*A Common Mistake - Cursing Oppressers Individually*
ابن باز : لا يجوز للمؤمن أن يلعن أحدا من خلق الله، إلا من لعنه الله في كتابه أو لعنه رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -، كما لا يجوز لعن المعين الحي، وإن كان كافرا، على الصحيح من قولي العلماء..
Sh. Bin Bāz رحمه الله: “It is *IMPERMISSIBLE* for the believer to curse anyone from the creation of Allāh except the one who is cursed by Allāh in his Book (Qur'ān) or the one who is cursed by the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ likewise it is *IMPERMISSIBLE* to curse a specific individual who is *ALIVE*, be it a *DISBELIEVER*, as per correct saying of the scholars.”
● [من الفتوى رقم ٢٠١١٤]
The Shaykh further said, that is because we *DO NOT* know how their end will be with Allāh, also Daleel of Ḥadeeth ‘The believer does not curse..’
Source: Whatsaap message