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- Quran - Juz 30 – Amma - Summary:

- Quran - Juz 30 – Amma


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Surah Naba: This chapter too deals with the afterlife and the Hour.

The polytheists of Makkah used to discuss various aspects related to the hereafter, so Allah told them that they shouldn’t be seeing it as something different, rather they would know about its reality soon.

Allah talks about His Grand Ability to resurrect the entire humanity and hold them accountable, when he can create earth for humans to stay (to perform deeds), raised mountains on it, made human beings in pair, slumber for rest, night as a covering, day for livelihood, and sun as a source of light and heat. 

Then the horrible punishments of Hell, and heart-warming rewards of Heaven are mentioned. 

When the deniers will see the horrors of Hell, they will wish they shouldn’t have been raised back to life at all. 

Surah Nazi’aat: The chapter mentions at the start that the angels snatch out the souls of the disbelievers violently. Whereas deal with the souls of a Muslim gently and peacefully. 

Then there’s the mention of the angels who are involved in different schemes of Divine affairs. 

Allah then talks again about the horrors of the Hour.

Then there’s the mention of Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) and Firawn.

The Quran says that Hell will be brought closer for a display. So, the ones who transgressed and preferred worldly life over hereafter will be put into it. 

Then Allah responds to those who deny the resurrection.

Finally, the deniers and disbelievers who used to think that the worldly life is everything to them, will say on Doomsday after seeing the length and duration, that they spent a morning or an evening, or a portion of it. 

Surah Abasa: The context of the first few verses of this chapter is that Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was once preaching Islam to the chieftains of Quraish when he saw a blind sahabi Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umm Maktoom (ra) approach him. Prophet Muhammed ﷺ found the timing of his arrival inappropriate. So, Allah revealed on his beloved ﷺ to focus on his sincere companions rather than the polytheists, as they their hearts are filled with the awe and fear of Allah. 

Surah Takweer: This chapter also presents the episode of the Day of Judgement. 

Then the fact that the Quran is a great source of guidance is stated.

Surah Infitar: Apart from mentioning the events of the Day of Judgement, Allah complains to human beings in a loving way. He the Exalted asks humanity as to what misled them from their Lord, that it forgot His favors and wrapped itself in disobedience and ungratefulness. 

Then Allah says that He has assigned angels for every human who write his/her deeds. They are called Kiraaman Kaatibeen. 

Allah mentions that the good and the evil people cannot be the same. He also talks about their abodes in the hereafter. 

Surah Mutaffifeen: Mutaffifeen are those who do not weigh and measure correctly. This implies on everyone who does not work with integrity, deprives others of their rights, and neglects his duties.

Allah says that a severe punishment waits for those who do not measure properly. He the Exalted also states that they take goods in full quantity, but do not do so while giving. This means, they are very concerned about gaining their rights, but do not care about it when it comes to giving the same. 

Allah said that the record of the evildoers will be kept in Sijjiyeen the ante-chamber of Hell, and that of the pious will be kept in Illiyyeen, the ante-chamber of Heaven.

Finally, talking about the mockery which the deniers used to make of the believers, Allah said that the believers will make a mockery of the deniers in the hereafter, and in this way their mockery will be rewarded in full.

Surah Inshiqaaq: This chapter also talks about the episodes of the Hour.

Allah says that the ones who will receive the record of their deeds in their right hand will go through the questions easily and will return to their people happily.

Whereas the ones who will receive their records in their left hand will go through tough interrogation. They will wish for death, but they will be pushed into the Fire of Hell. 

Only those people will be safe who believed in Allah and did good deeds in life. Such people will have limitless rewards and blessings from Allah.

Surah Burooj: This chapter talks about the way the People of the Ditch (As’haab ul Ukhdood) were killed, merely because they believed in Allah. 

Trenches were dug, fire was set in them, and they were thrown into these ditches. Allah says that they died out of the burns yet held Imaan tightly. 

After talking about the consequences which the good and evil forces will face in the hereafter, Allah speaks about His Mercy, Forgiveness, Awe, Power, He states that He decreed strict punishment to the criminals (sinners).

After talking about the destruction of Firawn and the people of Thamud, Allah ends this chapter with the mention of the immense divine security which the Quran has. 

Surah Tariq: This chapter too is themed on life after death. Therefore, after swearing in the names of stars Allah stated that there are angels deployed to protect every human being. 

Then after talking about the way a human is created, Allah says that people’s secrets will be disclosed on the Day of Judgement. And everyone will then be in the state of helplessness.

Allah says that the disbelievers are being given more time, despite them plotting against the schemes of Allah. At the end, they will have to face Allah anyway.

Surah Aa’la: Allah stated that He trained and gave such knowledge and abilities to Prophet Muhammed ﷺ that there’s no possibility of him ﷺ forgetting anything. 

Lastly Allah says that those who clean their Nafs (inner soul) and offer prayers by taking His name become successful. The actual life is that of the hereafter. And this message is mentioned in the previous revealed books of Sayyiduna Ibraheem and Sayyiduna Musa (alaihimussalam)

Surah Ghashiyah: This chapter talks about the scenes from Heaven and Hell, and the conditions of its inmates.

Allah spoke about camels, to show the way He created it, for people to ponder. 

Then Allah asked Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to convey the message of Islam and leave the matter of people’s accountability on Him. 

Surah Fajr: After swearing on five different things, Allah announced a firm grip and torment to the disbelievers. The people of Aad and Thamud are mentioned. The destruction of Firawn is also mentioned. 

Then from verse 17 of this chapter, Allah cautions that people do not respect orphans, do not call others to feed them (the orphans), consume all the inherited wealth. 

Then Allah says that such people will know the unsustainability of such wealth and will regret his deeds. 

Finally, those who remain patient on Allah promises are being told by their Creator to return to Him happily and enter His Heaven. 

Surah Balad: Allah swears in the name of Makkah, as Prophet Muhammed ﷺ used to live there. 

Then Allah says that a human being goes through different sufferings throughout his lifetime. 

Allah also says that troubles are encountered by humans no matter if they wish to opt for the path of goodness of evil. However, He says that there’s a reward in opting to walk on the path of goodness and punishment to opt the one on evil. 

Surah Shams: Allah says that the one who purifies his inner self will be successful, and the one who pollutes his soul with evil is a loser. 

Then Allah the exalted ends the chapter with the mention of the people of Sayyiduna Saleh (a.s.) so that people can ponder.

Surah Layl: Allah talks about two types of people:

1. The ones who spend in the way of Allah, opt for piety, and affirm what is good. Allah says He makes his way easy to Heaven.

2. The ones who do not spend in the way of Allah due to stinginess, become ignorant of Allah due to excessive wealth, and denies the truth and goodness. Allah says that He makes his way easy to Hell. Allah wants such people to ponder that his wealth will not help him when he is put in Hell. 

Finally, Allah says that only the ones who spend in the way of Allah to please Him will be safeguarded from the Fire of Hell. This spending will help him be safe from stinginess, greed, and the love of wealth. Most of the Quranic interpreters state that these verses were revealed in the context of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq’s (ra) spending, who contributed for Jihad, and to buy the Muslim slaves from the cruelty of the disbelievers. 

Surah Duha: This chapter is themed at the magnificence and majesty of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. 

In the initial stages of the Islamic propagation by him ﷺ, the revelation had stopped which made the beloved ﷺ a little dejected. During the same time, Abu Lahab’s wife Umm Jameel also said something bad to the prophet ﷺ which made him ﷺ feel more uncomfortable. 

Then Allah revealed this chapter in which He swore in the name of day and night.

Allah meant that just the way brightness comes with day, and darkness comes with night Allah did not forsake his beloved ﷺ. 

After the revelation of these verses the noble prophet ﷺ became delighted, and the ones who pained our beloved ﷺ became silent. 

Many people of knowledge slipped while translating and explaining the 7th verse of this chapter. Not just this, there are many places in the Holy Quran where such elements did not keep into consideration the due love and respect for Allah and His prophet ﷺ, and as a result it caused divisions in the Ummah. 

The scholars of Ahlus Sunnah translated it as Allah say to Prophet Muhammed ﷺ: “And We found you lost in Our love and made you achieve the objective.” Few translated it as: “We found you as a guide amidst a lost nation, so We gave them guidance through you.” And similar was the case in the next verse. 

Then Allah advises the Ummah of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to not to be strict on any matter with orphans, nor reproach any beggar, and that it should proclaim the bounties and blessings of Allah.

Surah Inshirah: This chapter as well talks about the greatness and magnificence of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. 

Allah says that He broadened the prophetic chest with the lights of wisdom and knowledge and bestowed upon him ﷺ persistence. 

Allah says that He enjoined His mention (dhikr) with the mention of His beloved ﷺ in this world and in the hereafter. 

Then Allah said that the troubles that the prophet ﷺ and his followers underwent in Makkah will soon change to ease and relief. 

Surah Tiin: Allah swore by four things, out of which 3 are the blessed places (Makkah, Mount Sinai, and Bayt ul Maqdis in Palestine). 

Allah spoke about the human life cycle. And later said that the real honor of any Muslim is not his/her outward but his /her Imaan (belief) and good deeds.

Surah Alaq: The first five verses of this chapter were the very first to be revealed on Prophet Muhammed ﷺ in the Cave of Hira. 

The first divine command itself insists on seeking knowledge and gaining education. 

The branches of knowledge which are indicated in this chapter are sociology, biology, and ethics. 

Abu Jahl was very strictly denounced and condemned for his plots against Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.

Surah Qadr: This chapter obviously talks about the virtues of the Laylatul Qadr. Allah called it (worship in it) better than 1000 months. 

Allah means to convey to humanity that if it too needs ascension and magnificence, they should create a connection with the Holy Quran. 

One of the reasons Allah kept the actual night of Qadr a secret is to test a Muslim’s pursuit of goodness. 

Surah Bayyinah: This chapter was revealed to reject the vain idea of the people of the book. They were expecting the last prophet from the tribe of Bani Israel, but when Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, who was from Bani Ismail, declared his prophethood, they all rejected him. 

The gist of this chapter is that Allah commands everyone to leave their false religions and accept Islam with the intention of worshipping Allah the Alone, offering prayers, paying Zakah etc.

Surah Zilzal: This chapter too is themed on the establishment of the Hour. It talks about the way the Day of Judgement will be established.

Everyone will see every deed that they performed on earth, whether it be good or bad.

Surah Adiyaat: Allah the Exalted has highlighted the importance of Jihad – struggle to establish Islam among the creation of Allah.

Allah mentioned the horse here, which ignores weapons used in clashes, and keeps on moving forward as per the wish of its owner/rider. 

After talking about the horse, Allah speaks to humanity as to what happened to it and that it doesn’t listen to its actual creator.

Allah said that a human is very much attracted toward wealth, but nothing other than death can end this attraction. 

Surah Qaari’ah: Allah says that the one who has his good deeds heavier on the scale (Meezaan) will live an eternal and enjoyable life, and the ones who will not be able to attain this will find themselves in blazing fire. 

Surah Takathur: Allah says that a human becomes negligent of the hereafter with the greed to amass wealth, but humanity will know about reality when they reach graves. That will be the time when every aspect like blessing, health, leisure, food, wealth etc. will be questioned (as to how s/he used/spent it). 

Surah Asr: Allah swears in the name of the passing time and asks humans to ponder upon and take heed from the past. 

Then Allah said that humans are in loss, and the way to get out of it is to believe (in Allah), perform good deeds, and encourage one another to truth & patience (during the times of hardships).

Surah Humazah: Three spiritual ailments have been named: taunt, fault-finding, love for wealth.

After denouncing and criticizing the aforementioned ailments, Allah said that people remain negligent due to their involvement in them. Then Allah mentioned that the result of it is the Fire of Hell.

Surah Fiil: Talks about the famous incident of Yemen’s king Abraha and his army, who had come with the evil intention to destroy the Ka’aba (astaghfirullah).

Allah sent flocks upon flocks of small birds called Ababeel which threw pebbles on Abraha and his army and destroyed them; made them like chewed husk. 

This incident took place just a few weeks before the noble birth of the beloved Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.

This incidents also teaches us that Allah can get the job done by anybody or anything, as little as an Ababeel bird too.

Surah Quraish: Allah talks about his favors on the tribe of Quraish. He the Exalted had made them the caretakers of Kaba and the Haram, due to which they used to easily travel with their trade caravans, and their economy was safe. 

Allah asked the polytheists of Quraish to refrain from nationalism & self-pride, and to worship Him alone. 

Surah Ma’oon: Allah called the following as equal to denying the Day of Judgement:

1. Ill behavior with orphans.

2. Non-promotion of the cause of feeding the poor.

3. Negligence toward social service.

Show-off while offering prayers and in other worships has also been condemned. 

Surah Kauthar: Through this shortest chapter of the Quran, Allah challenged the experts in Arabic poetry to bring one verse like it, but they couldn’t come up with it. 

Allah the Exalted promised Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to grant the Kauthar, which can be interpreted in different ways. Kauthar is:

1. Abundant followers/Ummah count.

2. The Pool of Kauthar, the content of which Prophet Muhammed ﷺ will give to the thirsty, on the Day of Judgement. 

The chapter ends with Allah promising the extinction of those who were wrapped with enmity and disrespect for and against the holy prophet ﷺ. 

Surah Kafiroon: The message of this chapter is that there can be no deal between goodness and evil, belief and disbelief. 

After the revelation of the Quranic World Order, Muslims are not supposed to look at any other commands or system as an alternative.

Surah Nasr: Allah gave glad tidings, in advance, about the Liberation of Makkah. 

When people join Islam in huge numbers, Allah advised Muslims to thank Him and ask for His forgiveness for the victories He gives them (through which people get into wonderment about Islam and accept it).

Surah Lahab: In this chapter Allah strictly condemns Abu Lahab (Prophet Muhammed’s ﷺ uncle) and his wife Umm Jameel and spoke about their ill-future. 

Allah says that this couple which took pride in their wealth and children will not protect them from torment, and that both of them will come by dreadful death. 

Surah Ikhlas The chapter rejects the false belief of the polytheists and Christians.

Allah’s Oneness has been mentioned in this chapter.

It also says that Allah neither has a father nor a son, and there is nothing like Him. 

Prophet Muhammed ﷺ termed this chapter as equivalent to one third of the entire Quran.

Surah Falaq: This chapter calls for taking Allah’s refuge from all the evil creation including sorcerers, mischievous & envious people. 

Surah Naas: This chapter calls for taking Allah’s refuge from the elements which repeatedly and secretly whisper and motivate toward evil. 

Allah also told us that such elements can be genies and humans too.


Reference: Aaina Mazameen Qur’an (originally Urdu) by Maulana Afroz Quadri, South Africa.

Its English translation is being produced under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Syed Aleem Ashraf Jaisi (Allah protect him), HoD Arabic, MANU University; President, The Qur’an Foundation, Hyd., Ind.

The Urdu Copy (source) is available on Play Store:

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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*

Source: kind teacher blog has taken all these 30 juz articles  from WhatsApp forward.

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