*Let's teach our children ;*
Before Iron-Man, there was Dawood Alayhis Salaam, the one who could bend iron and metal with his bare hands.
[Qur'aan 34:10].
Before Superman, there was Sulaymaan Alayhis Salaam, the one who could fly by controlling the winds.
[Qur'aan 38:36]
Before Ant-Man - the one who enlarges to 60 feet tall, there was Aadam Alayhis Salaam who was created 60 feet tall.
[al-Bukhaari, 3336; Muslim, 7092]
Before Wolverine - the one who cures himself instantly, there was Esaa Alayhis Salaam, the one who could do one better and cure others instantlyby the will of Allaah.
[Qur'aan 3:49]
Before Aquaman - the one who communicates with sea-creatures, there was Sulaymaan Alayhis Salaam who could communicate with ALL creatures.
[Qur'aan 27:16]
It's human nature to want a hero, albeit a super one. And if we fail to provide our children with the correct one, they will naturally fill that void with an imaginery one.
Alhamdulillah for a religion that has granted us real-life superheroes who not only serve as timeless and practical role-models we can follow, but also provide abundant guidance in regards to this world and the next, sufficing us the need to look elsewhere.
Source: received through WhatsApp