- Quran Juz 9 – Qalal Mala’u
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• Juz 8 ended with the story of Sayyiduna Shuaib (alaihissalam), which continues in Juz 9.
• The leaders of Sayyiduna Shuaib’s (alaihissalam) community threatened to exile him and his companions if they didn’t stop calling people towards Tawheed.
• The believers said that Allah has protected them from disbelief and have made them a community of Islam. They said they will never come back on disbelief.
• When the disbelievers did not change, they saw a devastating earthquake, and all the disbelievers died.
• After narrating the incidents of all of these prophets, Allah says that He uses all the ways to get His message conveyed to the disbelievers.
• Prosperity & poverty a test or punishment: It is being said that no matter people are involved in prosperity or poverty, if they commit good deeds in it, it is a test. However, if they commit sins which invites Allah’s displeasure, no matter in prosperity or poverty, it is a punishment.
• Allah punishment can come at any time.
• Verses 103 to 108 talks about the famous incident of good and evil between Sayyiduna Musa (alaihissalam) and Firawn (Pharaoh).
• This incident has been repeated in the Quran multiple times in Chapters Baqarah, A’raaf, Taha, Qasas, apart from its different aspects being narrated in other chapters. None other then this incident has been described in detail in the Book of Allah.
• The goodness in this incident is lead by Sayyiduna Musa and Sayyiduna Haroon (alaihuma assalam), and the evil by Firawn, Haamaan, Qaroon and the Jewish community, the latter represented sovereignty, bureaucracy and capitalism.
• Allah sent Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) to Firawn and his supporters with a few signs. They rejected them and spread corruption.
• When Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) went as a messenger of Allah to Firawn to free Bani Israel from the clutches of slavery, Firawn asked Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) to show a miracle.
• Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) turned his staff (hand held stick) into a large snake, and also turned his hand into a radiantly glowing one.
• Firawn called it a magic, and called his expert magicians to compete with Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) who also turned ropes and sticks to snakes.
• Moses’ staff turned snake ate up all of the snakes of Firawn’s magicians, who all then understood that Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) is not a magician but a prophet. They all became Muslims and prostrated Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.).
• Firawn said that Musa (a.s.) was the head of all those magicians, and all of this magic was staged. So he called for amputation of their magicians’ limbs and then their hanging. They all died but did not turn from Imaan.
• Firawn couldn’t do anything to Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.), however he made the lives of the people of Bani Israel worse. Bani Israel told Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) that they were tortured even before accepting his prophethood, and no changes have come even after the acceptance, rather there has been an increase in their problems.
• Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) asked them to be patient and seek Allah’s help. He told them that as a test Allah can appoint anyone over people for governance in this world, but the hereafter belongs to the pious.
• Verse 130 talks about Allah’s torment on the people of Firawn so that they may take heed to Sayyiduna Musa’s (a.s.) call. They were inflicted with famine.
• When they were prosperous, they used to say it is the result of their tactical planning. And when any calamity or pain afflicted them, they used to push the buck on to Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) and those who believed in him. They used to openly deny Sayyiduna Musa’s (a.s.) call.
• Allah sent them torments of storm, spiders, louse, blood, and frogs, but they rather increased their sinister activities with arrogance. During afflictions, they used slip into false promises and request Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) for prayers for ease in afflictions. But when the torments used to get lifted up, they used to revert to their disobediences.
• Allah drowned Firawn and his men in water, and made Bani Israel – the followers of Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) as the inheritors of Firaw’s wealth and riches, a community was considered to be weakest of its time.
• Allah called Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) to Mount Sinai for 40 days; Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) appointed Sayyiduna Haroon (a.s.) as his deputy among the community and left.
• Allah granted Taorait (Torah) to Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.), who also wanted to see Allah. Allah reflected on a mountain but it got destroyed due to the Divine Majesty.
• When Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) returned, he saw that his people started worshipping a calf. He became angry, scolded his brother Haroon (a.s.) as he couldn’t stop his people from Shirk, but then prayed to Allah for his own, his brother’s, and everybody else’s forgiveness, mercy and guidance.
• Verse 159 talks about the favors which Allah bestowed on Bani Israel, including the flow of 12 fountains, the shade of the clouds, sending of food - Mann and Sawla to them. But Bani Israel didn’t appreciate these blessings and favors from Allah, and again disobeyed divine commandments, so Allah made them monkeys.
• Then Allah talks about two people.
1. People with good character.
2. People who disobey Allah. Allah says that He gives them time, but once it is up, His grip is severely tight.
• Then this chapter discusses the creation of humanity with one soul (Sayyiduna Adam alaihissalam), the marital life and its purpose, and the denunciation of Shirk (ascribing partners to Allah in worship)
• Last verses talk about the humility of the pious when they worship Allah, praise Him, and prostrate Him.
• Surah Anfal: Anfal is the plural of Nafl. Anfal here means the valuables taken in war. If a particular warrior gets more war booty than the others, it is also called as Anfal.
• This chapter deals with spoils of war and Jihad in the Way of Allah.
• This chapter talks about Battle of Badr in detail. Hence, few interpreters also called it Surah Badr.
• Allah talks about the qualities of the people of Imaan. He says Mu’min are those who:
1. Yearn for Allah when they hear about Him.
2. After listening to Quran increases their Imaan.
3. Their trust lies only in Allah.
4. They establish salah with purity (Ikhlaas).
5. Spend in the way of Allah from whatever is granted to them.
• Allah sent angels in Badr, for the motivation of the fighters of Islam.
• The disbelievers either got killed or ran away from an army which was at least thrice as less as themselves.
• Prophet Muhammed ﷺ took a handful of dust and threw it toward the disbelievers and said that they be embarrassed.
• Allah says: “O Messenger (ﷺ): It was not you who threw that dust, but It was Us who threw it.”
• Allah called the Battle of Badr a decisive one.
• Verses 30 to 37 talk about the plots of the polytheists of Makkah.
• Then in the next ones, the polytheists are being invited toward the Haqq – the religion of Islam.
• The etiquette of a strong nation (Ummah) has then been given. The Ummah of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ cannot fall if:
1. It stays firm against its enemy.
2. It follows Allah and His Prophet ﷺ.
3. Who are ready for the Islamic call, which has the secrets of life and its properity.
4. It does not betray in both religious and worldly matters.
5. It is characterized by the piety, and fear (Taqwa) of Allah.
6. It always remains in the remembrance (Zikr) of Allah, even if ammunition rains on to them.
7. Its Kalimah is one.
8. It is completely united, and
9. It is not involved in sectarianism and division within itself.