It was narrated from Abu Hurairah (R.A) that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
'Be devout and you will be the most pious of people. Be content and you will be the most grateful of people. Love for people what you love for yourself and you will be a believer. Behave well with your neighbours and you will be a Muslim. Laugh less, for too much laughter, will deaden the heart'. Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 4217,
One of the most important aspects of our predecessors is adherence to the prophetic teachings and heritage. They adhered to it and even to date, that period is known as the golden age of Islam.
The Islamic Golden Age was a period of cultural, economic, and scientific flourishing in the history of Islam, traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 14th century.
Its reality that never ever any non-Muslim population of Muslim ruled areas took any revolt against Muslim governments. Even Qaisr of Rome sent messages to Christians of Egypt, Jordan and Syria that he would attack from the outside and they should take revolt and start the war from inside against the Muslim occupation *but they always answered that they will prefer these Muslims against them.*
And this is also part of the history that when Qiaser-e-Rome gathered a large army and attacked his lost kingdom then Muslim army left some cities of Syria as a part of the strategy. Muslims gave back all the money of Jazia to the non-Muslims by saying that they took this money to guard their cities to protect their honour and lives; now they (Muslims) can no longer protect them and their cities and they were leaving.
*It is written in the books that people who were non-Muslims came out from their houses; holding the reins of their horses and crying by saying May God bring you back again. We did not see people like you.*
It is a very famous event occurred in china, how the Muslim businessmen did win the hearts of people, with a good character. In China, more than 60 million Muslims live today. There is story that in the area close to Shanghai, Muslim merchants came and started their business in the area. All Muslim merchants were very pious, humble, kind and honest. They used to be busy in trade during the mornings and used to stand in front of Allah at the hours of the night. One night, robbers attacked them when all were praying in a big room and all were killed. They were so deeply involved in their salah that they even did not know that robbers attacked them.
*Next morning when people came to know about the incident they came out in the streets and cried loudly. Thousands of people accepted Islam and they built a masjid in the house where those Muslim merchants were living.*
Islam which spread in Far East Asia including Sri Lanka, Philippines, Thailand
Malaysia, Indonesia etc. was because of Muslim merchants and traders.
Wherever they went, they impressed people by their excellent character and good deeds. We should also be like our Aslaf/predecessors, by presenting before the world, how they were presenting Islam through their character and faith.
*Lying is strictly prohibited in Islam, this major sin should be avoided in our habits, deceiving should not be a part of our character,
Islam is most vehement in its condemnation of commercial dishonesty. It denounced, in the strongest possible terms, all sorts of deceitful dealings and illegal profits. It has disallowed all transactions not based upon justice and Fairplay.
The Holy Prophet Muhammed (may peace be upon him), while reprimanding the dishonest dealer, said: "Laisa minna man gashshdna" (Whosoever deceives us is not one of us).
We should be a good example in the societies because we are those people who should present good documents and pay taxes, should not get extra social benefits, should not go against peaceful laws of the land; people should again start trusting us, the way we used to be trusted.* In this worldly life also Allah will bestow upon us, with dignity and respect. And also the success of the hereafter.
The Holy Qur'an has stressed the importance of fairness in business: "And, O my people, give full measure and weight justly, and defraud not men of their things, and act not corruptly in the land making mischief. What remains with Allah is better for you, if you are believers" Surat Hud (xi. 85-86).
In these words addressed by Hadrat Shu'aib to his people, the Holy Qur'an enunciates the fundamental principles of commerce as follows:
- To give just measure and weight.
- Not to withhold from the people the things that are their due.
- Not to commit evil on the earth with the intent of doing mischief.
- To be contented with the profit that is left with us by God after we have paid other people their due.- Sahih Muslim- Book 10- KITAB AL-BUYU' (THE BOOK OF TRANSACTIONS)
Dear people, why is it so that our womenfolk are running away from Islam? It is because they see us first. And *there's nothing impressive in our characters that could bring them to the Quran and Sunnah.* Let us be good examples for our families too. Additionally, people should look towards Islam after seeing our behaviour in society at large. Insha Allah.
Let us all pray to Allah that we may find out our lost treasure and that is good character and blessings to all mankind.
It's not because of the Muslim military, *it is because of the beauty of Islam and the noble character of Rasoolullah ﷺ, that he won the million hearts.
If we follow Him ﷺ, then we too will succeed here and hereafter.*
Jazakallah hu khair- Share it forward.
1. Wikipedia
3. The Quran Foundation- Hyderabad