Baba E Taleem Dr Mumtaz Ahmed Khan Saheb has passed away just a while from now. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihir Raajioon. It's a great great loss to the whole Nation in general and the community in particular.
May Allah grant him maghfirath and give him highest place in Janath Ul Firdouse and Sabr O Jameel to the entire community in general and Mr Umar Ismail Khan Saheb and his family in particular.
Aameen Summa Aameen
In one line - one man army - they say sometimes an individual's decision changes the fate of generations to come , indeed He was one man who did that change and perhaps many followed his ideas.
He was founder of Al-Ameen institutions which has 100+ institutions in Bengaluru, parts of Karnataka as well.
Dr.Mumtaz Ahmed Khan (humanitarian), in 1966, at the age of 31, he founded the Al-Ameen Educational Society. Khan sir is a founder-trustee of an Urdu daily newspaper, the Salar Daily.
May Allah swt accept his efforts for the community, forgive his sins and bless him with the highest place in Jannah.
Baba E Taleem..
Click below to know more about the Great personality:
Source: received this information through whatsapp message. kind teacher is an independent blog sharing views on teaching of Islam and community.