- Quran Juz 22 – Waman Yaqnut
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• The start of the 22nd Juz mentions the nobility and double reward for the pious and pure wives of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ for their virtues and greatness.
• Then through them, all the women believers have been addressed to; 7 pieces of advice have been given for them. They should:
1. Not speak to any non-Mahram in a soft voice. They must also speak to them only when it is actually required. This is to save them from the men with low-graded manners.
2. Venture out of their houses only when the situation calls for.
3. Veil themselves, and disregard unveiling, a practice which was prevalent during the time of ignorance.
4. Offer prayers punctually.
5. Pay Zakah.
6. Obey Allah and His Messenger ﷺ.
7. Remember and recite the teachings of Quran and Hadith.
• Allah sent glad tidings to the Ahlul Bayt (the family members of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ) that He the Exalted wanted to greatly purify them from all sorts of impurities. According to the Quranic interpreters, Ahlul Bayt mean Sa’daatuna Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Husain, and the noble wives of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ - Allah be well pleased with them all.
• Verse 35 talks about equality between believing men and women in: Islam, belief, obedience, truthfulness, patience, humility, blessings receivable on paying charity, observation of fast, chastity, and involvement in the Dhikr of Allah. Apart from equality, Allah has promised them a great reward and forgiveness.
• Moving further, Quran made it clear that the Islamic rules apply differently on an adopted son as against an own/biological one.
• Verse 46 talks about Prophet Muhammed ﷺ being the last of all prophets and messengers – peace be upon them all. No prophet or messenger will come after him.
• Allah then talks about a few attributes of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and says that he ﷺ was sent as a witness, a giver of glad tidings, a warner (against disobedience of Allah), a caller toward Allah, and an illuminating lamp/light.
• Verse 53 talks about the etiquettes of dealing with Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, since the people back then didn’t know them necessarily. These included:
1. To enter the house of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ with permission.
2. When Prophet Muhammed ﷺ invited them for food, people were commanded by Allah to return from there right after the meal, rather than staying back for a chat. This was to save Prophet Muhammed’s ﷺ valuable time.
3. If needed, people (men) were required to communicate with the noble wives of the prophet ﷺ from behind the veil.
• Then one of the most famous verses of the Quran says that Allah and all of His angels send Durood on Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. Then the believers have also been ordered by Allah to send their Durood and Salams (salutations) on him ﷺ.
• Right after this, Allah condemned those who harass the pious people, and said that they will have a humiliating punishment.
• Verse 59 talks about the Hijab for Muslim women. Few of its conditions are:
1. It should cover the entire body.
2. It should not be attractive.
3. It shouldn’t be so thin in texture so as to reveal the skin color.
4. It should be loose, and not too tight to reveal the shape of the body.
5. It shouldn’t be perfumed with a fragrance which diffuses (travels/remains) in the air.
• The next verses warned the hypocrites and the transgressors against spreading rumors in Madinah.
• The chapter ends with advice to the believers to remain pious, to be honest and direct (straightforward) in speech, and to keep the deeds good. Allah said that the rewards for these acts are forgiveness and great success.
• Surah Saba: This chapter talks about Sa’daatuna Daood and Suleiman (alaihuma assalam), and the people of Saba (westernized as Sheba).
• Allah states that He granted Sa’daatuna Daood and Suleiman (alaihuma assalam) such a melodious voice that when they recited Zuboor, the mountains and the birds too joined them in doing so.
• They could easily shape iron, as it used to become soft in their hands, a unique miracle they were bestowed with; they used to make armor. This only shows that getting involved self-help/employment, or as a matter in anything which fetches means of living in return to a skill, is appreciated in Islam.
• The father and the son were both given more miracles which were:
1. The wind used to carry their throne as they liked.
2. They had a pond of molten copper, with which they made vessels of any shape and size.
3. The genies were commanded to obey them.
4. On the orders of Sayyiduna Suleman (alaihissalam), the genies constructed many forts, towers, pools/stepwells, and cauldrons fixed on their stoves.
• Despite all of these miracles at their fingertips, neither the father nor the son had an iota of arrogance and pride in themselves. Rather, they were always seen immersed in thanking Allah and remembering Him (Shukr and Dhikr).
• When Suleman (a.s.) was supervising a construction woek by genies, he passed away. He was standing whilst taking the support of his staff (stick). The genies only came to know of his demise when termites ate his staff, and as a result he came to the ground.
• When the genies came to know about it, they wished that they only knew about Sayyiduna Suleman’s (a.s.) passing before, so that they didn’t have to go through all the hard work of constructing that structure. As per the scholarly sources, it was the same structure which the Jews of today are on a look out which they term as Solomon’s Temple, and to do so they wish to demolish Masjid al-Aqsa.
• Verses 15 onward talk about the People of Sheba. They were farmers.
• They were blessed with excessive food stock, healthy environment, fertile land, and fruit yielding farms.
• After granting them these blessings, Allah asked them to be thankful to Him. But they refused. Allah sent toward them a catastrophic flood which destroyed them. They now only remain in history. Their repulsion and ungratefulness fetched them this torment in this life.
• Verse 28 certifies the universality of the messengership of our beloved Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.
• This chapter teaches us that the pleasure of Allah isn’t attained by wealth and riches, but from having His belief and by the performance of good deeds.
• Surah Faatir: Allah is the Almighty. He opens or closes the doors of His Mercy to whoever He wishes. It is apt even today for humanity to ponder who other than Allah is worthy to be called the creator, the almighty. None other than Him.
• All the dignity, honor and prestige are for Allah Alone. Therefore, whosoever wishes the same must turn to Allah and seek them from Him.
• Verse 18 clarifies that nobody will bear other’s sins. Everyone will be held accountable only for his/her deeds – good or bad.
• Verse 28 states that it is Allah has been protecting the heavens and the earth, with his mercy, from falling.
• Surah Yaseen: One of the most read chapters, it is spread over Juz 22 and 23. InshaAllah we’ll draft its virtues in the next Juz itself, for the benefit of the readers.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*