- Quran Juz 4 – Lan Tanalu
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• It has been made clear that the intention behind spending and sacrificing in the Way of Allah should be to attain the pleasure of Allah. Since Allah knows what’s hidden in our hearts, it’s vain to show-off.
• Beloved Prophet Muhammed ﷺ used to consume camel’s milk and flesh. The Jews said that it has been prohibited in the Abrahamic religions. Though Prophet Muhammed ﷺ did not learn to read and write formally & traditionally, he ﷺ challenged them to bring Torah and prove the same if they were true. They couldn’t.
• Sayyiduna Yaqoob (alaihissalam) himself forbade from consuming camel’s milk and flesh, and that wasn’t a prohibition from Allah. Just like Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (ra) self-prohibited honey consumption, keeping in view the poverty of the then Muslims.
• Verses 95 to 97 talk about the Hajj obligation on those who can afford.
• Allah states that Kaba in Makkah was the first structure made on the face of earth for worship. One goodness in the Masjid al-Haraam leads to 100,000 (a hundred thousand) blessings there.
• The stone on which Sayyiduna Ibraheem (alaihissalam) stood upon and constructed Kaba (after it was demolished in the flood during the Flood of Sayyiduna Nuh alaihissalam) is called Maqam Ibraheem.
• Non-performance of the obligatory Hajj during lifetime, despite being healthy and worthy to afford, is Kufr (disbelief). Performance of Hajj and other worships benefits the performer himself; it doesn’t affect Allah in any way, nor is Allah in need of our worship.
• Allah pressed on the unity of Ummah, and asked us to refrain from sectarian division from within. He the Exalted also warned that sectarian division will lead to a Great Punishment on the Day of Judgement.
• Allah talks about the ill habits of the people of the book (Jews & Christians) and then talks about their mentality and says that if Muslims start listening to them, they will force Muslims to withdraw their faith (and turn to Kufr).
• The faces of the followers of Allah and His Prophet ﷺ will glow, and those of their deniers will be black.
• Allah called the Muslim Ummah as the best, and gives reasons for the same: that it spreads goods and forbids what is wrong. This means the responsibility of the Ummah is to call people toward good, and forbid what’s wrong, and carry on the prophetic mission of spreading Islam & all the goodness related to human life spheres.
• Verse 105 clearly states that the people who will promote differences in the Muslim Ummah will face a great torment, whereas the faces of good people will glow and they’ll cherish Allah’s blessings forever.
• Verse 110 of Surah Aal-Imran talks about the aim of the Muslim Ummah: to call people towards goodness, stop them from evil, have strong belief in Allah, refrain from all forms of Shirk (ascribing parts to Allah). Failure to fulfill these aims has a strong possibility of it facing the torment of Allah. (May Allah protect us)
• Allah says the aforementioned responsibilities were that of the people of the book (Jews & Christians), but only a few took it up, and majority of them were disobedient.
• Verses 113 to 115 state that that not all Jews and Christians were the same. Few of them had a balanced approach, recited Allah’s revelations, offered prayers, believed in the hereafter, and also took part in spreading goodness & stopping evil. Allah will not ignore their good deeds.
• Allah then narrates about the eternal enmity by Jews toward Muslims. When the believers receive any goodness, they feel jealous and miserable. On the contrary, if the believers incur any loss or feel grieved, they cannot control their happiness. However, if the believers depict patience and persistence on Imaan, the people of the book can do no harm.
• The context of the Battle of Badr is mentioned in verse 122 that it is disallowed to make the hypocrites as friends and confidants.
• The Muslims in the Battle of Badr not just displayed immense courage & bravery, but also witnessed the usually unseen help, when 3000 (three thousand) angels descended at Badr to fight disbelievers with the Muslims.
• Allah again warned, in the verse 130, against the multiplication of wealth through usury and interest.
• The qualities of the pious (Muttaqi) are the mentioned. They are those who: spend in the way of Allah in any circumstance, control anger, forgive people, and repent on sins rather than being insistent on their wrongdoings.
• Allah says that if bad & painful days befell the believers, they’ll not remain forever. Patience during bad times elevates believers’ ranks in the Court of Allah, and helps them attain Jannah.
• During the Battle of Uhud, the hypocrites stated that the Muslims are less in number, and have less weapons, and that it is unwise to slip into a battlefield with such scarcities. Referring to those who were martyred in this battle, they said that if they remained at home like themselves, they wouldn’t have been killed. Allah responded to them and asked how will they escape death when they remain in homes and the Angel of Death comes to take their soul?
• Next verses invite contemplation and view of the places of those who previously denied Allah’s guidance, which are now the places of lessons.
• In the verse 139 Allah says that a person becomes a formal Muslim by reciting Kalimah, but the real faith comes from truly following Allah and His Prophet ﷺ (not partially).
• Human beings will taste death at a time decreed for everyone.
• A human beings has two options: to either seek the temporary enjoyments of this life which are lowly, or make a goal to attain the everlasting high blessings. The seeker will get what he/she aspires.
• Allah called the sending of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ as His blessing and favor for the true believers (people of Imaan).
• Allah then praises those who remained with Prophet Muhammed ﷺ during the difficult times at the Battle of Uhud.
• Allah invited people of wisdom to think about the making of the skies and the earth.
• Allah states the following to the Muslims in the last verse of this Surah, to be:
1. Persistent in the way of Allah.
2. Outmatch disbelievers through patience and persistence.
3. Remain connected and follow the System of Allah.
4. Refrain from every deed of disobedience of Allah.
• Surah Nisa: A distinguishingly great chapter in the Quran which gives lessons on restoring society, especially issues related to household.
• Allah asked us to make our household environment a pleasant one, as houses/families make a nation, and households produce pillars of a nation.
• Nisa means women, and since this chapter deals with very significant and sensitive issues related to them, hence the name given to the Surah.
• Allah urged Muslims to acquire Taqwa (godfearing), take care of orphans, gave Muslim men an option to marry as many as 4 a time – but with justice.
• Concepts of Mehr (marital gift), care for the mentally unstable, detailed explanation of the rulings of inheritance are given.
• Allah will not accept the Iman of those who want to do so when they see the Angel of Death.
• List of 12 such women relatives were listed with whom marriage is impermissible everlastingly. Two another woman relatives are mentioned with whom marriage is imperssible temporarily.