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Showing posts from October, 2020

Don't ever think that those who don't do what you do are inferior in any way or have nothing to offer:

 - *ALL ARE GOOD, BUT IN DIFFERENT WAYS* Some have the ability to wake up in the middle of the night for *Tahajjud Salaat* daily, but others cannot wake up despite much effort. However, they fast on *Mondays and Thursdays* throughout the year.  Others cannot do both of the above, but wherever they walk, they give *generously to beggars.* Some don't have the strength to carry out extra ibaadah, but keep a *clean heart and a smiling face* towards people all the time. Others do nothing but just make *kids laugh whenever they meet them* The point? Don't ever think that those who don't do what you do are inferior in any way or have nothing to offer. *Never think that your acts of Ibaadah are better than others*. Never let your piety develop subtle pride in you. Never let your piety isolate yourself from family and friends, never let it make you *above the law . Your ancestry, wealth, scholarly abilities, skin colour, strength on the battlefield are *not criteria for your piety.*

Dr Robert Crane now a Pious Muslim named as Farooq Abdul Haq- A Phd in International law, a US Preseident's Ex Advisor, to a Pious Muslim story:

 Former US President Richard Nixon’s adviser is Robert Crane.  He holds: Doctorate in Public Law.  • PhD in International Law.  • President of the Harvard Society of International Law. He later became President Nixon's foreign affairs adviser.  He was also the Deputy Director of the US National Security Council.  • He is considered an expert in Political Affairs in the United States.  • He is founder of the Center for Civilization and Modernization in the United States.  He speaks fluently in six living languages. What's the story?  One day President Nixon wanted to read about "Islamic Principles and Rules", so he asked CIA to prepare a research paper on the subject for him.    Assigned CIA cadre wrote a detail research paper and submitted to President Nixon.   But Nixon felt the paper was a bit lengthy and detailed. So he asked his adviser, Robert Crane, to read and summarize the article.    Robert read the article and summarized it for the president, but the content

Business is absolutely a reflection of your character:

 - A self-analysis on business failure! When I started a business, I made a loss and my mother who is a wise lady (her father & grandfather were successful businessmen) she commented, son there must be something wrong in your character because of that you made a loss.  I was a disciplined guy, but her remark stunned me. I stopped my business activities for some time and started reading books to understand what is character. (Translation of Quran & Seerah of Prophet (PBUH) and some other good books). After a few months of deep study, my final conclusion was, ”Character is what you do when nobody is watching”. I did self-introspection and amended one thing when I am all alone, I am at my best by thinking or doing something good which can take me closer to Allah the creator.  After I made that amendment in my personal character and then restarted my business.  Since then by the grace of Almighty, there was no looking back. Business is absolutely a reflection of your character.  In

Pre-marriage Counselling:

- Salamalaikum Brothers and Sisters If you are going to get married soon, and want to learn to handle the challenges of married life, in-laws issue, saas-bahu issues, balance b/w wife and mother, joint family concerns, then this group is for you. ( )  Alhamdulillah Since I am a Life Coach and Counsellor I get lots of cases of clients who face major issues after marriage, which could have been easily avoided if there was some Pre-marriage Counselling. I also get a lot of questions from going-to-be married boys/girls, for which they don't have any answers. For this reason, I have created this group, where I will be answering such questions in the light of Quran and Sunnah. Feel free to Join and Share with your family and friends. If all goes well we will also have a Pre-Marriage Workshop Inshallah Regards Abdul Mannan M. Ali NLP Practitioner and Life Coach +91 9481635967  Join Group:

My Tryst with Urdu and Journey so far:

 - By: Iqbal Sattar Dear friend. I was educated up to 3rd standard in Dharwad in Government Urdu School. Our Teacher with white pagadi and hanging back portion was so nice. My father was an Education officer in Dharwad. He established many Urdu Schools, in Dharwad, Bijapur, Belgaum and Karwar. He used his approach to Urdu Schools in villages for community outreach. I completed my 7th in Belgaum Government Urdu School and SSC ie XIth in Islamiya High School Camp Belgaum. These 11 years of Urdu medium strengthen my love for Education. The teachers in those days were devoted. Our Headmasters and principal Late Adam Jamadar, were great personalities.  Library, newspaper, reading books, discussion, allocution competitions, sports, science exhibition, and Drama competition were part of Education. We learnt good English, Persian, Kannada and Marathi along with Urdu. The interaction with teachers was wonderful. My principal had called me in his office and corrected my Aswersheet for 3 hours. E