*The Day of Arafah (YOU WON'T REGRET READING THIS insha'Allah)*
We've all heard so much about Arafah and its virtues, so much so that it has almost turned out to become mere facts just being related on repeat!
*Ask yourself ⁉️*:
▪️Have I actually internalized and comprehended what Arafah is?
▪️Have I truly understood the MAGNITUDE of this magnificent Day?
▪️Am I going to let it pass like any other ordinary day?
Well, let me tell you in short why your heart should be racing so fast just at the thought of being blessed with the opportunity of witnessing this tremendous Day!
1️⃣ It is the *BEST* day the sun has ever risen or will rise upon!
2️⃣ It is the Day on which Allah perfected His religion, *completed His favors* upon us and approved for us Islam as a way of life!
3️⃣ It is the Day Allah *frees* the most number of His slaves from the Hell-Fire.
4️⃣ It is the ONLY day Allah, The Most High *descends to the lowest heaven in the day time* (a descention in way
that befits Him, Glory be to Him)
5️⃣ It is the Day Allah *praises (shows off)*, His righteous slaves to the angles!
Ya Subhanallah! By Allah only a wretched person will let this Day go past him in a state of heedlessness!
*⭕What is the best thing I can do on this day?*
Yes, that's it! The Prophet ﷺ said: *"The best dua'a is the du'aa on the Day of Arafah"*
*⭕When does this special time begin?*
عشية عرفة
Majority of the scholars say that it is from Dhuhr to Maghrib or just a little before Asr to Maghrib.
This whole time for du'aa? YES!
Do you feel a little overwhelmed? How do I start my du'aa? How do I organize it? How do I get it all right?
*⭕Here are 7 EASY points to categorize your Du'aa into*:
1️⃣ *Start by praising, and glorifying Allah*. Reach onto Him through His beautiful names. Don't rush. Praise Him till your heart feels content, for He is indeed worthy of ALL praise. Look up du'aas from the Qur'aan and authentic Sunnah on this regard.
2️⃣ *Send Salutations upon Rasoolullah ﷺ*. Again, don't rush. Take your time. Internalize what it means to send salutations upon him. Bear witness that Rasoolullah fulfilled his responsibility and passed the message (of Islam) the way it had to be.
3️⃣ *Thank Allah and show Him gratitude for ALL his blessings upon you, and seek refuge in Him from the removal of His blessings*
Take your time! Try going through each and every blessing that comes to your mind and thank Allah for it. Blessing of Islam. Blessing of health. Blessing of parents. Blessing of safety. Etc etc. Be specific! Be personal!
4️⃣ *Istighfar, Repentance*. Humble yourself in front of Allah. Own up to Him for all your sins. Beg Him to forgive you. Cry your heart out! Again take your time. Do not rush!
5️⃣ *YOUR personal time, ask Allah for ALL you want in THIS LIFE pertaining your deen and dunya*. Wealth, health, marriage, guidance, righteousness, success. Anything and everything pour it out with a heart full of conviction that Allah is listening and He knows and will answer!
6️⃣ *Al Barzakh, The AFTER LIFE*. Here you make du'aas pertaining moments before death, after death, the grave, the Day of Judgement, the Siraat, Jannah, protection from Hell-Fire Etc. Ask Allah to grant you a good ending. Ask Allah for firmness at the time of questioning. Etc.
7️⃣ *End by sending salutations upon Rasoolullah ﷺ*. Ask Allah to grant you His intercession on the Day of Judgement. Ask Allah to grant you a drink from his Houdh.
🛑Take your time through each category. Pause. Relflect. Humble yourself, breakdown in front of Allah. Show Him your weakness and surrender to Him with utmost humility.
🛑The Prophet ﷺ said:
*"خير الدعاء دعاء يوم عرفة، وخير ما قلت أنا والنبيون من قبلي لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير"*
"The best supplication is on the Day of Arafat and the best supplication said by me and the prophets before me: There is no God but Allah alone, He has no partner. To Allah is the dominion, and to Him is the praise and He is Capable of all things"
So every now and then in the midst of your du'aas say:
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل قدير.
🛑 When you make any duaa, include your parents, grandparents, offspring, your offsprings offspring and the Muslims.
I pray Allah allows you to make the most of this precious day. I pray He guides you to make the best of du'aas. I pray He accepts from you. I pray He grants you guidance and elevates your status in this life and the next! Aameen.
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