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Showing posts from July, 2020

Shaikh Zia-Ur-Rahman Azami- ( Reverting to Islam in adult life, compiled a book with 16,000 hadiths):

-Watch video in urdu: Journey from Hinduism to Hadith scholar: About *One of the giants amongst the ulama, Shaikh Zia-Ur-Rahman Azami* In 1400 years no one compiled all the Sahih narrations into a single book, the shaikh did this over the span of 15 years and used over 200 books to compile a book spanning 20 volumes with no repeating Hadith, all of which were Sahih. How many Hadith has he compiled? Over 16,000. Now you can hold the Quran in one hand and say this is the Word of Allah and hold Shaikhs compilation in another hand and say this is the word of Rasool Allah. While he can't have captured 100% of Sahih Hadith in existence, he did get 99% of them. All this while being born a Hindu and converting to Islam in adult life. He has put us all to shame <3 *He was an Indian Brahman Hindu. He converted to Islam when he was 18 and his name used to be Banke Laal. He started learning the religion and his passion lead him to study at Madinah University and to become Dean of Faculty of

*The Day of Arafah- What you should know about this:

*The Day of Arafah (YOU WON'T REGRET READING THIS insha'Allah)* We've all heard so much about Arafah and its virtues, so much so that it has almost turned out to become mere facts just being related on repeat!  *Ask yourself ⁉️*:  ▪️Have I actually internalized and comprehended what Arafah is? ▪️Have I truly understood the MAGNITUDE of this magnificent Day? ▪️Am I going to let it pass like any other ordinary day? Well, let me tell you in short why your heart should be racing so fast just at the thought of being blessed with the opportunity of witnessing this tremendous Day! 1️⃣ It is the *BEST* day the sun has ever risen or will rise upon! 2️⃣ It is the Day on which Allah perfected His religion, *completed His favors* upon us and approved for us Islam as a way of life! 3️⃣ It is the Day Allah *frees* the most number of His slaves from the Hell-Fire. 4️⃣ It is the ONLY day Allah, The Most High *descends to the lowest heaven in the day time* (a descention in way  that  befits

Asma ul Husna- (99 beautiful names of Allah)::

“We were truly all the same (brothers) –

*🕋MALCOLM X, RACISM AND THE POWER OF HAJJ🕋* Many Muslims who have been blessed to make Hajj often speak of how the journey is a life-changing experience.  This is more the case for some than others. Malcolm X, or Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, is one Muslim who saw the light of true Islam through his Hajj in April 1964.  As a former member and speaker for the Nation of Islam, a black spiritual and nationalist movement, he believed that the white man was the devil and the black man superior. After leaving the Nation of Islam in March 1964, he made Hajj, *which helped change his perspective on whites and racism completely.*  Here is an excerpt of a letter El Hajj Malik El Shabazz wrote a letter to his loyal assistants in Harlem… from his heart, telling them of his experience.  In it, he explains what it was during this blessed journey that made him so profoundly shift his perspective on race and racism.  We should keep in mind that this lett

و قليل من عبادي الشكور ‘And few of My servants are grateful.’ (Qur’an 34:13)”

🕋🕌 Words of Wisdom🕋🕌 This❤ When Umar bin al-Khattab (رضي الله عنه) was walking in the market, he passed by a man who was supplicating, اللهم اجعلني من القليل اللهم اجعلني من القليل “O Allah, make me from the few! O Allah make me from the few!” So ‘Umar said to him; “Where did you get this du`a’ (supplication) from?” And the man said; “Allah in His Book says: و قليل من عبادي الشكور ‘And few of My servants are grateful.’ (Qur’an 34:13)” So ‘Umar wept and admonished himself; “The people are more knowledgeable than you, O Umar! O Allah make us from Your ‘few’ servants.” Sometimes when you advise someone to leave a sin, they respond with “But everybody does it, it’s not just me!” But if you look for the words “most people” in the Qur’an, you will find that most people - ولكن اكثرهم لا يعلمون “And however most people do not know” (7:187) ولكن أكثرهم لا يشكرون - “and most people do not show gratitude” (2:243) and و لكن اكثر الناس لا يؤمنون - “and most people do not believe” (11:17). And i

Do you think it is very difficult to achieve your goal?

*Solutions through Seerah of Messenger of Allah ﷺ* You lost your loved ones or you think you don't have anybody by your side to support you, think about Rasoolullah ﷺ who lost his father even before his birth, and his mother when he was merely 6. He lost his grandfather when he was 8. Throughout his life he had to bury all of his children (all boys during infancy and daughters with his own hands, when they were in their 20s, except Sayyida Fatimaؓ ), not to mention innumerable companions whom he had to bade farewell from this temporary world.  Do you think it is very difficult to achieve your goal? Rasoolullah ﷺ, his family, and all of his companions (Allah be pleased With them all) had to bear innumerable ordeals, lynchings, and thus had to migrate for their lives. Allah responded to his call and He was the conqueror of Makkah after 21 years of struggle.  Life is a roller coaster; it causes you pain and brings you many moments to enjoy. Remember Allah and His Messenger ﷺ all throu

تعلیمی ادارے کا سربراہ ماحول کیسے بدل سکتا ہے

تعلیمی ادارے کا سربراہ ماحول کیسے بدل سکتا ہے ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ذرا تصوّر کریں: ایک بندہ پولیس آفیسر یعنی تھانیدار ہے۔ بنیادی طور پر رشوت خور، حرام خور، بلیک میلر، کسی سیاستدان کا چمچہ ہے ۔۔۔ وغیرہ ۔ اب اس کا بیٹا سکول گوئنگ ہو گیا۔ کچھ برس بعد وہ بچہ بڑا ہو کر گریڈ 6/7 کی سطح پر آ گیا۔ اب اس سکول کے سست الوجود پرنسپل کا تبادلہ سکول کی دوسری برانچ میں ہو گیا یا وہ کسی بھی صورت منظر سے ہٹ گیا۔ نیا پرنسپل آیا جو پروفیشنل تربیت کیساتھ کیساتھ جذبہ و اُمنگ سے بھی لدا پھدا ہے۔  نئے پرنسپل نے آتے ہی سب اساتذہ میں کچھ ایسی رُوح پھونک دی کہ سب self motivation کیساتھ بہتر پرفارم کرنے لگ گئے۔ ساتھ میں اُس مردِ دانا نے بچوں کے والدین اور کمیونٹی کو اِس سارے تربیتی عمل میں actively اِنوالو کر لیا  ــــ  وہ جانتا ہے کہ بچے کی مجموعی شخصیت ہر شے سے متاثر ہوتی ہے۔ یہ سب اہم سٹیک ہولڈرز ہیں۔ کیسے اِنوالو کِیا؟  بچوں سے متعلق عمدہ فِیڈ بیک بھیج کر۔ اُن کی صلاحیتوں کی شناخت اور اُن کے مطابق بچوں کو مواقع عطا کر کے۔ اُن سے پرفارم کرا کر، اور ایسی پرفارمنس پر رپورٹ ب

A Pious Muslim Billionaire:

*🌷An inspirational person whom we all must know about* A palm grove in the Saudi Arabia in the city of Al-Qassim has more than 200,000 palm trees and is dedicated in the path of Allah. There are 45 varieties of dates in this garden, the  annual production is 10,000 tons of dates. This garden is the largest waqf found on earth. The income from this garden is used for building mosques in different countries of the world, for charitable work and arranging Iftar in the two holy mosques (Makkah and Madinah)   This garden has been dedicated in the way of Allah by the richest man of Saudi Arabia "Sulaiman Al Rajhi". Suleiman al-Rajhi opened his eyes in poverty, he was  studying in school that one day the school administration organized an entertainment tour and asked each student to deposit one riyal, he went home but parents did not have even one riyal. He cried a lot, the date for the tour was approaching, here comes the result of his quarterly exams, he grabbed first position in

The 10 Mustn't do to a child:

10 Mustn't do to a child  1. Screaming  The Prophet never raised his voice on a child, women, friends or otherwise. Also, read the book Scream Free Parenting by Hal Edward Runkel. 2. Blaming Anas ibn Malik said: “I served him [the Prophet ‎ﷺ ] for nine years, but I do not know that he ever said to me about anything I did, why I did that, or about anything I had neglected, why I had not done that.”  Anas served the Prophet since the age of ten. 3. Continuous instructions   Pure orders and instructions –without first convincing or persuading- turn the child into a machine rather than a human being. 4. Threatening An attitude driven by fear is a hypocritical one and does not indicate true genuine change. Ineffective on the long run.  5. Sarcasm  ”O you who believe let not a group scoff at another group… "(49:11). Mocking a child hurts their self-respect.  6. Cursing  ”A believer is neither a defamer nor a curser nor coarse nor obscene." (Hadith)  Bad words directed at a chil

How to be a mindful Muslim:

-This video has explained very well from Islamic as well as psychology perspective. Watch an amazing explaination: Source: this video is directly linked to youtube. Visit the video for the source.

A dua from a parent to their children:

Let us all pray for our children with this long dua.  A POWERFUL DU'A FOR CHILDREN! In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful! All praises are for Allah SWT, the most Compassionate, the most Forgiving. Salutations and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and companions. Oh Allah, I submit myself to You. I realise that parenting a child is a very difficult task and I turn to You in humility for Your help. I implore You for Your wisdom and guidance. Oh Allah, I know that our children are an amaanat from You, to care for and to raise in a manner that is pleasing to You. Help me do that in the best way. Teach me how to love in a way that You would have me love. Help me where I need to be healed, improved, nurtured, and made whole. Help me walk in righteousness and integrity so that You may always be pleased with me. Allow me to be a God-fearing role model with all the communication, teaching, and nurturing skills that I may need. Oh Allah, You know

بچوں میں مطالعے کا شوق: کچھ باتیں

بچوں میں مطالعے کا شوق: کچھ باتیں تحریر: نجم الہدیٰ ثانی میرا مشاہدہ ہے کہ مسلم گھرانوں میں مطالعہ کا شوق بہت کم ہوتا ہے۔ اچھے خاصے اعلیٰ تعلیم یافتہ لوگ بھی اس نعمت سے محروم نظرآتے ہیں۔ لوک ڈاؤن میں لوگوں کے پاس وقت کی کمی نہیں ہے۔ تھوڑی سی توجہ سے ہم بچوں میں مطالعے کا رجحان پیدا کرسکتے ہیں۔ ٹی وی اورموبائل فون کے دورمیں یہ کام آسان نہیں لیکن یہ کرنے کا کام ہے۔ مطالعے کا شوق ان کی شخصیت میں چارچاند بھی لگائے گا اور، ان شاء اللہ، ان کی کامیابی کا ضامن بھی ہوگا۔ اس سلسلے میں چند باتیں پیش خدمت ہیں: ا۔ خود بھی مطالعہ کی عادت ڈالیں۔ (یہ سب سے مشکل شرط ہے۔ :)  2۔ اپنے رویے اورگفتگو کے ذریعے کتابوں اورمطالعے کی اہمیت بچوں کے ذہن نشین کریں۔ 3۔ بچوں کوقصے کہانیوں اورنظموں کی کتابیں تحفے میں دیں۔ ان پران کے لئے اپنی تحریرمیں ضرورکچھ لکھیں اورتاریخ ڈالنا مت بھولیں۔  4۔ ہردن تھوڑا سا وقت بچوں کے ساتھ مطالعہ میں گذاریں۔ خودپڑھیں اوراپنے پڑھنے کوبچوں کی عمراوران کی نفسیات کے اعتبارسے دلچسپ بنائیں۔ 5۔ پڑھنے میں جلدی نہ کریں۔ بچوں کی ذہنی سطح کا خیال رکھیں اورپڑھنے کووعظ و نصیحت یا بچوں میں معلومات

Love of sahaba (R.A) towards Rasūlallāh ﷺ :

No one understood the concept of pure Tawhid more than the Sahaba. Did that prevent them from having a deep relationship with Rasūlallāh ﷺ out of fear of shirk? Let's look at their love for him ﷺ. They kissed his hands. They kissed his feet. They preserved his hair. They competed for his wudhu water. They collected his perspiration. They protected his blood. They took cure from his saliva. They sought remedy through his touch. They rubbed his ablution water on their bodies. They honoured his clothing. They carried his sandals. They thought about him at home. They missed him whilst with their families. They cried for him. They smiled for him. They lived for him. They died for him. They fought for him. They jumped for arrows with their necks and made their chests shields in order to defend him. They stood, sat, and lay for him. They walked, talked, and ate like him. They esteemed his household and respected his children. They praised him, raised him, and wrote poetry for him. Thei

Opportunity to learn Quran Online:

Protecting our children from cartoon fitna:

Watch an amazing explaination: Source: This video is linked to YouTube. All rights reserved with the content creator .

Some of the traditional methods of raising children in Tarim (Yemen):

*Raising children* Some of the traditional methods of raising children in Tarim (Yemen). This is really beautiful. Women expecting children would ensure every morsel going into their mouths was halal. Breastfeeding mothers would repeatedly recite Ayah al-Kursi, Surah al-Falaq, Surah al-Nas and du'as of protection over their babies. When a child first began to speak it would be taught to say: رَضِيتُ بِاللهِ رَبّاً، وبِالإِسْلامِ دِيناً، و بسيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ صلى الله عليه وسلم نَبِيَّاً ورَسُولاً ‘I am content with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion, and with our Master Muhammad ﷺ as my Prophet and Messenger.’ Parents would teach their children the importance of making good intentions and what intentions to make just as they would teach them how to recite Surat al-Fatiha. Parents would teach their children to call upon Allah in every situation. If a child asked for something, his parents would tell him to perform wudu, pray two rak'ats and then ask Allah to fulfil his

Indeed Paradise lies at the feet of a Mother. Even if you sacrifice your whole Lîfē for your parents, you have done nothing for them!

SHE DOESN'T KNOW THAT I'M HER SON , BUT I KNOW SHE'S MY MOTHER...  TRUE STORY!!!!!! A Saudi lady doctor narrated a story about a patient! A Saudi guy aged 30 named Mohammad entered the lady Doctor's  room and he had his mother with him.  She wanted to run away from his son. She unset her niqab again and again but her son set it back again and again.  She would bite his hands and spit on his face and her son kept smiling... Then his mother threw her niqab and started laughing and going around the Doctor's table.  Doctor asked Mohammad who she was and  he replied, 'my Mother'.  Then she asked him what's her story, he replied that she was born with mental disorder.  Then she asked him, how she gave birth to you. He told her my grandfather made my father marry her to get a son. So my father married her and divorced her after a year and I was born. And since I was about 10 years old, I am the one serving her. When I want to sleep I tie my foot with her foot s

Islamic ways are practised universally during COVID-19 situation:

- Watch an amazing video explaination: Is Corona virus making us all Muslims -  Robert Carter, Press TV London explains how Corona virus making the world to follow Islam, the Great Religion. Subhan Allah. But we as a Muslim by birth, should really follow the islam in its true and real spirit. Inshallah. Source: The video is received through WhatsApp message. All rights reserved with the content creator.

TAWWAKUL & PATIENCE. When you are righteous & rely upon Allah & your striving will open doors:

His name is Nafis Yaqoub, a young Cambodian man who entered illegally in Malaysia for the purpose of work, & one night he left his hiding place where he was hiding in the fear of being arrested. He went out to find food to buy, & on the way Nafis Yaqoub met a Malaysian policeman who asked for his identity, so he told him that he didn’t have it on him. The policeman had to take him into custody & in custody he admitted that he was a Cambodian migrant & came to Malaysia illegally, so they sent him to prison to get him on deportation to return to his country. Prison was very hot & there was no mats in the prison to sit on so Nafis had to take off his shirt & sat on it waiting his for food to be served. While he was waiting for food, he recited the Qur’an & his voice was very beautiful & attractive. The prison guard videos him & posted the video on social media & it circulated & became very popular. Hence after this Nafis Yaqoub became famous &am

Teach Hajj to your child; very Good Learning for kids:

- In this journal, your child will… (The document is in the link below the message) •  Learn the virtues of first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. •  Find motivation to increase good deeds during these ten best days. •  Identify Hajj as a pillar of Islam. •  Learn briefly about the rituals of Hajj and be able to sequence the steps along with the wisdom behind every ritual. •  Identify the places that are visited during the Hajj by looking at the pictures in the journal and learn vocabulary pertaining to Hajj. •  Read and take lessons from the story of Zam Zam and the story of Prophet Ibraheem’s (alayhi as-salaam) willingness to sacrifice his son. •  Take a closer look at the structure of Ka’bah, learn and identify various parts of the Ka’bah. •  Read and take lessons for life from the Farewell Khutbah of the Prophet Muhammed (sal-Allahu alayhi wa sallam). •  Learn about the days of Tashreeq and what should be done in those days. •  Learn about the virtues of day of Arafah and practical tips to

Luqman the wise counsels his son with 10 pieces of advice:

I am aware of a wise man who has 10 pieces of advice to his son. In Surah Luqman:  1. "…O my son! Join not in worship others with God.  Verily! Joining others in worship with God is a great wrong indeed." (Quran 31:13) 2. "And we have enjoined on man to be dutiful and good to his parents…" (Quran 31:14) 3. "O my son! If it be (anything) equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth…" (Quran 31:16) 4. "O my son! Offer prayer perfectly…" (Quran 31:17) 5. "…enjoin on people all that is good and forbid them from all that is evil…" (Quran 31:17) 6. "…and bear with patience whatever befalls you…" (Quran 31:17) 7. "And turn not your face away from men with pride…" (Quran 31:18) 8. "…nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not any arrogant boaster." (Quran 31:18) 9. "And be mode


A MOTHER'S ADVICE TO HER DAUGHTER BEFORE MARRIAGE ⠀ Oh my dear daughter, take from me these ten qualities; they will be for you a stored treasure and a reminder: ⠀ One: Accompany him with contentment and live with him in a good manner ⠀ Two: Listen to him and obey him ⠀ Three and four: Take care of his eyes and take care of his nose, so do not let him see anything ugly from you and only let him smell pleasant smells from you. Kohl is the best beautification while water is the sweetest of the rare perfumes ⠀ Five and six: Pay attention to his meal times and be quiet during his sleep moments, because the heat of hunger is like a burning flame and disturbing his sleep will anger him ⠀ Seven and eight: Take care of his home and his wealth and look over him, his servants, and his children. Protecting his wealth shows good judgement, while watching over his servants and children shows good management ⠀ Nine and ten: Do not expose his secrets and do not disobey his command. If you expose

کیا آپ کا بچہ کند ذہن ہے؟ جانیے لرننگ سٹائلز کے بارے میں!

کیا آپ کا بچہ کند ذہن ہے؟ جانیے لرننگ سٹائلز کے بارے میں! بچوں کے کم یا زیادہ ذہین ہونے کا تعلق ان کے والدین کی تعلیمی قابلیت یا ان کی پیدائش سے بالکل نہیں ہے جب تک بچہ پیدائشی طور پر کسی ایسی بیماری کا شکار نہ ہو جس کی وجہ سے سیکھنے کے عمل پر منفی اثر پڑ سکتا ہو۔ پھر کچھ بچے تدریسی عمل کے دوران کیوں جلدی سیکھ جاتے ہیں جبکہ کچھ کو وہی سبق سیکھنے یا یاد کرنے میں مشکلات کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے؟  اس سوال کا تعلق تعلیمی نفسیات سے ہے جو ایک باقاعدہ سائنس ہے اور اساتذہ کے ہر تعلیمی اور تربیتی نصاب میں اس پر باقاعدہ بات ہوتی ہے۔ تعلیمی نفسیات کے مطابق بر بچے کا لرننگ اسٹائل دوسرے سے مختلف ہوتا ہے۔ ہمارے تعلیمی نظام کا ایک مسلہ یہ بھی ہے کہ اساتذہ ان الگ الگ لرننگ اسٹائلز سے واقف نہ ہونے یا دوران تدریس ان کا خیال نہ رکھنے کی وجہ سے سب بچوں کو ایک ہی طریقے سے پڑھانا شروع کر دیتے ہیں۔ جس کی وجہ سے کچھ بچوں کو بات سمجھ میں آجاتی ہے جبکہ کچھ اسے سمجھنے سے قاصر رہتے ہیں۔ اس طرح بچوں کو ذہین یا کند ذہن لیبل کر دیا جاتا ہے۔ اصل صورت حال اس سے بہت مختلف ہے۔ اس کے لیے یہ سمجھنا ہوگا کہ لرننگ اسٹائلز کیا

The tarbiyat of your child:

Treasures of tarbiyat If your child requests something that you know you will give him if he persists in asking for it, then give it at the very first request. Do not let your child force you into giving it through crying or making a fuss. If the request is one which you do not intend ever to fulfil, due to it’s detrimental nature, then do not give in, even if the child makes a fuss. In this way you will nurture your children to understand that making a fuss is not going to force you to give in. If you do not take care in this matter, you will spoil the character of your children. – Shaykh Saleem Dhorat (Hafidhahullah) Source: received through WhatsApp message