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Showing posts from May, 2019

On your face that beautiful smile of a martyr (Shaheed):

Assalamualaikum , I have collected a poem for this blog. As I started reading, it seemed like it's written for my grandmother. She was a person whom I cannot compare with anybody. She was a real gem. Dedicated to My Pious Grand mother (Ammi Jan). ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Your words as wise as you were Your love so pure Your anger a hidden lesson Your talk that i miss, you were a home to me. My heart always longed to meet you. As Months pass by, I never expected that I will see you wrapped in white Your soul back to the creator As your body lie before us On your face that beautiful smile of a martyr. You died the way you wanted Your death I heard was so painful, But yet your face appeared peaceful The moment I saw you All your words flashed by me Its quite a little time since you left the world. Your words are engraved in my heart. In a short period of time you gave value of life Made me strong Showed me to be happy with all that I have Showed me to pray Taught me the s

Allah may end up pardoning their shortcomings but not your arrogance:

A Ramadan of Change – 19 of 30 ** Don’t mock them ** As we edge closer to the last 10 nights of Ramadan, the Masjid will begin filling up again, and you may hear some protesting: "Those Ramadan Muslims! They came to the Masjid during the first week of Ramadan only then to disappear soon after, and now they show up?!" Such words are chilling signs of an inner illness that resides within the heart of such a person, an illness that can single-handedly ruin a lifetime’s worth of good deeds; = Self-admiration. Don’t put it past yourself. What is fasting, charity, recitation of Qur’an, prayer in congregation and a flawless Hijaab when tarnished with self-admiration? Even a trace of its poison is sufficient to tear down years worth of good deeds, hence our predecessors were afraid! As for Abu Bakr, the number one companion, the closest to the Prophet PBUH and one who’d been promised paradise during his very lifetime over and over again, he would say: لوددت أني كنت شعرة في جن

A beautiful dua which covers many aspects of our needs of here and hereafter:

*Brilliant du'a.* *I BEG OF YOU IN THE NAME OF ALLAH TO DEVOTE A FEW MINUTES AND READ AND CONTEMPLATE ON THIS LENGTHY DU'A TO THE END.* *Have you forgotten anything?* These are d a few things you may want to ask for in this blessed month of Ramadhan. "Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Rabb al Alameen, I call upon You and I ask You by every Name that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You, Allahumma salli wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad. Ya Rabb, make me sincere in this dua. Please grant me a death with the shahadah on my tongue. Grant me Husn al Dhan billah (good expectations from Allah) Expand my grave for me and illuminate it with light. Preserve my record in Illiyeen. Lighten for me the questioning of the grave. Grant me death in a state of Ibadah, that is most pleasing to You and resurrect me in the same state. Keep me free from fear, anxiety a

A Non-Muslim teacher at UK gives a moral support to her Muslim students by observing Roza herself:

Ms Coulthard a Non-Muslim teacher at UK, has fasted and she said abstaining from all fluids and food for 19 hours made her appreciate things she usually takes for granted. She is a business teacher at Pleckgate High School, decided to fast after seeing her students participate in Ramadan in school and whilst preparing for their exams. She says, My students respect that I am fasting to support them this month even though it is not my religion. She adds, ''I’d like to think that parents know that the children are supported in every aspect of life not just academic life.” Click to read full article from source: Other read you might like: At Tihar jail, 150 Hindu prisoners observe roza in solidarity with Muslim inmates

Small 'sins', hardly noticed by many, are the most deadly to your spiritual life:

Mufti Menk He makes everything clear in the best & easy way to understand. *WISE WORDS* *Buffalos kill 7 people every year.* *Lions kill 500 people every year.* *Hippos kill 800 people every year.* *Spiders kill 5000 people every year.* *Scorpions kill 7000 people every year.* *Snakes kill 10000 people every year.* *And then, surprisingly,* *Mosquitoes kill 2.7 million people every year. Yes, the smallest are the deadliest!* *Small 'sins', hardly noticed by many, are the most deadly to your spiritual life.* *Avoid excuses for not praying and allotting few moments of your day to your Creator.* *Sins of omission are just as deadly as sins of commission.* *Gossiping and small lies, are committed more frequently and are deadly.* *Mind those little compromises that you do daily. They are the ones that will bring your downfall.* *Successful people have two things on their lips, "Smile and silence".* *Smile can solve problems, while* *Silence can avoid

Human beings are intrinsically wired to find their way to Allah (God):

Human beings naturally seek harmony and cohesion between their cognitions, and when there is disharmony between the way you are living your life and the internal discomfort and emptiness you are feeling, this is where we usually hit a crosssroad between chosing the way we live or responding to the discomfort and imbalance that we are feeling. It’s called Cognitive Dissonance. In the Islamic tradition, human beings are intrinsically wired to find their way to Allah (God) through the Fitrah, which is a predisposition to believe in Him, and the faculties given to them to help navigate their way through the external influences and distractions. Human faculties have dual a function; one spiritual and the other physical. Allah says in the Qur’an, “They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see and they have ears with which they do not hear; they are like cattle, rather more astray than cattle.” (7:179) Allah is not referencing the physical funct

All about food, nutrition and it's health benefits (In urdu):

✨غذاؤں کی تاثیر✨ ▪٭اچار گرم خشک مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪٭اخروٹ گرم تر مزاج رکھتا ہے ▪٭انجیر گرم تر مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪٭آلو سرد خشک مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪انگور گرم تر مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪املی سرد مزاج رکھتی ہے۔ ▪اسپغول سرد مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪امرود معتدل مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪آڑو سرد مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪بینگن گرم مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪بادام گرم مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪کھٹا انار سرد مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪آلوچہ سرد مزاج رکھتا ہے۔ ▪پان کی تاثیر گرم خشک ہے۔ ▪آملہ کی تاثیر سرد خشک ہے۔ ▪چونہ کی تاثیر گرم ہے۔ ▪پستے کی تاثیر گرم ہے۔ ▪برف کی تاثیر سرد خشک ہے۔ ▪مگاجر معتدل مزاج ہے۔ ▪پودینہ کی تاثیر گرم خشک ہے۔ ▪بھنگ سرد مزاج ہے۔ ▪تل گرم مزاج ہے۔ ▪تمباکو گرم مزاج ہے ▪چائے گرم مزاج ہے۔ ▪چنا گرم مزاج ہے۔ ▪خربوزہ گرم مزاج ہے۔ ▪چقندر گرم مزاج ہے۔ ٭بیر خشک مزاج ہے۔ ▪جامن سرد مزاج ہے۔ ▪جو اور پالک کی تاثیر سرد ہے۔ ▪مونگ پھلی گرم مزاج کی ہے۔ 🥗 *بھنڈی توری*🥗 ▪سرد مزاج اور خشک ہوتی ہے۔ ▪پیشاب کی جلن کو دور کرتی ہے۔ ▪کبھی کبھی قبض بھی کر دیتی ہے۔ دیر ہضم ہے۔ ▪خشکی دور کرتی ہے۔ 🍆 *بینگن*🍆 ▪خشک مزاج سبزی ہے۔ ▪بواسیر کے م

The leaking bucket will make your deeds empty:

#BEWARE OF THE LEAKING BUCKET! 1. You wear abaya and hijāb but with perfume and makeup. ( a leaking bucket ) 2. You're following the Sunnah and have a beard but you don't lower your gaze. (A leaking bucket) 3. You pray all of your prayers on time but you have no khushū at all. (A leaking bucket) 4. You're very kind to people and speak with them gently but with your family you're always harsh. (A leaking bucket) 5. You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket) 6. You give alot of sadaqah to the poor but you humiliate them and hurt them. (A leaking bucket) 7. You stand up for tahajjud at night, fast and reads Qur'ān everyday but you cut your family ties. (A leaking bucket) 8. You fast and have sabr for the pangs of hunger and thirst but you swear, insult, curse. (A leaking bucket) 9. You help others but you're doing it to gain something from them and not doing those acts of kindne

The gift and learning of Ramadan:

Ramadan fast is a distinguished school, opened by Islam every year, for practical education on the greatest values ​​and the highest meanings, who took it and offered the blessings of God in it; he passed the exam and came out of this great season winning trade, Mubarak deal,  Forgiveness and freedom from fire. Fazilatusshaikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi Source: received through WhatsApp Message.

Daily Dhikr to do in the Month of Ramadān:

---------------------- 1. SubhānAllāh 100 times [like performing 100 Hajj] 2. Alhamdulillāh 100 times [like giving 100 horses as charity] 3. Lā ilāha illAllāh 100 times [like freeing 100 slaves] 4. Allāhu Akbar 100 times [performed the greatest deeds] (Ref: Mishkāt al-Maśābīh, vol.2, p. 346) ------------------------ 5. Astaghfirullāh 100 times [forgiveness of sins] 6. SallAllāhu 'alā Sayyidinā Muhammadin SallAllāhu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam 100 times [praying once: 70 doors of Mercy will open] 7. Lā Hawla Wa Lā Quwwata illā Billāhil 'Aliyyil 'Adhīm 100 times [treasure of Jannah, cure for many mental and physical diseases] 8. Sūrah Ikhlāś 100 times [praying thrice: equal to praying Qur'ān] 9. Allāhummagh-fir li Jamī'il Mu'minīna Wal Mu'mināt 100 times [praying once: reward equal to each believing man and woman] 10. HasbunAllāhu Wa Ni'mal Wakīl 100 times [protection/removal of calamities] ---------------------------- 11. After each prayer: -Subh