To gain knowledge we need to consider these aspects:
Need/eagerness to learn.
Only then can we get hidayah
To listen intently and hold on good are the attributes of the rightly guided
Basic ailments that creep into our system stealthily and eat up the good in us. These take us away from the nusrath of Allah swt:
1) Kibr- considering others as haqheer., Ignoring haqq.
A person who has kibr in his heart start neglecting the huqooq of people around him.
To get over kibr start behaving politely with everyone around us and start respecting them for the emaan in his heart.
2) Ujoob- when someone does something good we start saying I did it instead of saying Allah swt enabled me to do it
Ujoob is the door to kibr.
3) Bad goyi- misuse of the tongue.
To eliminate these vices
1. Hold on to ur salaah with sincerity by perfecting it.
Source: reflections from a teachers' professional development session at Huda National school Bangalore. Reflection received by Hauna coordinator.