- Quran Juz 17 – Iqtaraba
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• Surah Ambiya: This chapter is named as such because of the mention of many prophets in it.
• The chapter begins with Allah talking about the close proximity of the Day of Judgement, and the negligence of humanity with its regard.
• The polytheists of Makkah used to say that Islam will perish after the passing of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, but Allah negated their talks.
• Allah also responded to a few sarcastic rational issues raised by the polytheists of Makkah related to their disbelief in Allah.
• Allah then talks about the universe system and says that it proves the existence of only One Creator.
• From verse 30, Allah talks about water, rainfall and said that He created every living being with water.
• Allah says in verse 35 that every living being will face death.
• Allah then says that the coming of Doomsday will be sudden. It’ll take people by surprise; none will be able to deny it. No one will then be given a respite.
• The polytheists of Makkah were warned in the next few verses through Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. Allah said that they’d been getting time to ponder about the truth of Islam, but they did not heed. Allah said that they will be kept accountable for each and every action of theirs in the hereafter.
• The next verses talk about the incidents of Sayyiduna Ibraheem (alaihissalam) when he was young.
• On an occasion, the people of Sayyiduna Ibraheem (a.s.) went outside the city. Sayyiduna Ibraheem (a.s.) remained during that time and broke all of their idols, except the biggest one.
• When the people returned, they saw what happened. They were curious as to the doer. So they doubted Sayyiduna Ibraheem (a.s.), who in turn asked them to know it from the biggest idol. They all said that it was a mere idol, and it couldn’t speak.
• Sayyiduna Ibraheem (a.s.) then sought reasons on which they worship them.
• All of them became furious and planned to push Sayyiduna Ibraheem (a.s.) into a huge fire.
• The father of prophets Sayyiduna Ibraheem (a.s.) said: “HasbunAllahu wa ne’mal wakeel” which means Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Controller of affairs.
• Allah ordered the fire to turn (comfortably) cold on Sayyiduna Ibraheem (a.s.).
• Next is the mention of the story of Sayyiduna Daood (alaihissalam) from verse 78 onward.
• Some goats which belonged to a man from Sayyiduna Daood’s (a.s.) community went into a garden of grapes and grazed in it.
• When the matter was brought to Sayyiduna Daood (a.s.), he decided that the owner of the goats be given to the owner of the garden as the loss was almost equivalent to the market value of those goats.
• On the above statement, Sayyiduna Sulaiman (alaihissalam) advised and added that the owner of the farm should retain the goats, use (consume or sell) their milk and wool, and the owner of the goats should take care of the garden. When the trees grow back to normal, the goats should be returned to the owner.
• Sayyiduna Daood (a.s.) accepted Sayyiduna Sulaiman’s (a.s.) advise as not just the farmer was getting the compensation, but the owner of the goats was also being saved from losses.
• Allah says that He granted Sulaiman the ability to make accurate decisions, and also that He provided both Sulaiman and Daood the treasure of knowledge and decision-making abilities.
• This shows that Islam allows a judicial house to vet or review a statement in another house of judiciary.
• Then Allah mentioned the miracles of Sayyiduna Daood (a.s.) and how the birds and mountains chanted Allah’s praise with him. Allah also mentioned that Sayyiduna Daood (a.s.) used armor for self-defense, which goes on to prove that preparing oneself or making provisions to self-defend is not against Tawakkul (trust) in Allah.
• Allah gave Sayyiduna Sulaiman command over winds, which used to fly his throne to a month-long distance of travel (as per those days). Genies were also set under his command who used to perform multiple tasks.
• Then Allah talks about the ailment of Sayyiduna Ayub (alaihissalam), who bore it for an inordinate lengthy time span, with patience; his immediate family members too left him due to him being involved in the disease.
• Sayyiduna Ayub (a.s.) NEVER complained about the abandonment or the disease.
• After a long time, Sayyiduna Ayub (a.s.) prayed for his health; Allah accepted it, blessed him with sound health, and also recompensed for the harms which he underwent during the ailment with the best returns.
• Then Allah talks about Sa’adatuna Ismail, Idrees, Dhul Kifl, Zakariyya, and Yunus (alaihum assalam).
• Talking about Sayyiduna Yunus (a.s.) Allah narrates that it was only He who knew his sorrow in the belly of the whale. Sayyiduna Yunus prayed: “La ilaha illa Anta Subhanak inni Kuntu Min al-Dhalimeen”. This sentence is called Ayat Kareemah. Allah cleared off all the sorrows and problems of Sayyiduna Yunis in return for his dua, and also delared that He will do so to all those who recite this verse.
• Then there’s the mention of Sayyidah Maryam and Sayyiduna Isa (alaihuma assalam).
• Allah talks about the Day of Judgement, its horror, and the deeds which are being recorded.
• The appearance of Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) is being mentioned as one of the greater signs of Doomsday.
• Close to the end of this chapter, Allah called Prophet Muhammed ﷺ as someone who was sent as a mercy to the whole of the universe.
• Surah Hajj: Allah starts off this chapter by ordering people to be pious, and then carries on to talk about the horrors of Doomsday: mothers will abandon their children; people will look as if they are high after drinking, though they’ll not be so. However, the fright of Doomsday will make their appearance and reactions as such.
• Allah talks about the embryo and the way a human being comes into existence. By this he wants humanity to understand the concept of life after death. Before a person is born, his existence and identity is unknown. But s/he comes into being and gets identified.
• Verse 27 talks about the great achievement of Sayyiduna Ibraheem (a.s.) which was to build Kaba, along with his son Sayyiduna Ismail (a.s.).
• When Kaba was built by them, Allah asked Sayyiduna Ismail (a.s.) to call people for Hajj. When he finally called, Allah sent the sound of the call for Hajj to everyone, including those who were yet to be born till the Day of Judgement. All of them said: “Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik.”
• Then Allah talks about Hajj, sacrifice (of the animal during Hajj/Dhul Hajj), charity and puts light on caretaking of the poor.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*