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Showing posts from July, 2018

Parents should not depend on others for the correct upbringing of their children, they should take responsibility themselves:

A pattern and rule for the house. Dr Abdul Kareem Bakkaar from Syria famous for his sayings, an author of more than 40 books, who taught in most of the universities in Saudi Arabia. He mentions: Parents should not depend on others for the correct upbringing of their children, they should take responsibility themselves and make the children responsible for their own good character. It will be good if parents make some light rules in the house so that the children can understand the importance of fulfilling responsibilities and good character can become part of their lives. Parents should take what is relavent for them and if they so wish, change and add some points. 1. Every person in the house should perform Salaah on it’s  correct time. 2. "Please" and "Jazakallah" are of utmost importance, no one will be exempt from using it. 3. Hitting, fighting, swearing and cursing will not be tolerated. 4. Your thinking and views will be presented with complete respe

We do not know when death is going to come to us and we meet Allah:

Story about a fisherman. There was a Fisherman who was very hardworking in his job.  He used to go for fishing whenever he needed fish. The fish would stay in the house till when its over and he would go for fishing again. One day... When the wife of the fisherman was cutting the fish which her husband brought home... She saw something that was unusual. She saw a pearl in the stomach of the fish. She was surprised. A pearl... in the stomach of the fish??? Subhanallah! My husband . .my husband...come and look what I found!!! What?!!! Its a pearl. A pearl!!! ___________________ The fisherman took the pearl. He went to his neighbour who sells pearls. The neighbour stared at it and said, "No, I can't buy it. Its value cannot be estimated. But you can go to the Manager of sellers in the neighbouring village maybe he can buy it from you." So he went with his pearl to the manager and told him the story. He said, "O my brother, whatever I own cannot buy thi

How to make your children pray on their own without arguments or reminders:

Here's a narrative from a sister: (WhatsApp source)- My Daughter was 12 years old and prayer was like a heavy burden on her. So I told her to pray one day and I monitored her. She took the carpet and threw it on the ground. I asked her if she prayed - she said yes - Believe me, without feeling I slapped her face - I know I made a mistake. The situation has troubled me and I cried and I repent to God to forgive me.. The slap, the talk, the reminders did not make a difference to my child. One day a friend told me a story. She went to one of her friend for a visit. Her friend was not very religious, but when the Adhan prayer was called, her children rushed for prayers without reminders or quarrel. I said to her how do your children pray by themselves without quarrel or a reminder? She said, before I got married I used to pray this Dua and still pray it today. After she told me the Dua, I began to recite in my prayers every time I could. Since I began to recite the Dua' my daugh

How H.Junaid Baghdadi learnt Iqlas from a barber: (Written in Urdu language)

جنید بغدادی نے اخلاص ایک حجام سے سیکھا جُنید بغدادی کہتے تھے کہ میں نے اِخلاص ایک حجام سے سِیکھا۔ایک میرے اُستاد نے کہا کہ تُمہارے بال بہت بڑھ گئے ہیں اب کٹوا کے آنا۔پیسے کوئی تھے نہیں پاس میں، حجام کی دُکان کے سامنے پہنچے تو وہ گاہک کے بال کاٹ رھا تھا۔اُنہوں نے عرض کی چاچا اللہ کے نام پہ بال کاٹ دو گے۔یہ سنتے ہی حجام نے گاہک کوسائیڈ پر کیا اور کہنے لگا۔ پیسوں کے لیے توروز کاٹتا ھوں۔اللہ کے لیے آج کوئی آیا ھے۔ اب انُکا سر چُوم کے کُرسی پہ بٹھایا روتے جاتے اور بال کاٹتے جاتے۔حضرت جنید بغدادی نے سوچا کہ میں جب کبھی پیسے ھوئے توان کو ضرور کچھ دوں گا۔عرصہ گزر گیا یہ بڑے صوفی بزرگ بن گئے۔ ایک دن ملنے کے لیے گئے واقعہ یاد دلایا اور کچھ رقم پیش کی۔تو حجام کہنے لگا جُنید تو اتنا بڑاصوفی ھوگیا تجھےاتنا نہیں پتا چلا کہ جو کام اللہ کے لیے کیا جائے اس کا بدلہ مخلوق سے نہیں لیتے۔۔! Source: Whatsaap message. Republished in kind teacher blog.

'Hauna' word's use in Quran:

- There is a preschooling curriculum which is named as 'Hauna'. This word is taken from Holy Qur'an.  Below is a brief explaination about meaning of the word 'Hauna'. Hauna can be understood as 'Humble', 'Humility' 'Gentle'. Quote from the Holy Qur'an: Al-Furqaan (25:63) وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ هَوْنًا وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ الْجَاهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلَامًا wa 'ibādur-raḥmānillażīna yamsyụna 'alal-arḍi haunaw wa iżā khāṭabahumul-jāhilụna qālụ salāmā اور خدا کے بندے تو وہ ہیں جو زمین پر آہستگی سے چلتے ہیں اور جب جاہل لوگ ان سے (جاہلانہ) گفتگو کرتے ہیں تو سلام کہتے ہیں English Translation: (25:63) The true servants of the Merciful One are those 78  who walk on the earth gently 79  and when the foolish ones address them, they simply say: "Peace to you"; 80 English Tafsir: Follow the number order mentioned in above translation, 78, 79,80. 78. That is, though all human beings are by birth t

Are You Easy to Socialize With?

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The most complete in faith are those best in their character, those who are easy to socialize with, and those who get along with others and others get along with them. There is no good in the one who cannot get along with others and others cannot get along with him.” [Tirmidhi]

How can you connect tarbiyat of children through sunnah and hadith (Urdu):

*تربیتِ اولاد کا ایک طریقہ یہ بھی ہے* ======================== 👈جب بچے کے بال میں کنگھی کرو تو اسے بتاؤ کہ بالوں ميں کنگھی کرنا پیارے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی سنت ہے چنانچہ ارشاد نبوی ہے : *( مَنْ كَانَ لَهُ شَعْرٌ فَلْيُكْرِمْهُ )* *ترجمہ: جس کے پاس بال ہوں تو اسے سنوارنا چاہیے.* (رواه أبو داود (3632) ) 👈جب بچے کو مدرسہ بھیجو تو اسے پیارے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی یہ حدیث سناؤ : *من سلك طريقاً يطلب فيه علماً سهل الله له طريقاً إلى الجنة.* *ترجمہ : جو علم سیکھنے کے لئے گھر سے نکلتا ہے تو اللہ تعالی اس کے لئے جنت کا راستہ آسان بنا دیتا ہے.* ( رواه البخاري / كتاب العلم/10 ) 👈جب بچے کے سامنے مسکراؤ تو اسے بتاؤ کہ پیارے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے مسکرانے کو صدقہ (نیکی) قرار دیا ہے : *( تَبَسُّمُكَ فِي وَجْهِ أَخِيكَ لَكَ صَدَقَةٌ )* *ترجمہ : اپنے بھائی کے سامنے مسکرانا صدقہ ہے.* (ترمذى (1956) ) 👈جب بچے کی تعریف کرو تو اسے پیارے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا یہ فرمان سناؤ : *( الْكَلِمَةُ الطَّيِّبَةُ صَدَقَةٌ )* *ترجمہ : اچھی بات بهی صدقہ (نیکی) ہے.* (البخاري ( 2734 ) 👈جب تم

Gender and Islam:

What we so often forget is that God has honored women by giving them value in relation to God—not in relation to men. But as Western feminism erases God from the scene, there is no standard left but men. As a result, the Western feminist is forced to find her value in relation to a man. And in so doing, she has accepted a faulty assumption. She has accepted that man is the standard, and thus a woman can never be a full human being until she becomes just like a man—the standard. When a man cut his hair short, she wanted to cut her hair short. When a man joined the army, she wanted to join the army, and so on. She wanted these things for no other reason than because the “standard” had it. What she didn’t recognize was that God dignifies both men and women in their distinctiveness, not their sameness. And on March 18, Muslim women made the very same mistake. For 1,400 years, there has been a consensus of scholars that men are to lead prayer. As a Muslim woman, why does this matter? Th

What Namaz can say about ourselves:

When you are always late for salah (prayer), it says a lot about you and your character. It shows that you lack discipline, internal strength, and integrity to be where you are supposed to be ‘on time’ for your most important appointments of the day, and you are not dependable. No one likes to say about themselves that they are not dependable or lack discipline, but actions speak louder than words, and being late for salah is the first warning that you are on a slippery slope towards being chronically late in everything else in your life. Hasan Al-Basri  said: "When salah is the least of your concerns, then what is your most important concern? As much as you fix your salah, your life will be fixed. Did you not know that salah was equated with Success: ‘Come to Prayer(Hayya Alas-Salaah), Come to Success(Hayya Alal-fala), How can you ask Allah  for success when you are not responding to His right upon you?” If you are wondering why there is a delay in your sustenance, in your mar