Reflections from a student of Qur’an!✨
Have you wondered why Covid-19 causes minor to no symptoms in some people, while in others it’s deadly? How can the same virus affect two people so differently? What differentiates these two people? It all comes down to one thing: the strength of the immune system and its response. It comes down to the strength of the individual's ability to withstand and combat--and then ultimately overcome--the onslaught.
The trial.
And then those who do overcome, do not only survive. They actually become stronger *because of* the trial. They develop an immunity to that virus.
The same threat that killed others, has only built them stronger.
This is profound.
Even more profound is that, just as we have a physical immune system, we also have a spiritual and psychological immune system. This is our ability to withstand and overcome spiritual and psychological tests. This is our resilience.
The same wind can completely uproot some trees, while others remain firm. A forest fire doesn’t affect all trees the same. For example, what makes the Sequoia almost fireproof?
And how can we become Sequoias?
We will never be able to stop the storms from coming. We will never be able to hold back the waves. We will never control the weather. But Allah has given us shelter. He has given us the lifeboat. And He has given us a sort of spiritual immune system.
The Prophet (pbuh) taught us this principle: “Know Allah in ease and He will know you in hardship. And know that what has passed you by, was never meant to befall you. And what has befallen you, was never meant to pass you by. And know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and with hardship comes ease.” (Hadith Nawawi 19).
In another hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) says: “Whoever would be pleased for Allah to answer him during times of hardship and difficulty, let him supplicate often during times of ease.” (Sahih, Tirmidhi 3382)
By being close to Allah in our times of ease, we are building our immune system. Every prayer, every ayah, every sajdah, every duaa, every act of service to others, every charity is another building block in that immune system--the very system that will later fight for us when a threat hits.
When--not if--the test comes.
Ibn ulQayyim (RA) wrote: “Those who strive to guard His outward commands of servitude (Ubudiyah), He gives them patience to bear His decrees of Lordship (Rububiyah).”
What can our trial tell us about ourselves and those around us? The Quran teaches us that we are given tests “so that Allah would reveal what is in your chests and purify that which is deep in your heart (3:154). We must ask: what has this trial revealed about me? How strong was my spiritual immune system? That’s exactly what Allah does through balaa’ (hardships/tests). He reveals us. To ourselves, first. But He also reveals us to others.
Look around. Some people have risked their lives and the lives of their families to save those infected.. Some have used this as an opportunity to hoard or jack up prices. While others have used this chance to give of their wealth and time for sake of serving others.
Let’s not go back to sleep. Allah has shined a spotlight on the weak link in our own immune system, and the collective immune system of the world.
It is pure Divine mercy to reveal what’s broken, so that it can be fixed. And strengthened.
Before it’s too late.
Written by: Brother Rezwan. Published with due permission.
Have you wondered why Covid-19 causes minor to no symptoms in some people, while in others it’s deadly? How can the same virus affect two people so differently? What differentiates these two people? It all comes down to one thing: the strength of the immune system and its response. It comes down to the strength of the individual's ability to withstand and combat--and then ultimately overcome--the onslaught.
The trial.
And then those who do overcome, do not only survive. They actually become stronger *because of* the trial. They develop an immunity to that virus.
The same threat that killed others, has only built them stronger.
This is profound.
Even more profound is that, just as we have a physical immune system, we also have a spiritual and psychological immune system. This is our ability to withstand and overcome spiritual and psychological tests. This is our resilience.
The same wind can completely uproot some trees, while others remain firm. A forest fire doesn’t affect all trees the same. For example, what makes the Sequoia almost fireproof?
And how can we become Sequoias?
We will never be able to stop the storms from coming. We will never be able to hold back the waves. We will never control the weather. But Allah has given us shelter. He has given us the lifeboat. And He has given us a sort of spiritual immune system.
The Prophet (pbuh) taught us this principle: “Know Allah in ease and He will know you in hardship. And know that what has passed you by, was never meant to befall you. And what has befallen you, was never meant to pass you by. And know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and with hardship comes ease.” (Hadith Nawawi 19).
In another hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) says: “Whoever would be pleased for Allah to answer him during times of hardship and difficulty, let him supplicate often during times of ease.” (Sahih, Tirmidhi 3382)
By being close to Allah in our times of ease, we are building our immune system. Every prayer, every ayah, every sajdah, every duaa, every act of service to others, every charity is another building block in that immune system--the very system that will later fight for us when a threat hits.
When--not if--the test comes.
Ibn ulQayyim (RA) wrote: “Those who strive to guard His outward commands of servitude (Ubudiyah), He gives them patience to bear His decrees of Lordship (Rububiyah).”
What can our trial tell us about ourselves and those around us? The Quran teaches us that we are given tests “so that Allah would reveal what is in your chests and purify that which is deep in your heart (3:154). We must ask: what has this trial revealed about me? How strong was my spiritual immune system? That’s exactly what Allah does through balaa’ (hardships/tests). He reveals us. To ourselves, first. But He also reveals us to others.
Look around. Some people have risked their lives and the lives of their families to save those infected.. Some have used this as an opportunity to hoard or jack up prices. While others have used this chance to give of their wealth and time for sake of serving others.
Let’s not go back to sleep. Allah has shined a spotlight on the weak link in our own immune system, and the collective immune system of the world.
It is pure Divine mercy to reveal what’s broken, so that it can be fixed. And strengthened.
Before it’s too late.
Written by: Brother Rezwan. Published with due permission.