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Al jazari- Mechanical engineer of golden age-

 - Click to watch: Source: YouTube

His famous saying, “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave,” underscores the importance of continuous learning: The kind teacher-

 - While majority are celebrating Teacher's Day, below is my reflection about a teacher: *Prophet Muhammad: A Teacher for All Times* Prophet Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is not only revered as a religious figure but is also celebrated as a remarkable teacher whose teachings continue to inspire and guide millions of people across the globe. His role as a teacher extends far beyond the boundaries of religion, and his teachings serve as a timeless source of wisdom and guidance for people of all backgrounds and beliefs. *The Role of Prophet Muhammad as a Teacher Moral and Ethical Guidance:*   Prophet Muhammad’s teachings are characterized by a strong emphasis on moral and ethical values. He taught the importance of honesty, integrity, compassion, and justice. His actions and sayings, recorded in Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet), provide a profound moral compass for individuals striving to lead virtuous lives. *Social Justice:* The Prophet advocated for social justice and

My teacher, My inspiration - When life gives me tough time, Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ I remember your day in Taif:

* *In My Daily Life…* “When people trouble me, Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ I recall how the Makkans troubled you. When life gives me tough time, Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ I remember your day in Taif. When I find myself in grief, Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ I think what you must have gone through when Sayyidah Khadijah ؓ passed away. When I lose my dear ones, Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ I imagine what your situation must’ve been when you saw your children Sa’dātuna Qasim ؓ, Zainab ؓ, Ruqaiya ؓ, Umm Kulthum ؓ, Abdullah ؓ, and Ibraheem ؓ pass away in front of you. When I foresee an impending disaster in front of myself, Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ I imagine what you must’ve gone through when Sayyiduna Jibraeel ؑ informed you about Imam Husain’s ؓ martyrdom. When I see my siblings go against me, Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ I recall how you forgave your people - the polytheists of Makkah, who troubled you for 21 years, and tortured & killed your loved ones too. When people make mockery of me, Ya RasoolAllah ﷺ I admire how patiently you listened to t

Eid ul Adha reminder - Prophet Ibrahim's (A.S) unwavering faith:

 - Eid-ul-Adha is a reminder of Prophet Ibrahim's (A.S) unwavering faith and willingness to sacrifice. May we learn from his example and strive to become better individuals. يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱسْتَعِينُوا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ وَٱلصَّلَوٰةِ   ۚ 'And all it took was the *firm faith in Allah swt* that made Ibrahim A.S being known as Khaleelullah (friend of Allah), Hajira A.S's footsteps being replicated and Ismail A.S's obedience being followed till date!  This is an eid of sacrifice and commitment of Allah's orders. May Allah accept our sacrifice and bless our families as well as the entire muslim fraternity with bliss and soulful happiness. May Allah accept our sacrifices and let us not forget the needy ones during this Eid. May the divine blessings of Allah bring you hope, faith, and joy on Eid-ul-Adha and forever. May Allah shower his mercy on all of us and accept our sacrifices.

. Do not let your connection to Almighty stop at Ramadan – let your connection be everlasting:

 - Ramadan Letter To the Eyes that Weep Ramadan is almost over. It feels like it just flew by. Where did the time go? Maybe you are sad because this holy month is coming to an end too soon. Perhaps you are heartbroken because you did not make the most of this blessed time. Either way, it is upsetting.  If only you had more days, more hours. While most of us feel some sadness, we may also be overburdened with guilt. Another Ramadan has come by, and still no major changes in your life. Ramadan is, of course, designed to be special; but it is special for a number of reasons: it is supposed to bring us to taqwa (God consciousness), to reflect on the Qur’an, to purify ourselves through fasting, to increase our worship, and to rectify our character. The beautiful thing about Ramadan is that Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) shows us what is possible – He reveals to us our potential. Even if you disappointed yourself, the Day of Judgment has not come yet, meaning it is not the end – y

The Doctor, Medicine and Muslims past 1000 years:

 - Muslim science  par excellence  was the study of medicine. Interest in medicine goes back to the very earliest times. The Prophet himself stated that there was a remedy for every illness, and was aware that some diseases were contagious. The great contribution of the Arabs was to put the study of medicine on a scientific footing and eliminate superstition and harmful folk-practices. Medicine was considered a highly technical calling, and one which required long study and training. Elaborate codes were formulated to regulate the professional conduct of doctors. It was not enough to have a mastery of one’s subject in order to practice medicine. Certain moral qualities were mandatory.  Ibn Hazm  said that a doctor should be kind, understanding, friendly, good, able to endure insults and adverse criticism; he must keep his hair short, and his fingernails as well; he must wear clean, white clothes and behave with dignity. Before doctors could practice, they had to pass an examination, an