*Islamic Leaders' Mercy Towards Non-Muslims*
When Hazrat Umar (ra) was about to pass away, he wanted the heritage of peaceful existence to be continued during the reign of his successor too, who was yet to be selected. He (ra) said: "I advise my successor to fulfill the contract of protection of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ with the non-Muslims under treaty, and to fight for them if the need arise and not to burden them with more than what they can bear."
_1. Sahih Bukhari 3:1111, 2887_
_2. Musannaf by Ibn Abi Shayba, 8:436_
*_Please share so that others can benefit through the sacred life of Rasoolullah ﷺ and his Caliphs (ra)_*: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jk6eBz7xGhv2nbiXbtDc50
Source: _An initiative by The Quran Foundation, Tolichowki, Hyd_
When Hazrat Umar (ra) was about to pass away, he wanted the heritage of peaceful existence to be continued during the reign of his successor too, who was yet to be selected. He (ra) said: "I advise my successor to fulfill the contract of protection of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ with the non-Muslims under treaty, and to fight for them if the need arise and not to burden them with more than what they can bear."
_1. Sahih Bukhari 3:1111, 2887_
_2. Musannaf by Ibn Abi Shayba, 8:436_
*_Please share so that others can benefit through the sacred life of Rasoolullah ﷺ and his Caliphs (ra)_*: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jk6eBz7xGhv2nbiXbtDc50
Source: _An initiative by The Quran Foundation, Tolichowki, Hyd_