- Quran Juz 18 – Qad Aflaha
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• Surah Mu’minoon: The chapter mentions those 7 attributes of the people who will be destined to Janntul Firdaws by their virtue. Those traits are:
1. Obedience and fear of Allah (Khushu & Khudu)
2. Abstention from vulgar and pointless discussions.
3. Payment of Zakah.
4. Protection of private parts.
5. Observance of trust.
6. Truthful to pledges.
7. Persistence in prayers.
• Allah then talks about the life of a human in general, and the different stages of human formation.
• From verse 17, Allah talks about the creation of the 7 skies (one above the other), the rainfall, and the earth’s ability to absorb the rainwater, which retains it at a certain level, only to be used by humans for different purposes. Allah also talks about the creation of fruits and olives.
• Allah talks about animals and the benefits they give to humans. Allah says in these also lie lessons for people to heed about the existence of Allah.
• Allah again states about Sa’datuna Nuh, Hood, Musa, and Haroon (alaihimussalam) and their people.
• Allah then talks about the dreadful punishments sent to the disobedient. And it also gives a clue that Allah gives sufficient time, but once the takes grip, there will be NO ONE who can help.
• Talking about Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, Allah mentions that his ﷺ life before the declaration of prophethood is before the Makkans. They called him ﷺ the truthful and the trustworthy (al-Sadiq wa al-Ameen). Allah tells the polytheists that they must not reject Prophet Muhammed’s ﷺ call toward Islam, and that they must ponder over it.
• Then an episode of the Day of Judgement is being mentioned. People will be asked about the tenure of their stay on earth. People will say that they stayed for a day, or a part of it. Then Allah will reply that they’ve indeed stayed there for a very little time. Had they only known (the reality of Dunia).
• The chapter ends with the famous dua which one is supposed to ask for forgiveness. (Optional task: open the Quran, read it, and memorize it if not done so already.)
• Surah Noor: Allah stated the golden rules for solving domestic and social problems in this chapter.
• This chapter is called Noor as it enlightens a person’s social and private lives.
• As per a hadith, and also on Sayyidah Ayeshah’s (radiAllahu anha) advice, the recitation of this chapter is a must for every Muslim girl/woman.
• Capital punishment has been devised for married adulterous men and women; their hanging has been ordered to be made public so that others can refrain from committing such a heinous crime.
• As for the unmarried adulterous people, their punishment has been fixed to 100 lashes each.
• In Islam, the dislike for Zina (adultery/fornication) is similar to the one for Shirk (polytheism/ascribing partners to Allah).
• Charges against spouse for adultery If a man charges his wife against adultery, couldn’t bring 4 witnesses, and his wife rejects the charges, then he must utter Li’aan which is the husband must sear to Allah and say the following four times: “I am indeed amongst the truthful”, and say this for the fifth time: “May Allah’s curse be on me if I am amongst the liars.” The wife in response has the right to defend and say similar words which are to be uttered four times, to deny the charges, and for the fifth time she should say: “If my husband is truthful in this matter, then may Allah’s anger descend on me.”
• From the 11th verse, the Quran speaks about the serious slander which was uttered on Sayyida Ayeshah (radiAllahu anha). But Allah declared her chastity and unveiled the despicable faces of the hypocrites. Those Muslims who got trapped in this net were also rebuked and cautioned.
• Sayyida Ayeshah (ra) was the first person in the history of mankind to have received the certificate of chastity through a revelation.
• Then the Quran says that pious men are for pious women, whereas adulterous men are for adulterous women.
• Allah then commanded people not to enter a house without the owner’s permission. If granted permission, Allah teaches us that the hosts should be greeted with a Salam, but if the host doesn’t welcome the guest, Allah says that it is better for the guest to turn back.
• In the 30th verse of the chapter, Allah has commanded Muslim men to lower their gaze and to guard their private parts. The Muslim women have also been ordered to lower their gaze, guard their chastity, hide their beautification, and veil themselves except that which becomes evident (hands and legs). Muslim women have also been commanded to cover their upper part.
• Woman have been commanded by Allah to veil themselves except their husband, father, son, stepson, brother, nephews (sons of brothers and sisters inclusive), other women, slave-women, and minor children who do not know about women’s privacy.
• Verse 33 states that those women/girls who have been forced into prostitution cannot be called as unchaste if they want to practice chastity, and there will be no sin on them.
• Allah will not hold anyone accountable if s/he was forced to commit any sin under threat.
• The Holy Quran advises the performance of marriage to guard chastity.
• Allah then talks about the disbelievers and exemplifies their lives with a traveler in a desert who chases a mirage (optical illusion) but ends up with no access to water. Allah says that the state of a disbeliever and his deeds will be as such on Doomsday.
• Then Allah promised political power and governance on earth to the people of Imaan and good deeds.
• Members of families have been advised to approach the room of a married couple with permission, especially when they are dressed in a night costume.
• Poor, handicapped, and relatives have been commanded to take the items of daily usage (like vessels etc.) with permission, and after having a firm belief that their owners will not dislike lending them.
• The etiquette of calling Prophet Muhammed ﷺ were revealed to the Sahaba. Allah tells them not to call him ﷺ in a way they call anyone else.
• Surah Furqan: This chapter starts with the mention of Allah’s Awe and Dignity, His Oneness, and the Diving Advice to remain off Shirk.
• Then the unwelcomed and unwanted objections of the polytheists of Makkah toward the Quran and Prophet Muhammed ﷺ are being referred to, and Allah says that it is not difficult for Allah to fulfill them, but the fulfilment will rather take them away from Islam.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*