The Task of Parenting.
Little did we know that the technologically savvy world would impose such a big challenge on the upbringing of children .The artificial dazzle of media and technology has made it very difficult for the parents to raise children on the right lines.
Nevertheless this Hadith gives all parents a great inspiration:
an infant is born on the FITHRAH(the true nature of Islam) it is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian ...
Sahih Muslim- Kitab ul Qadr .
So let each parent be assured and be confident that every child has the islamic inclination and fibre by default in his innate nature .
This hope and faith shall bring shall be a big asset for parents in their task of parenting and shall also bring in positivity in their approach .
The second aspect highlighted in this hadith is of great importance in the present scenario .The fact that has been highlighted therein is about the importance of parents and their method of parenting .The early education and upbringing of the child which begins in the lap of the mother is like stone work which is everlasting and extremely strong. Just as a child learns the mother tongue without any extra training and effort similarly he picks up the essentials of the Shariah and Sunnah from the environment at home .
Besides what is of real importance for parents is their ardent desire and duas to see their offsprings grow up as God fearing moomins.
The unequalled Spiritual excellence of Bibi Mariam was actually initiated by the ardent ardent desire of her mother
انى نذرت لك ما فى بطنى محررا(أل عمران)
that she vowed to dedicate her offspring to the service of The Almighty :Subhaanallah!h the result was the pious virgin BiBi Mariyam who was spoken of in the Holy Quran with such rare reverence and dignity.
So while we move forward towards achieving success in this challenging task of parenting ,we need to hold on to these basic principles:
1. Be sure that your child has the feature of Islam as his innate nature :
so keep working at it .
2. the environment you give at home is the best training for him : so keep building on it.
3.The duas of the parents in the interest of their children will never go unanswered, so keep praying hard.
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