"Juz 29 Summary – Tabarakalladhi
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• Surah Mulk: This is yet another virtuous Surah in the Quran. It is also called Surah Mani’ah.
• By the Will of Allah this Surah is considered to be a protection against the torment of grave to the one who recites it frequently.
• In this chapter Allah spoke about the purpose of life for humans and genies, and that life is a test.
• The Quran also speaks that quality is better than quantity, in terms of anyone doing anything.
• Allah then says that none can find any defect in His creation – and by saying this he cited the example of Him creating 7 skies, one above the other.
• Then the Quran talks about the dialogue between the keeper of Hell and the inmates of the place (sinners). He will ask the ones who’ll receive punishment if they didn’t receive any warner (prophets and messengers of Allah). They’ll respond they did, but confess that they rejected them, and the revelations Allah sent to them.
• Then they will regret by saying that had they been wise they’d not have been in Hell.
• Then Allah said that those who fear Him, He will grant them forgiveness and a great reward.
• In the 19th verse Allah questions if people do not see the flying birds which spread their wings during their flight. Then Allah asks again as to who keeps them flying in the air other than Rahman (Allah Himself).
• After also reminding of His other blessings like the opportunities to earn sustenance, the option of exploring the world, He the Exalted reminds us of going into His presence on the Day of Judgement.
• Then Allah ends the chapter by asking who can help us (humans) to arrange water sources in wells etc. if Allah dries them up.
• Surah Qalam: Allah starts off this chapter by swearing in the name of the Pen and the Inscriptions written by the angels and saying that Prophet Muhammed ﷺ is sane. This was in reply to the baseless allegations upon our beloved ﷺ which the polytheists of Makkah used to put on his sanity.
• Then Allah motivates His messenger ﷺ by saying that He has bestowed an unlimited reward for him ﷺ and that he ﷺ is a person with the most glorious character, something which will act like a model till the end of times.
• In the next verses Allah asked Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to tell the polytheists that he cannot compromise in the matters of truth and belief.
• Allah counted 9 ill-habits of the enemy of the prophet ﷺ (most of the Quranic interpreters say it was Waleed bin Mugheerah). This shows how much Allah hates the one who gives pains and troubles to His beloved ﷺ.
• This chapter starts with the mention of pen. 1400 years ago, when illiteracy was common, Allah mentioned pen, only because He knew that His last revelation Quran will exist till the end of times, and also that a time will come when literacy will be high. Hence, He showed us its importance and universality. Upon a closer look, we realize that the advent of computers, internet etc. are an advance form of pen, not physically but on the basis of its purpose and utility.
• Then Allah spoke of a generous and pious landlord, that he used to spend in the way of Allah from his income in the best way. However, when he died his sons decided not to support the poor after the harvest. On the day of harvest, they started off quickly so that no poor person encountered them, but when they reached their farm, they didn’t find their cultivated land at all. At first, they thought they took the wrong way, but upon giving a keen look at the place, they realized that their land was devastated.
• This gives a stark reminder to those who wish to solely benefit from their incomes without thinking about the needy. It also gives us a lesson that the chances of our properties (liquid & non-liquid assets) getting destroyed increase in the event of us not spending a portion of it in the way of Allah, as a (Sadaqah).
• Surah Haaqqah: One of the other names of the Day of Judgement is Haaqqah, which means the one which proves.
• It has been emphasized that Qiyamah is inevitable and is bound to establish.
• Then Allah talks about the people of Aad and Thamud, their destruction due to their denial of the Day of Resurrection.
• Verses 19 onwards talk about the account of deeds being given in the right hand for those who become successful in the hereafter. Upon receiving it as such, the person would proudly invite people to read it. And on the contrary, the one who will receive his account in his left hand will regret deeply and that his death would have been his ultimate end.
• Then Allah denied the false allegations of the polytheists who used to call our beloved a fortuneteller.
• Surah Ma’arij: The initial verses of this chapter revealed in reply to the mockery which the polytheists of Makkah made by asking the prophet ﷺ to let them taste the punishment of the hereafter, so that they’d know what it will feel like in the next world.
• Allah responded that His punishment, if revealed, doesn’t give anyone any further time to find a refuge or protection against it.
• Additionally, it was mentioned that the Day of Judgement would be equal to 50,000 (fifty thousand) years on earth; the sky will become like molten copper, mountains will become like wool, and nobody will help the other. At that time, the sinners will be ready to give everything they have command or control over, including their family members as a ransom to get rid of Hell but will not be able to do so.
• Then Allah talks about the greedy nature of human beings, and that a human reaches out to Him in case of pain but becomes arrogant and miser during the days of comfort.
• Then Allah says that the ones who safeguard themselves from extremist are those who establish Salah (prayers), help destitute, believe in the Day of Resurrection, fear Allah’s punishment, do not commit sexual crimes, are honest in dealings, do not break promises, and remain firm on their true testimonies. Allah said that these are the ones who will be entered into Heaven with honor and respect.
• Surah Nooh: This chapter deals only with Sayyiduna Nooh (a.s.) and his people.
• Sayyiduna Nooh (a.s.) propagated Islam and called people toward Tawheed for about 950 years, called people to chant Istighfaar for Allah to cause rain as per their wish, let the rivers flow for irrigation etc. But in the end, his people remained as they were and rejected his teachings. Upon Sayyiduna Nooh’s (a.s.) curse, Allah sent upon them an unimaginable flood which destroyed the people.
• This shows that the deniers of faith incur great loss in both the worlds, and the believers benefit through their belief and good deeds.
• Surah Jinn: The context of this chapter is that before the declaration of prophethood by Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ, genies used to go to the upper skies to get heavenly news. But a time came when they were prohibited from doing so. Every time they went, they were driven away by angels. Upon this, they all decided to know its root cause by examining the whole world. They were sure that some big event had taken place.
• During their observation, they went to Makkah, saw Prophet Muhammed ﷺ reciting Quran while leading Fajr prayers. They said with certainty that it is the root cause for them being barred in the skies.
• When they went to their inhabitation, they told their people that they heard a marvelous Quran, which guides its reader/listener, that they brought faith in it, that they will never enjoin anyone else with Allah in worship, and that He is Glorified who neither has a wife nor a son.
• Genies too are bound of Shariah. The believing genies will go to Heaven, and the disbelieving will go to Hell.
• Verse 26 states that Allah is the Knower of every hidden knowledge, and that He doesn’t let everyone know about it except those chosen ones who He wills, especially His Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them All).
• Surah Muzzammil: The personality of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ is the central theme of this chapter.
• Allah called Prophet Muhammed ﷺ in a loving way: “O mantled (beloved)!”
• Allah also mentioned about the non-obligatory prayers which the beloved ﷺ used to perform throughout the nights. He the Exalted asked his beloved ﷺ to reduce the time he used to spend in prayers. This was out of love, and to ensure that Prophet Muhammed’s ﷺ sacred body doesn’t feel the exertion.
• Allah asked the noble prophet ﷺ to be only His.
• Allah also asked his beloved messenger ﷺ to read the Quran to the extent of his comfort.
• This chapter sends message to those individuals or volunteers who serve Islam, that they must offer non-obligatory prayers at night, so as to create effects in their hard work done during the daytime. The night vigil prayers are very effective in spiritual training and advancement.
• Surah Muddassir: In this chapter as well, Allah called Prophet Muhammed ﷺ with utmost love by saying “O the one who is wrapped, rise and warn people about Allah punishment and announce the greatness of your Lord.”
• This chapter talks about the 4 reasons people will be admitted to Hell. They will say:
1. We didn’t use to offer Salah (prayers).
2. We didn’t used to feed the poor.
3. We used to be involved in vain activities and be with those who did the same.
4. We used to deny the establishment of the Hour.
• Then the chapter ends with the mention that anyone can come forward and seek guidance from the Holy Quran.
• Surah Qiyamah: This chapter was revealed to respond to those who used to deny the occurrence of the Day of Judgement.
• Allah swore so many times only to let humanity know that he can recreate and resurrect human beings as they were. He the Exalted tells that people in the hereafter will have the same fingerprints, which are unique to everybody in this world. Thus, He talks about his Supreme Control over everything.
• In the verse 16, Allah asked Prophet Muhammed ﷺ not to give quick movements to his tongue in order to learn and memorize it upon revelation, rather took the responsibility of it and that of its compilation on Himself.
• Then Allah spoke about the pangs of death and asked the humanity to be ready for it at the time of death.
• Surah Dahr/Insan: The start of this chapter talks about the stages of human birth, and the way Allah gave sense of good and bad, belief and denial to people. Then Allah says it is on them to choose any. Then he spoke about the punishment for the denial, and then about the reward for believing in His Existence and Commands. A majority of the chapter is themed around this topic.
• The chapter ends with Allah advising people to remain firm on Imaan, to observe non-obligatory lengthy night prayers (Tahajjud), to seek guidance from the Noble Quran, and with the warning that the wrongdoers will undergo a very painful torment.
• Surah Mursilat: The start of this chapter deals with the signs of the Hour. In it, Allah warns the deniers of the Hour again and again that doing so will be destructive.
• The chapter also talks about those who denied His calls and those of his prophets and messengers.
• Allah asks people if He has not created them from an unclean drop of water.
• Finally, Allah asks the stubborn disbelievers to eat and drink as they wish, as they would one day have to face severe consequences due to their stubborn nature.
Reference: Aaina Mazameen Qur’an (originally Urdu) by Maulana Afroz Quadri, South Africa.
Its English translation is being produced under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Syed Aleem Ashraf Jaisi (Allah protect him), HoD Arabic, MANU University; President, The Qur’an Foundation, Hyd., Ind.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*