Question : I am having problem of bad thoughts every 5 minutes. I tried my best to stop it but it doesn’t. Sometimes the bad thoughts come about Allah Ta’ālā. I wanted to ask having bad thoughts about Allah does it make a Muslim a disbeliever? What solutions are there to get rid of it? Answer : In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Thoughts are of two types, voluntary and involuntary. One should not introduce evil thoughts in the mind. This could be done through exposing the mind to things which develop bad thoughts. For example one should be careful of the material one reads or sees. A bad read or an impermissible sight will develop evil thoughts. If one experiences involuntary bad thoughts then one should ignore them. This is done by conditioning the mind. Think of a highway, whilst driving one is concerned about the road ahead and does not give any significance to t...