❝The one who prays for his parents after every salah will be considered an obedient child on the day of judgment.❞
— Sufyan al-Thawri (R.A)
Shaikh Uthaimeen (raḥimahullāh) said:
❝Your supplications for your parent in your salah of Taraweeh or Tahajjud is better than slaughtering ten (10) camels as sadaqah on his behalf.❞
[Liqaa Al-Bab Al-Maftooh - 115]
Sh. ʿAbdur-Razzāq al-Badr Hafiẓahullāh said:
“From the GREATEST forms of kindness towards parents (Birr al-Wālidayn) is to make DŪʿĀ for (Allāh's) Mercy and Forgiveness upon them — be they alive or dead — with the condition that they are or were Muslims..”
● [فقه الأدعية والأذكار ٢/٢٤٠]
✒ Make Duʿā For Your Parents
Prophet Muḥammad (Ṣallallāhu-ʿAlaihi Wa Sallam) said:
إن الرجل لترفع درجته في الجنة فيقول : أنى لي هذا ؟ فيقال : باستغفار ولدك لك
“Indeed a man's status is raised in Jannah and he asks: ‘Where did I get this from?’, so it is said to him: ‘By your child seeking forgiveness (of Allāh) for you’.”
● [مختصر صحيح الجامع الصغير برقم ١٦١٧ ، صححه الألباني]
*_'Rabbir Hum-Huma Kama Rabba-Yanee Sagheera.'_*
“My Lord ! Have Mercy Upon Them (On Both My Parents) As They Brought Me Up When I Was Small"
(The Noble Qur’an : Surah-17 ~ Ayah-24)
Source: received through whatsapp message