*They are your children* 🧕👲 They are not burdens, they are not your mistake, they are not your headache, they are not your empty dirt bags in which you throw your stress, negativity, rage and anger into. They are not your financial difficulties, they are not your delicate toys to break emotionally, physically and mentally. They are not your weakling to walk all over and disrespect. They are not your verbal diarrhea sink to spew curses, insults and ridicule into. They are not your bad deeds coming back to haunt you. They are not the reason to live in an abusive marriage. They are not puppets to be controlled at all times. They are not your second chance to try and live your unfulfilling life, your shattered dreams and your broken aspirations through them. They are not your enemy, your competitor, your despair, your hurdle, your set back and your full stop. They are not the reason you stop perusing your dreams, hobbies and i...