Shaikh Zia-Ur-Rahman Azami- ( Reverting to Islam in adult life, compiled a book with 16,000 hadiths):
-Watch video in urdu: Journey from Hinduism to Hadith scholar: About *One of the giants amongst the ulama, Shaikh Zia-Ur-Rahman Azami* In 1400 years no one compiled all the Sahih narrations into a single book, the shaikh did this over the span of 15 years and used over 200 books to compile a book spanning 20 volumes with no repeating Hadith, all of which were Sahih. How many Hadith has he compiled? Over 16,000. Now you can hold the Quran in one hand and say this is the Word of Allah and hold Shaikhs compilation in another hand and say this is the word of Rasool Allah. While he can't have captured 100% of Sahih Hadith in existence, he did get 99% of them. All this while being born a Hindu and converting to Islam in adult life. He has put us all to shame <3 *He was an Indian Brahman Hindu. He converted to Islam when he was 18 and his name used to be Banke Laal. He started learning the religion and his passion lead him to study at Madinah University and to become Dean of Faculty of...