- Quran Juz 25 – Ilaihi Yuraddu
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• Surah Sajdah continues… Only Allah knows the time when the Hour will be established.
• So is the case with the exact date and time of birth of any child, the quality of the fruit to be grown etc.
• Then Allah talks about the human mindset. He says that a human goes away from Him when He blesses him, but prays at length when any trouble reaches him. And when Allah eradicates his trouble, the human then boasts it and credits it to his mastery and starts denying the establishment of Doomsday. And even if he believes in its establishment, he wishfully thinks to possess Allah’s blessings there too.
• The chapter ends with the declaration of the truthfulness of the Holy Quran
• Surah Shura: Sura means advice or consultation.
• This chapter says that the people of Allah settle their important matters and issues by seeking advice and consultations.
• The chapter begins with the glorification of Allah, and the mention of the events of the Day of Resurrection.
• The next verses talk about the universality of the Noble Quran and says that it helps all the people in the world is a means of attaining guidance for all the people in the globe.
• If Allah Willed, He could have made everybody a Muslim, but Allah did not want to undertake the transaction of belief, faith, Heaven and Hell with people with force, rather left it to them so that the concept of reward & punishment on the Day of Resurrection remains just and fair.
• Only those who accept Allah’s commands will be destined to His Mercy.
• Verse 13 asks Muslims to establish Islam as a way of life, and not to make any divisions. Every Muslim must strive for establishment of Islam in the world – for the benefit of the humanity. Allah sent Sa’daatuna Nooh, Ibraheem, Musa, and Isa (alaihimussalam) for the same. And the same mission was given to Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. It is a privilege for the Ummah of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to having received the same task as did the aforementioned prophets.
• Allah says that the real life starts in the hereafter. Allah increases the blessings in the hereafter for those who seek it, but the seekers of this world do not get more than what is already destined and gets deprived of the blessings of the hereafter.
• As we go on, the core topics which this chapter discusses further are messengership and revelation.
• Allah also talks about the characteristic features of the believers. They:
1. Trust Allah.
2. Forgive despite being in a state of anger.
3. Keep themselves away from major sins and vulgarity.
4. Abide by the Rules of Allah.
5. Offer Salah (prayers) punctually.
6. Carry out their activities with consultation.
7. Spend their wealth in the Way of Allah.
8. Take appropriate revenge from those who wrong them and be cruel to them.
• Though Islam allows taking befitting revenge, it greatly encourages Muslims to forgive the wrongdoers by observing patience.
• If Muslims inculcate the above-mentioned features in themselves, it can be stated with a guarantee that Muslims, individually and collectively, can bring revolution in the world, and a real Muslim can bring an Islam revolution in real sense.
• Verse 49 calls Allah as the All-Supreme Who Has the Sovereignty of the heavens and earth.
• Then there’s the mention of Allah granting someone a son and someone a daughter. He gives both (sons and daughters) and makes someone infertile.
• There is no human who is worthy of talking to Allah, except those who He communicates through revelation.
• Surah Zukhruf: Zukhruf means decoration or adornment.
• The start of this chapter talks about the various aspects of nature which act like proofs and witnesses to the Supreme Power & Wisdom of Allah.
• One of the worst practices of the people of the Days of Ignorance was their dislike for daughters and women. Islam changed this outlook and made female a respectable being in the society.
• Then the Quran talks about Sayyiduna Ibraheem (alaihissalam).
• Allah responded to the polytheists when they claimed that the Quran should have been revealed on the Makkan bigshots of Makkah and Taif, like Waleed bin Mugheerah and Abu Mas’ood Thaqafi etc. Allah said that He Knows well who to reveal the Quran upon, and that He doesn’t necessarily reveal His verses on those who are rich.
• Allah says that had it not been for people to disbelieve, Allah would have made their houses with gold and silver. Then Allah termed the exquisite adornment of this world as worthless.
• Then the chapter takes us to the times when Firawn compared his wealth with Sayyiduna Musa’s (a.s.) so called poverty. He alluded and brainwashed his people toward disbelief.
• Finally, this Surah says that those disbelievers who boasted about their friendship with other disbelievers will finally become enemies to each other, but the relationship of the people of piety will remain in the hereafter too, and they will remain in happiness in Heaven forever.
• Surah Dukhkhaan: Dukhkhaan means smoke. This chapter talks about the smoke which was visible to the Makkan polytheists when drought hit the holy city. This torment was sent to them as an indication of Doomsday.
• The start of this chapter talks about Quran being the blessed book, so blessed that it also made that night blessed when it was revealed for the first time.
• The next verses talk about the properties which the deniers like Firawn left in this world after getting punished, and that Allah made others their owners. When an owner of such great properties, wealth and riches passed, neither the sky nor the earth cried for him, neither he & his people were given any respite. This is a stark reminder to those who make lavish lifestyle a goal of their lives, but a day will come when even they would have to leave everything.
• The end of this chapter talks about the tree in Hell called Zaqqum which springs out from the hellfire. It will be the food of the dwellers of Hell, which will pass through the bodies of its consumers like molten copper.
• The dwellers of Heaven will enjoy Allah’s blessings in peace.
• Surah Jathiyah: Jathiyah means to kneel down. This chapter is named as such because it talks about the kneeling of the people in utmost horror due to the Divine presence on the Day of Judgement.
• Initially, the chapter talks about the magnificence of the Holy Quran, the complete Control of Allah over nature.
• Then it talks about nature and the thinking of sinners. It is being mentioned that they do not benefit from clear references, rather they increase their delusion and misguidance. And as such, they make themselves eligible for being sent into the deep levels of Hell.
• Then Allah asks people to ponder over Him and think about His Godship.
• Bani Israel is mentioned once again, as they did exactly what’s mentioned above.
• The root cause of misguidance: Allah says that the root cause of misguidance is to make wishful desires as (false) gods. And Allah will lead astray anyone who does so, no matter how much knowledge s/he has. Their hearts and ears will be sealed, and their eyes will be sealed.
• The above statement means that if there are the orders of Allah and His Prophet ﷺ on one side, and the desires of a person on the other side which contradict the divine commands, and s/he bypasses and disregards the rules of Allah, they have, even if they are a Muslim, have made their wishes as their gods (metaphorically). Such people will not receive guidance.
• Then the belief of the deniers of Islam, which has been the case in every time and age, is mentioned. They deny the hereafter and consider this life as everything. Per them, death is an end. Hence, they believe in summing as much pleasure, enjoyment, comforts, and joy as they can. Whereas Allah says that the One Who created humans for the first time will also raise them up for the second time on the Day of Resurrection and will then hold everyone accountable for their deeds on earth, something which no one will be able to escape.
• Allah’s mercy will not be granted to those who ignored the Day of Judgement. Their place of dwelling will be Hell, and they will not find any helper.
• They will be told that they are being forgotten and ignored as they ignored Allah and the Day of Judgement in their lives on earth. They used to make fun of the verses of Allah, but they will themselves become a joke on Doomsday.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*