9 points for a parent: *A discussion with a parent, whose child is progressing extremely well with his Hifdh*
*A discussion with a parent, whose child is progressing extremely well with his Hifdh*
Recently, I asked a parent on some of the things he has been doing, in order to ensure that his son does well with his Hifdh; in fact the child has completed about 10 Juz this year alone, Alhamdulillah.
I intend sharing this with parents, so that Insha’Allah we can all learn, benefit, and try to implement these avenues of success for our Hifdh learners.
The parents reply will be metioned in point form:
1. I feed my child Halaal. I ensure that I do not earn interest or any HARAAM earnings which will impact the sustenance which my child is fed with.
This has a direct impact on the Imaan for the child.
2. I have removed the TV from the house, to ensure my child cannot see Haraam, moreover, my child does not have a cellphone, which he can use to see and listen to Haraam. The Noor of the Quran and Haraam cannot go in the same heart. He is not allowed to use devices where he may watch YouTube videos etc. My son has a non-colour screen phone, which he uses if he needs to make calls and send messages.
3. We stopped listening to music at home, and I do everything to make sure my child is not listening to music. Music creates hypocrisy in the heart according to the hadith.
4. My child is not allowed to play any ONLINE gaming whatsoever. We allow him to play outside between asr and Maghrib daily. We’ve not allowed the child to become addicted to anything.
5. We sit and speak to our child daily with love and Muhabbah about Islam, life, and some casual talk which inculcates love in the home.
6. We do not tolerate any complaints which the child brings home about the teacher. We teach our child to show utmost respect to the Quran and his teachers.
7. We do daily Kitaab reading at home, where we discuss the Fadhaail of doing good deeds, and the punishment when doing bad deeds.
8. Daily before my child goes to bed, I test him his Sabaq and last few sabaqs for the next day. If he does not know it, I make him learn it, until he knows it. The same applies if he has to prepare Dhor for the next day
9. We have changed our entire way of life to accommodate the Hifdh of that child. We make the time for the child, despite our other responsibilities.
May Allah Ta’ala grant us the Tawfeeq to implement the above points. Certainly, where the parents make so much effort, even a weak child will progress really well.
Abu Uthmaan Saloojee
Source: poster as received through whatsapp