compassionate to his family members than Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.” All of Prophet Muhammed’s ﷺ sons passed away in infancy – so was Hazrat Ibraheem (ra), his son through Sayyida Maria (ra). When Hazrat Ibraheem passed away, the prophet took in his lap a