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Showing posts from August, 2021

Be aware of this reality at all times and know that your "self" is the accurate record of your life!

 - The self is not a final product. It is potential waiting to be used and shaped. It is a melting pot for competing tendencies and diverse inclinations. You are meant to be the crafter of the final product, and you will be judged based on this. Allah writes your qadar in a way that reveals how you will craft this moldable clay we call the "nafs". The things you think, intend, say, and do are all tools that leave an impact on the raw daugh of the self. There is no moment when you are not adding shape or detail to this work of art. Whether you are idle or active, quiet or rowdy, positive or negative, you are shaping this raw self! The challenge is to be aware of this reality at all times and know that your "self" is the accurate record of your life! Source: received through whatsapp message

1001 inventions and facts from Muslim Civilization:

- Bundled with fascinating facts, 1001 Inventions & Awesome Facts from Muslim Civilization reveals ancient inventions, discoveries, and ideas that have shaped how we live today. From familiar mind games to intriguing mosaic-patterned bowls etc etc. Click this line to view the Inventions: About this document: The book is based on the belief that humankind can best move forward when people from all countries, cultures, and spiritual views work together. You may want to present the entire book to your whole class; you may use it for interstitial teaching, between subjects or in open time slots; you might have a few copies in your classroom for students to explore when they’ve completed other assignments either individually or in small groups. Source: the above document is collected through whatsapp forward.

Just like how the umbrella protects us from the sun and the rain. Istighfar is like the hand which protects us from anything difficult which comes our way:

 - The Treatment of Laziness and Frustration Dr. Omar Abdul Kafi said that one day he was giving a Friday sermon in one of the Masjid. After the prayer a man who had a long hair and a long beard came to him. Surprisingly it showed that he did not care about himself at all. He told Dr Omar: "I am very lazy, with a lot of sleep. I hardly wake up, I only wake up to eat and go back to sleep again. I neglect my work, my future, and everything else and I don't care. My children think I am a strange person and very boring. I have a lack of enthusiasm, and I am always having frustration. What should I do please help me." Dr. Omar told him to ask Allah for forgiveness by saying "Astaghfir Allah" at least 100 times in a day, and to come back to him after one week, to tell him the result. The man said: "I am telling you I am lazy, I sleep more than 15 hours in a day. I am neglecting my prayers, my children and my work, and you are telling me to ask Allah for forgivene

What is the secret of your piety?

 - Someone asked Hassan Al Basri (ra): “What is the secret of your piety?” He replied; I understood 4 things: 👉1. I understood my rizq cannot be taken by anyone so my heart is contended. 👉2. I understood no one can do my actions. (worship) so I started doing them myself. 👉3. I understood ALLAH azzawajal watching me, so I felt shame to do wrong. 👉4. I understood death is waiting for me so I started to prepare for my meeting with ALLAH azzawajal. May Almighty grant us better understanding of His Deen ... A'ameen 🤲  Source: received through whatsapp message


-  Today's learning: August-06-2021. Tafseer Surath Al Kahf. Chapter 18, verse no:31.  *PARADISE (JANNATH):*  *Palace:*  The bricks of palace in paradise (jannath)  are made of gold and the cement is a mixture of ambergeris fragrance.  *The best blessing/ Delight/ happiness.* Seeing Allah with our eyes would be the best blessing, delight and happiness for the Paradise dweller (jannati).Allah is the supreme being and the person would come to a state of bliss(perfect happiness) after seeing Allah subhanahu wa taala.  *Entry levels:*  Ticket to Paradise (jannath) has some degrees and criteria.  *First category:*   Prophet's(ambiya).All the prophets would enter first and foremost.  *Second category:*  Scholars(Ulama), friends of Allah(Auliya), Martyrs(Shuhada) would enter after the prophets.  *Third category:*  All the remaining (Baaqi sab).Finally all the people who are of low faith levels than the first and second category would enter the Paradise (Jannath).  *Food and digestion:

A web-app that could assist the elderly with their namaz:

 Assalamu Alaikum! I made a web-app for the elderly. Backstory: my Nani used to be very punctual with her prayers but suddenly she stopped praying. My mom promptly noticed this change and asked her why she wasn’t praying and she said that it’s because she forgets the ayat, or what to say, or even the rakat. So my mom would sit with her and basically pray the whole namaz with her. Now years later my mom asked me to make an app that could assist the elderly with their namaz. So I made this web-app. If you guys know anyone that’s at an age where they’re starting to forget things and you think this could benefit them. Just let them know about it and let me get that sawab.  Thanks, Sherry Click to open: Source: the above information is recieved through whatsapp

We must circulate the money by rotating it whatever amount we have, instead of having desires to earn more:

 - August-04-2021. Today's learning: **Money controlling efforts:*   *Introduction:*  Islam has always reminded us to address the human problems by continuously checking and balancing the wealth, instead of remaining in the hands of few.So, the method of rotation must keep going on, in order to allow the free flow of money between all the people. No matter what, ultimately even after our great efforts to hoard it, one day or the other it's going to leave us eventually.  *Hard earned money:* Islam says that hard earned money's value is more loved by Allah subhanahu wa taala as was earned by Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him).Allah made the iron smooth for him to turn it into different shapes and make it a useful commodity/good. Once Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was asked about the best job, and he replied by saying. "A job that is done by one's own hand,and every decent trade. Hadith Imam Ahmed (16628).  *Methods of utilising:* One could spent the l

Being moderate in eating, spending, living:

-  Today's learning. August-03-2021.  *Being moderate:*      Al Quran: Al Isra Chapter 17- verse 27.  ‏إِنَّ ٱلْمُبَذِّرِينَ كَانُوٓا۟ إِخْوَنَ ٱلشَّيَطِينِ ۖ وَكَانَ ٱلشَّيْطَنُ لِرَبِّهِۦ كَفُورًۭا  Meaning: Verily, the spendthrifts are the brothers of Satan.And the Satan is always ungrateful to his Lord.  *Inference:*  Imam Bukhari says: 1.Quran doesn't forbid to spend, but it forbids to spend extravagantly.One must also not go to extremes, but rather, one must be moderate in spending.One can spend on the basic amenities like food , clothing and shelter but in a controlled way.The excess or surplus is not entertained.  *Moderation in food intake:*  Dividing stomach in three parts. One must fill one third of his stomach with food, and the other one third with water and the last one third must be left empty for air. There must always be an appetite/hunger remaining in our stomachs.  **Eating Degrees:*   *Obligatory(Farz):*  To eat minimum so that one can stay alive.  *Rightful