*Eid Mubarak* Only way for solution and salvation is to get closer to Allah (swt) by following the ways of righteous:
Assalaam u alaikum
This pandemic provided us an opportunity to
1 Strengthen our faith in Almighty (we acknowledged we are helpless)
2. Only way for solution and salvation is to get closer to him by following the ways of righteous
3.we must seek his help through prayers and patience
4.we must seek knowledge and convert existing knowledge into wisdom by action.
5.we must be always mindful that he is watching us anytime and everytime.
6 We must become selfless souls so as to alleviate suffering of others
7.Sinceriety and focussed hardwork must be our arms.
8.We are dutybound to entire humanity in this trying circumstances and will be held accountable for every second wasted in delay
9.let us start our early morning as barakah blessings) are in morning work
10.Let us co ordinate,co- operate and collaborate to build the best healthcare system in the whole world thereby making our country proud our pledge shall be
"Health care to all "
11.On this auspicious day of eid we will commit ourselves for making HEALTHY INDIA.
(Above excerpts are from Dr. Mushtaq sab, CMD Shifa hospital, Bangalore)Explore below for more articles on Islamic teachings: