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They are your children, Amanah from Allah:

*They are your children*              🧕👲 They are not burdens, they are not your mistake, they are not your headache, they are not your empty dirt bags in which you throw your stress, negativity, rage and anger into. They are not your financial difficulties, they are not your delicate toys to break emotionally, physically and mentally. They are not your weakling to walk all over and disrespect. They are not your verbal diarrhea sink to spew curses, insults and ridicule into. They are not your bad deeds coming back to haunt you. They are not the reason to live in an abusive marriage. They are not puppets to be controlled at all times. They are not your second chance to try and live your unfulfilling life, your shattered dreams and your broken aspirations through them. They are not your enemy, your competitor, your despair, your hurdle, your set back and your full stop. They are not the reason you stop perusing your dreams, hobbies and interests. They are not their nanny

Few thoughts on knowledge and self in light of islam:

To gain knowledge we need to consider these aspects: Niyyah Concentration Interest Need/eagerness to learn. Only then can we get hidayah To listen intently and hold on good are the attributes of the rightly guided Basic ailments that creep into our system stealthily and eat up the good in us. These take us away from the nusrath of Allah swt: 1) Kibr- considering others as haqheer., Ignoring haqq. A person who has kibr in his heart start neglecting the huqooq of people around him. To get over kibr start behaving politely with everyone around us and start respecting them for the emaan in his heart. 2) Ujoob- when someone does something good we start saying I did it instead of saying Allah swt enabled me to do it Ujoob is the door to kibr. 3) Bad goyi- misuse of the tongue. To eliminate these vices 1. Hold on to ur salaah with sincerity by perfecting it. Source: reflections from a teachers' professional development session at Huda National school Bangalore. Reflection

The upbringing of children as per sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w):

why are you not strict with your kids?? why dont you scare them a bit?? why you just watching and not doing anything about his/her behaviour???? This is why!!!!!   MUST  READ FOR ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE THIS QUESTION!!! THIS IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE OF!!!!! Prophetic Parenting* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recognise that your child... Is just a child. He or She isn't an adult. For the religion recognises that. Which is why he isn't held to account for any religious obligation until he hits puberty, and then he is treated as a fully accountable adult. So you are not allowed to hit him (lightly with a twig) until he is at least 10 years old and even then for something as serious in the religion as refusing to pray. And this hit is not to punish, it is to discipline. Because it's not even a proper hit, it's light tap on the hand to make him pay attention. So what is with parents who are so quick to pinch a 3 year old for spilling a drink? Or to shout at them angrily when

Thoughtful words:

Respecting mother: When Muhammad B. Sīrīn (r) would speak to his mother, he wouldn't use his complete tongue to pronounce words out of fear that he would be violating her esteem. Today, some of us may even damage our vocal cords to speak our minds with our mothers, especially if they disagree! Source: Recieved in WhatsApp message ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Shaykh Sālih al-‘Uthaymeen رحمه الله said: “Each and every time a person increases in obedience to Allāh, He [Allāh] opens up the realms of knowledge and ēmān for him which He [Allāh] does not open up for anyone else.” Sifatus-Salāh | Page 9 | Shaykh Sālih al-‘Uthaymeen رحمه الله Translation: Authentic Quotes Source: Recieved in WhatsApp message ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖

The most honorable work in the world is that done sincerely for Allah:

If you make the claim that you are serving for the sake of Allah, expect Allah to constantly test you in that claim. Expect ingratitude from the people you hope to benefit. Expect people constantly questioning your intentions and work. Expect that keyboard warriors will wage war on you. Expect feeling lonely amongst your peers. That’s all part of the package. This doesn’t justify the bad behavior of others, but makes you independent of their behavior as a whole. The most honorable work in the world is that done sincerely for Allah , but that honor should be sought only from Him. This life, along with all of it’s hardships caused by the people you will encounter in it, is temporary. The next life, along with all of it’s reward for the righteous and the praise of the Most High, is eternal. Source: recieved in WhatsApp.

Spend quality time with your children. This in turn could also help you and your child to escape from harms of smartphones and computer addictions:

- Spending time with your child  is better than spending money on your child.  - As a parent set times when you will check email and messages, and stick to them. Force yourself to keep work and family separate, and don’t let work-based stress overflow into family time. - Adults need to wake up and realize that modern computer violence with violent games are seriously nasty, and because children don’t experience any real pain whilst playing they become desensitized to violence. There is also evidence that it encourages aggressive, violent behavior and creates negative attitudes towards women. - Given that children learn by imitation, they will quickly begin mimicking what they hear and see. - Challenge your children to not touch their gadgets except for a specific amount of time and see to it that they use their time efficiently, thereby rewarding them with prizes! - As parents, we can definitely take steps to change this situation.  Will it be hard? Yes. Is it impossible? No.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Said, ‘I do not eat when reclining... for I am but a slave; I eat as a slave eats and sit as a slave sits':

Abu Juhayfa Wahb ibn ‘Abdullah said, “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‘I do not eat reclining.'”  al-Bukhari If eating with your hand, use three fingers with small bites, lifting it gently with ease to your mouth. Close your mouth while eating to avoid unnecessary noises. To eat on the floor is nearer to what the Prophet used to do. food on a sufra on the ground—for this is closest to what the The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace did—rather than to place it on a raised table. ‘When food was brought to The Messenger of Allah (may God bless him and grant him peace), he would place it on the ground,’ for this is closer to humility. Thus, ‘The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace used often to squat down on his knees and sit on his heels for the meal. At other times he would raise his right leg and sit on his left.’ He used to say: ‘I do not eat when reclining... for I am but a slave; I eat as a

*Allama Iqbal ke Naseehat Aamoz Ashaar*

منزل سے آگے بڑھ کر منزل تلاش کر Manzil Se Aage Badh Kar Manzil Talaash Kar مل جائے تجھکو دریا تو سمندر تلاش کر Mil Jaaye Tujhko Dariya To Samandar Talaash Kar ہر شیشہ ٹوٹ جاتا ہے پتھر کی چوٹ سے Har Sheesha Toot Jaata Hai Patthar Ki Chot Se پتھر ہی ٹوٹ جائے وہ شیشہ تلاش کر Patthar Hi Toot Jaaye Woh Sheesha Talaash Kar سجدوں سے تیرے کیا ہوا صدیاں گزرگئیں Sajdon Se Tere Kya Huwa Sadiyan Guzar Gayin دنیا تیری بدل دے وہ سجدہ تلاش کر Duniya Teri Badal De Woh Sajdah Talaash Kar ایمان تیرا لُٹ گیا رہزن کے ہاتھوں سے Imaan Tera Lut Gaya Rehzan Ke Haathon Se ایماں تیرا بچالے وہ رہبر تلاش کر Imaan Tera Bachaa Le Woh Rehbar Talaash Kar ہر شخص جل رہا ہے عداوت کی آگ میں Har Shakhs Jal Raha Hai Adaawat Ki Aag Mein اس آگ کو بجھا دے وہ پانی تلاش کر Us Aag Ko Bhujaa De Woh Paani Talaash Kar کرے سوار اونٹ پہ اپنے غلام کو Kare Sawaar Oonth Pe Apne Gulaam Ko پیدل ہی خود چلے جو وہ آقا تلاش کر. Paydal Hi Khud Chale Jo Woh Aaqa Talaash Kar!! Source: received in WhatsApp message

Fear for Allah SWT deepens the love for Him:

The effect of fear on one's heart- Isn't it strange that fear for a force/person other than Allah SWT creates a feeling of resentment/ hatred for that person/ force while on the other side fear for Allah SWT deepens the love for Him, makes you think over twice before you do something and keeps you focused. Source: recieved as WhatsApp message

Advice on Seeking Knowledge – Imaam Ash-Shaafi`ee:

Advice on Seeking Knowledge – Imaam Ash-Shaafi`ee قال الإمام الشافعي أخي لن تنال العلم إلا بستة ….. سأنبيك عن تفصيلها ببيان ذكاء وحرص واجتهاد وبلغة ….. وصحبة أستاذ وطول زمان ”O my Brother you will never gain knowledge without [possessing] six [qualities]; I will inform you of these in detail and with clarity: 1. Sharpness [of the mind] 2. eagerness [to learn] 3. sacrifice [in terms of time, etc] 4. means [i.e wealth], 5. the company of a teacher 6 and length of time!” [Diwaan (collection of poetry) of Ash-Shaafi'ee rahimahuLlaah] Source: received through WhatsApp message..

Sadaqah will reach Allah first and then the poor person:

Regarding *Sadaqah*; If the person giving *Sadaqah* knows that the money he is donating will reach Allah first and then the poor person, he will truly gain much more joy in giving rather than taking. Do you know the benefits of *Sadaqah*? Pay particular attention to 17,18,19 So listen 1. *Sadaqah* is one of the doors from Jannah 2. *Sadaqah* is the most virtuous action in all good actions, and the best form of Sadaqah is to feed others 3. *Sadaqah* will be a shade on the day of judgement and it will save a person from the fire 4. *Sadaqah* makes the anger of Allah cool and it also cools the heat in the grave 5. The best and most beneficial gift for a deceased person is *Sadaqah* and Allah continues to increase the reward of *Sadaqah* 6. *Sadaqah* is a way to purify the soul and increases good deeds 7. *Sadaqah* will be a cause of happiness on the day of judgement on the face of the giver 8. *Sadaqah* is a source of peace from the dangers of the day of judgement and it doesn

Poet-philosopher and Hakimul Ummat Sir Mohammad Allama Iqbal (1877--1938):

November 9 is the birth anniversary of poet-philosopher and Hakimul Ummat Sir Mohammad Allama Iqbal (1877--1938). Kind teacher has presented interesting incidents from Allama's life as part of tribute to the great man whose poetry has inspired generations. Here is the first in the series: Though Iqbal's creative output was huge, he was never a rich man. His poor financial condition compelled Sir Syed's grandson and Iqbal's great friend Sir Ross Masood to intervene. In 1935 Ross Masood got a lifetime monthly scholarship of Rs 500 issued to Iqbal from Nawab of Bhopal. Ross Masood wanted similar help from nawabs of Hyderabad, Bhawalpur and Sir Agha Khan. But Iqbal wrote to Ross Masood that whatever he received from Nawab of Bhopal was enough to meet his expenses as he was not used to live like a royal. It was unbecoming of a Muslim to have lust for money, Iqbal added. In January 1938 when Iqbal was seriously ill he received a cheque of Rs1000 from the Hyderabad state but

Be so close to the Qur’an that you truly feel its blessings in your life:

🌹This is a beautiful message that I'd love to share with you! I don't know the author but it's a voice of my heart! Be so close to the Qur’an that with every turn of its page, your heart also turns. You undergo a change of character; and come out better. You come closer to Allah and you understand your religion more. Be so close to the Qur’an that not only do you consider it to be your companion in life, but it also considers *you* to be its companion both here and on Yawm al-Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection). Be so close to the Qur’an that whenever you open to read it, it draws you in deeply and takes you on amazing journeys through power concepts and thought-provoking dialogue, through history and the undisputed facts of the future and Hereafter; learning life lessons and learning about yourself. The journey doesn’t end until you end it (by closing the Book). Be so close to the Qur’an that you make it your first point of judgement and guidance when you quarrel or fall o

Muslim Women at home are doing a wonderful job:

Women and household work ! 🌶🍅🌶🍅🌶🍅🌶🍅🌶🍅 To all of my believing sisters out there who feel “ being stuck at home “ with child rearing and cooking and cleaning day in and day out .... who feel their productivity and creativity is withering away , who feel there is a lot to do out there like going for hifz classes , attending lectures , volunteering for dawah activities and other ways by which they can gain Allah subhaanahu wa taala s pleasure .... Do you feel there is less opportunities at home for acquiring great rewards ? Then let me remind you of 2 great women of Paradise ... Khadijah and Fatimah , may Allah be pleased with them both ... Khadija , (R) was not a scholar of Hadith like , Aisha (R) ... she has not related a single Hadith, nor has she participated in any battle of Islam ... Then what are her achievements , of course being the first convert is the best of them .... which is obviously beyond our reach , but is it only that ? No ... her role as devoted wife a

Children listen to us or imitate us:

*One lady was travelling in a train with her 6 year kid, they both were reading Quran.* *It seemed unbelievable to most of the fellow passengers.* *Then one of them got up and asked.....* *"Ma'am in today world the kids who are born yesterday play with smartphone  and this kid is reading Quran, How come he is not with playing phone or a tablet?* *How come he listens to you and discusses Quran in detail and how did you make him do that?"* *To this the woman calmly replied "Sir, kids do not listen to us but they sure do copy us."*🙏 *A small sentence,* *A deep meaning.*👌👍 Source: WhatsApp message..

The Etiquettes of Companionship (Part 1): Good Opinion and Overlooking Faults – Shakyh Yahya Rhodus

This is the Al-Maqasid podcast/audio powered by SeekersHub global. The Maqasid (purposes) that are foundational to life of the believer are: (1) Knowledge, (2) Devotion and (3) Service. It is through these purposes that we are able to truly fulfill our duty on Earth. Join this podcast to explore these purposes which carry the meanings of the Prophetic inheritance. What is discussed: (1) Overlooking other people’s faults and (2) teaching oneself to have a good opinion of others. Click to open seekershub website audio page: About the speaker: This is an initiative of 'Kind teacher' blog to share short insights of Islamic knowledge.

And They Called it Women's Liberation:

Snippets : - The majority of women still work at the lower levels of the economic pyramid. Most are employed in clerical positions, factory work, retail sales, or service jobs. Around 50% of the workforce is female. While about 78% of all cashiers and 99% of all secretaries today are female, only 31% of managers and administrators are female. Equality in the workplace has been a mirage but it has conned millions of women into leaving their homes and destroying the family structure. - The move of women from home to the public workforce has been gradual. First poor women went. Then unmarried women. Then married women without children. Then married women without young children And then, all women.  - For money to be earned, people had to leave their homes. When women worked on the farm, it was always possible to combine work and family. When work for women moved outside the home, however, the only women who could follow it were those without family responsibilities or those who had no

A short note on the Ideal Muslim society:

By Gufraan , Author is an Educationist based out of Pune. The Ideal Muslim society: Hazrat Umar (r.a.) period 's society was an ideal. His was a society in which true freedom existed.  Hazrat Umar (r.a.) did not pray in the church in Jerusalem simply because he did not want to give the later Muslims an excuse to take the church. In the History of Muslim civilization we see that even slaves have risen to high positions in the government as well as become great scholars of their era. Such an equal civilization & pure system of belief naturally spread to distant lands at an astonishing pace. In some places it spread through businessmen landing on Indian shores of Malabar and the south-east Asian countries & in some places it spread through brilliant scholars & great sufi saints who displayed remarkable nobility & integrity of character. Infact the Golden age between 700 AD & 1500 AD was a civilization which established an equitable, egalitarian, prosperous, to

During this difficult time, remember this famous story of Musa (AS):

"We are living and experiencing a time when truth is cast as falsehood, and lies are presented as truth. We live in societies where we are having to face some serious challenges in both our internal conscience and the environment around us. During this difficult time, and as ‘Ashuraa is upon us, I am reminded of the famous story of Musa (AS). Allah (ﷻ) reminds us of a man who faced the greatest of tyrants, the harshest of conditions, and the most oppressive of regimes. Despite these extreme circumstance he was resilient, he did not give up, nor did he lose hope. He knew with certainty, the same way Allah (ﷻ) had guided him through everything else he faced in life, He would continue to pave a path for him. In the Qur’an Allah (ﷻ) describes the scene: And when the two companies saw one another, the companions of Musa said, “Indeed, we are to be overtaken!” [Musa] said, “No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.” Then We inspired to Musa, “Strike with your staff the sea,”

Kind words from Quran and Hadith- part 2:

1. Jo shakhs koi buri sifaarish karta hai use us buraai se hissa (gunnah) milta hai aur Allah har cheez par nazar rakhne waala hai. (Sura-e-Nisa: 85) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 2. Tum mein behtareen shakhs woh hai jis se log bhalaai ki ummeed karein aur us ke shar se mehfooz hon. (Tirmizi: 2263) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 3. Tum mein bad tareen shakhs woh hai jis se log bhalaai ki ummeed na karein aur us ke shar se mehfooz na hon. (Tirmizi: 2263) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 4. Jo jawaan bhi kisi boodhe shakhs ki us ke budhaape ki wajah se izzat karta hai, to Allah Ta'ala us jawaan ke budhaape ke waqt kisi aise shakhs ko mutayyan kar deta hai jo us ki izzat karta hai. (Tirmizi: 2022) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 5. Tum apne kisi bhai se jhagda na karo aur na us se mazaaq karo (jis se us ko takleef ho) aur us se aisa waada na karo jis ko poora na kar sako. (Tirmizi: 1995) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 6. Aapas mein ek doosre ka maal na haq tareeqon se na khaao. (Sura-e-Baqarah: 188) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 7. Jo banda ki