This dua series by Sh Omar Sulaiman titled 'Prayers of the pious'. Was very impressed with this particular dua by Ibn Jawzi rh..
What wonderful insights our scholars had.
He Ibn Jawzi used to advice his students "If people are impressed with you, don't think they are impressed with you. They are actually impressed by the beauty of Allah's cover over your sins. They are impressed with the beauty of Allah's hijab over you. It's not really you. It's the veil that Allah has provided you. You need to be self aware of that so that you continue to work on improving and not allow for destructive praise to sedate you or paralyze you from actually working towards the best of yourself. May Allah swt make us better than what people think of us.
May Allah swt forgive us for that which they not know of. May He not hold us accountable for things that they say about us."
As leaders we should be mindful of this fact. We are able to do certain things coz of Allah s Rahmah. When we hear some one praising us for our actions let's remember these words-people are impressed with Allah s veil over us. If they actually knew the real me-no one would even look at us.
May Allah swt make us stand up at all times to seek only His pleasure. Ameen
Source: Whatsaap message