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Showing posts from April, 2020

(History) Tareeq- Dawat o Tableeg suniye Tariq Jameel sab ke zabani 8 hisso (episodes) mein:

Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 These videos are published in youtube by Tariq Jameel Official channel. Source: the videos are linked directly to youtube.

17 types of Sadaqa:

-Watch an amazing know what: Click on the video to watch- Source: this video is taken from WhatsApp. All the credits go to the owner of the video.

Quran Listening and Learning without an app also:

-Click below link to open: About Quran Hive QuranHive is a deep learning platform which aims to provide a user friendly learning experience to users of all levels. We bring together reputable resources for the Quran in an intuitive way by wrapping it all in creative features. These then offer different and complementary angles to give the user a broad understanding of the Quran. We are a small group of Quran enthusiasts seeking to create a platform that facilitates a deeper learning experience of the Quran. Source: taken from the web application. - Kind Teacher is sharing this link for the benefit of people at large.

Greeting and dua of Ramazan:

A good person will always be in memory, a better person will always be in a dream, but the best person will always be in the heart. Those we appreciate, we value. Those we value, we love, Those we love, we remember & those we remember we pray for. May Allah bless u with Rizq, Taqwah, Imaan, Barakah, Forgiveness & Jannah. May this Ramadhan be the Ramadhan that the entire Humanity gets Hidayat & be forgiven for All our sins. May Allah bless you & your family today & always. May the Noor of this coming month illuminate your heart, mind, soul & may all your Duaas be accepted.......  Ramadan Mubarak ❣️

Protecting our Emaan and Children from technology:

Watch the video for shocking facts- This video discusses about how technology is being used to control the minds, thoughts and actions of population. It also specifically discusses about how it is impacting children. And also agenda behind the cartoon pictures. Watch till the end and ponder for yourself. Source: linked directly to YouTube videos.

*Rasoolullah's ﷺ Manners & Etiquettes*:

Rasoolullah ﷺ specially refrained himself from the following three aspects: 1. Show-off (Riya) 2. Excessive speech 3. Chit-chatting (talking without purpose) Rasoolullah ﷺ stopped others from the following three aspects: 1. Criticizing others 2. Embarrassing people  3. Cutting short people's words during discussion Rasoolullah's ﷺ soft skills during discussions were to: 1. Smile/laugh while others did, just to make them feel comfortable and inclusive in discussion. 2. Express surprise when others did. 3. Promote mutual respect with kind words; none quarreled during discussion with Him ﷺ. -- *Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ* Source: received through WhatsApp  The Quran Foundation_ _Tolichowki, Hyderabad_

Apne dil ko paak saaf rakhe:

دل کے گرد اگر تقوی کی دیواریں نہ بنائی جائیں تو وہ سب کچھ بھی داخل ہو جاتا ہے جو آپ کبھی بھی سوچنا نہیں چاہتے تھے، یا دل میں لانا نہیں چاہتے تھے۔۔۔۔ نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا دل بیمار ہوجائے تو سارا جسم بیمار ہو جاتا ہے، اور اللہ تو دیکھتے ہی دلوں کی طرف ہیں دلوں کو سنوارنے کے لیے محنت بھی خاص ہونی چاہیے اور اپنی اپنی کمزوریوں اور ویک پوائنٹس کو دیکھتے ہوئے بروقت دل کے دروازے اور کھڑکیاں بند کر لی جائیں اور خود پر پابندیاں لگا لی جائیں تاکہ شیطان کسی طرح بھی دل میں گناہ کا خیال اور لذت نہ ڈال سکے، یا وہ سب نہ ڈال سکے جو بعد میں آپ کے لیے اذیت کا باعث بنے۔ یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک آمین یا رب Source: Received through WhatsApp

Understanding Islamic World view with Dr Asad Zaman:

Kind teacher introduces you to Dr Asad Zaman's blog: Click to open: About the work of Dr Asad Zaman: The vast majority of our “knowledge” of the world we live in is highly Eurocentric. Nearly all of my writing aims at developing  a  worldview which is based on the teachings of Islam . This involves looking  at history, and also the meaning of knowledge, very differently from what we were taught in the course of our western education. A very simple explanation of some basic misconceptions generated by Eurocentric teachings is given in my paper:  Directions for Muslim Scholars in Social Sciences .  A more completed and detailed explanation of how appropriate methodology of social science is entirely different from that of physical science is given in An  Islamic Approach to  Humanities . — the main idea is that the prestige of Physical Science has led to the adoption of scientific methodology for social science, which has substantially distorted develop

What is sabr: Sabr kya hai-

Source: received through WhatsApp message

When we know it, we should act: that's the aim of knowledge:

💔 We used to know but we didn't act Ibnul Qayyim (RA) said, "A girl died of the plague and her father saw her in his dream. He said, 'my daughter, tell me about the hereafter. So she said, 'We've approached a serious matter. We used to know but we didn't act. I swear by Allah, to add one tasbeehah (saying Subhan Allah) or a single Rak'ah to my book of deeds is more beloved to me than the whole world and everything in it.' This girl said words of great importance. 'We used to know but we didn't act', but many of us don't understand what she means. We used to know, that if we say Subhan Allah wa bi Hamdihi 100 times our sins are forgiven even if they're like the foam of the sea (yet days and nights pass and we don't say it) We used to know that two rak'ahs of Duha prayer is the equivalent of giving 360 charities (yet day after day pass and we don't pray it) We used to know that a house in the middle of Jannah

Ramazan Mubarak message:

This is another opportunity by Allah (SWT) for us to observe the fasting of Ramazan. This Ramazan is very different for this generation. For some, it is a good time with family. And for some, this is a challenging situation, in terms of personal and professional life. Most of us are on an off, or working from home or doing part-time work if you are running an essentials supply business. Nevertheless, it’s a different experience. Everything is from Allah (SWT), and this test is also from Allah (SWT), let us be a better Momin. Spend Quality time with Allah (SWT): You wanted to do Tilawat of Quran, but work-life commitments and the travel time used to consume a lot of your Ibadat time. This Ramazan you have got a lot of time for Quran, Namaz, Taraweh, Dua, Zikr and so on. Make good utilization of your time to make a good and stronger connection with Allah (SWT). This is an opportunity for us to get closer to Allah. Spend Quality time with Family: What special oppor

Have you ever wondered why Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked us to recite Surah Kahf every Friday?

*Surah Kahf* Assalamu alaikum! Its been a weekly routine for us to recite Surah Kahf every Friday, right? and we do it in most of the Fridays. Now, have you ever wondered why Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked us to recite Surah Kahf every Friday? Or is there any prefence for this surah over the rest 113 surahs? What's the benefit of reciting this weekly? Lets check it out- First of all, in this Surah Allah gives to us 4 different, but INTERESTING stories! Lets explore each along with the lessons we get from each of them.... 🔘1."The people of the cave" It’s the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decide to migrate for the sake of Allah and run away. Allah rewards them with mercy in the cave and protection from the elements of nature. The lesson of this story is the 'Trial of Faith'❗ 🔘2. "The owner of two gardens." A story of a man whom Allah blessed with two beautiful gardens, but the man forgot to thank the

Ramzan planner: A wonderful day to day organiser ebook:

What can you do in the tracker: Click to view the Ramzan tracker: Source: The Ramzan tracker is received through WhatsApp.

Is beard healthy for you:

Beard Today, the BBC published a report on a scientific study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection The report stated that a team of American researchers took 408 samples from the faces of bearded men and non-bearded men working in hospitals. The research team was stunned when it was found that shaved beards carry three times the infection of infected bacteria in hospitals. Especially bacteria that cause many infectious diseases, and are difficult for many antibiotics. The researchers cited two possible explanations for their findings: First: shaving the beard removes a thin layer of skin, which leads to encouraging bacteria colonies to grow and multiply. The second: That the beard by nature resists bacteria. Then they questioned this when they stated that they took random samples of beards and sent it to Dr. Adam Robert at the University of London College, was able to grow more than a hundred types of bacteria in beard samples. It has been found from this scien

Tazkiyah and Self-Criticism: A talk from a scholar-

Tazkiyah and Self-Criticism A Talk of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on 13.04.2020. The literal meaning of the word tazkiyah is to purify. When you take a bath and clean your body with water, that is an example of tazkiyah. I realized the importance of tazkiyah for the first time some years back. I earlier I used to speak in a language of hammering. Now I have abandoned this method. I had once done the hammering of a person. I, from birth, feel strongly about the mistakes I make. After I make a mistake, I feel strongly that I have done something wrong. Once I did the hammering of a person in very strong terms. Then I repented. I realized that I had made a mistake and I wanted to know what I should do. I then read an incident of a Companion of the Prophet Hazrat Abu Darda. Abu Darda had a daughter called Darda. His name became Abu Darda after his daughter and so was his wife called Umm Darda. I read a saying of Abu Darda. The sense of the saying was that a believer is one who censures (naq

3 types of patience for a believer:

To become a true believer, one must undergo 3 types of patience. 1. The patience of Obeying Allah's Commands. 2. The patience of Running away from sin. 3. Patience on Standing Firm, when Allãh brings a test. Allah says: "Verily, He (Allãh) is with those who are Patients." [Q2:153] May Allah make our leg firm on His religion and make us among the righteous. Source: Received through Whatsapp message

Complete Qur'an & its interpretation just by touching the screen:

King Saud University has released the long-awaited Complete Qur'an Site. Don't leave anyone out, send them The Qur'an as a gift. open: Voice + Recite + Translation + Interpretation Listen Quran with the Qirat you like, from the list of More than 20 Qaaris. KSU has made great efforts in its preparation and made it user friendly. Full complete Qur'an & its interpretation just by touching the screen from left to right. Please share and gain Ajr in the Da'awa process InShaa Allaah. Best gift of the year.👍 Note: The above link is received through Whatsapp message,

No soul will die until it has received all its provision:

It was narrated from Jabir bin 'Abdullah (RA) that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "O people, fear Allah and be moderate in seeking a living, for no soul will die until it has received all its provision, even if it is slow in coming. So fear Allah and be moderate in seeking provision; take that which is permissible and leave that which is forbidden." (Sunan Ibn Majah, Book 12, Hadith 2227)

*Pillars of Faith in Islam*:

*Fundamentals of Islâmic doctrine* It is well known from the sound evidence in the Book and the Sunnah that sayings and deeds are not accepted unless originate from a true doctrine. So if the doctrine is not sound then all what originates will be nullified for Allâh said, “وَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِالإيمَانِ فَقَدْ حَبِطَ عَمَلُهُ وَهُوَ فِي الْآخِرَةِ مِنْ الْخَاسِرِينَ” {If any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good)}. *FIRST, THE BELIEF IN ALLÂH* The belief in Allâh necessitates the belief that He is the only worthy god being worshipped for being the only Creator, Cherisher, and Provider of the creation. It is He Who can reward their pious and punish their rebellious. In fact, it is this purpose for which He created the Worlds, He said, “وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالإنسَ إِلا لِيَعْبُدُونِي. مَا أُرِيدُ مِنْهُمْ مِنْ رِزْقٍ وَمَا أُرِيدُ أَنْ يُطْعِمُونِي. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو

How To Spend The Night Of Sha’aban:

The year 2020 the world is facing it's biggest challenge of this century. “So, Verily, With Every Difficulty, There is Relief” is the 5th verse from Surah al-Inshirah, the 94th Surah of the Quran. So please be at home. Obey your law of land and authorities during this crucial time. #PrayAtHome How to Spend The Night Of Sha’aban: Start your ibaadah straight after maghrib salah. Don’t wait till the last portion of the night to commence your worship. After Maghrib Salah Pray your maghrib salah with and extra two -six rakaahs of salaah , also know as Awwaabeen Salaah. Sit and make dua to Allah Ta’ala and earnestly plea that he grants you success in your ibadah in this night and grants you Barkah in your time and showering abundance and mercy upon you. Pray the following Surahs from the Quraan: surah yaseen, surah mulk, surah waqiah , surah Rahman, and surah sajdah and any other Quraan tilawah that you chose to do. After Isha Salah Pray the full Isha salah including a

Nabi صلي الله عليه وسلم said: "I saw Mus'ab and there was no youth more petted than he. Then he abandoned all that for the love of Allah and His prophet.":

The Waqia of- Mus'ab Bin Umair رضي الله عنه He lies buried in the blood-wet earth of Uhud, feet covered by scented grass and body wrapped in a woolen sheet, not sufficient enough to cover him completely. He was a pampered son who wore the best clothing his rich mother's money could buy. His itr scented the streets as he walked. He was the talk of the belles of Makkah, the jewel of his peers eyes, the most flamboyant young man of the Quraish. He left a life of self-pleasure to gain the pleasure of Allah. Mus'ab bin Umair one day heard what the people of Makkah had begun to hear about Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم and his religion and this lad was the most attentive of listeners. He decided to approach Nabi صلي الله عليه وسلم to determine the truth of his message. One night, instead of joining his friends in their customary revelry, he made his way to Dar-al-Arqam. Mus'ab رضي الله عنه sat down amongst the gathering of the faithful and heard Nabi صلي علىه و سلم

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) during pandemic situations like COVID-19:

*Hadith of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ* *COVID-19* 1) *QUARANTINE* is a Prophetic ﷺ advice.* _“Run away from the leper (the one with contagious ailment) as you would run away from a lion.”_ (Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 608) 2) *SOCIAL DISTANCING* is a Prophetic  ﷺ command. _"Those with contagious diseases should be kept away from those who are healthy."_ Bukhaari (6771) and Muslim (2221) 3) *TRAVEL BAN* is a Prophetic ﷺ teaching. _"Do not enter a land where the plague (contagious ailment) has broken out ; don’t leave from where it has broken out”_ Bukhaari (5739) and Muslim (2219) 4) *DON'T HARM OTHERS*, if you have symptoms. _The Prophet ﷺ said: “Do not cause harm or return harm.”_ Sunan Ibn Mājah (2340) 5) *STAYING HOME* is a Prophetic teaching  _“Those who stay at home to protect themselves and others are under the protection of Allah.”_ Musnad Ahmed, Saheeh 6) If necessary, *HOUSE IS A MASJID*. _The Prophet ﷺ said: “The entire earth h

صلى الله عليه وسلم Maujiza of Sayyiduna Rasoolulllah

Humiliation for Abu Jahl Whenever Abu Jahl used to act folly or try to be arrogant in front of Sayyiduna  Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم , Allah the exalted used to humiliate him. Narrated by Ibn Hisham: Abdul Malik bin Abdullah bin Abi Sufyan As-Saqafi, whose memory power was sound, told me that once a man from the tribe of Arash (or Arasha) came to Makkah on a business trip. He had brought a few camels along with him in order to sell them. Abu Jahl offered to purchase those camels but did not pay the man in return. Rather, he continued to prolong the date of payment. Frustrated by this, one day, the Arashi man came and stood in the meeting of the Quraishi leaders which was being held in the court of Kaba. That time, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم was also present there in another corner of the courtyard. The Arashi businessman exclaimed: "O people of Quraish! Is there anyone among you who can help and support me against Abul Hikm bin Hisham (Abu Jahl)? I am a trav

The test of patience and Prophet Ayyoob (عليه السلام)

A piece of advice to our brothers and sisters especially in these times, read and ponder over the story of Prophet Ayyoob (عليه السلام). He had good health, big family, then he was tried with sickness and poverty for 18 years! And the loss of his family except his wife. "And (remember) Ayyoob, when he cried to his Lord: "Verily, distress has seized me,& You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy. So We responded to him & removed what afflicted him of adversity." (21:83) He called upon his Lord directly and His Kind Lord answered him. Allaah تعالى  described His noble Prophet- Ayyoob (عليه السلام) in His saying: إِنَّا وَجَدْنَاهُ صَابِرًا ۚ نِّعْمَ الْعَبْدُ ۖ إِنَّهُ أَوَّابٌ "Truly! We found him patient. How excellent (a) slave! Verily, he was ever oft-returning in repentance (to Us)!" (38:44) Imām 'Abdur Rahmān As-Sa'dee (رحمه الله) mentioned, ..."Ayyoob (عليه السلام) became an example for the patient ones, a co

By being close to Allah in our times of ease, we are building our immune system:

Reflections from a student of Qur’an!✨ Have you wondered why Covid-19 causes minor to no symptoms in some people, while in others it’s deadly? How can the same virus affect two people so differently? What differentiates these two people? It all comes down to one thing: the strength of the immune system and its response. It comes down to the strength of the individual's ability to withstand and combat--and then ultimately overcome--the onslaught. The trial. And then those who do overcome, do not only survive. They actually become stronger *because of* the trial. They develop an immunity to that virus. The same threat that killed others, has only built them stronger. This is profound. Even more profound is that, just as we have a physical immune system, we also have a spiritual and psychological immune system. This is our ability to withstand and overcome spiritual and psychological tests. This is our resilience. The same wind can completely uproot some trees, while othe