How Allah explained Qiyamat through the example of locust, in reality this is seen in India. Astonishing.
See this video 1, what Allah says about Locust to explain about Qiyamat (Resurrection).
Video 2 to 6:
The rest of the videos of Locust captured real in India.
Video- 1
What is locust?
Locusts are a collection of certain species of short-horned grasshoppers in the family Acrididae that have a swarming phase. These insects are usually solitary, but under certain circumstances they become more abundant and change their behaviour and habits, becoming gregarious (Wikipedia).
Video- 2
Video- 3
Video- 4
Video- 5
Video- 6
The videos are collected through WhatsApp Message, and arranged in sequence.
B. The first video is from 'One path'.