Quran Juz 1 – Alif Laam Meem
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• Surah Fatiha: Fatiha means opener. It comes first as per the sequence in the Quran, but fifth in terms of revelation.
• As per a hadith in Tirmidhi, the likes of Surah Fatiha doesn’t exist in the previously revealed books.
• Fatiha miraculously accumulates all the 5 topics that the entire Quran deals with. They are: Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) & Risalah (prophethood), Hereafter, Shariah rules, beautiful ending of the followers of the Qur’anic world order, and the dreadful end to the opposers of it! Hence the reason we’re obliged to recite the essence of Quran – Surah Fatiha in every Ruku of the prayers.
• It also has other names like Surah Kanz, Al-Hamd, Munajaat, Al-Sawal etc.
• Surah Baqarah: Prophet Muhammed ﷺ said that Sahytan doesn’t enter the house in which Surah Baqah is recited.
• The gist of this Surah is:
o The heart of the Islamic faith system is the belief in the unseen, that is to do so in Allah the Only One Who Has no partners.
o To bring faith in all the prophets & messengers of Allah, and that in all the heavenly books revealed by Allah.
o To believe in the reward and punishments from Allah.
o To establish prayers (Salah/Namaz).
o To pay Zakah to promote social equality.
The below points are also mentioned in this Juz:
• It gives the details of Shariah, worship (ibadaat) and dealings (mu’amlaat).
• Out of the 40 Rukus of this surah, it can be divided into two: Rukus 1 to 18 talk about Bani Israel, and the content from Rukus 19 to 40 refers to the Muslims (Ummah of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ).
• Allah’s challenge to the disbelievers to produce one verse in the likes of any Quranic verse comes in this Juz.
• The whole of humanity can be divided into three kinds: Muslims, disbelievers, and hypocrites.
• Allah mentions that Quran is the book of guidance only to those who fear Allah.
• One of the verses mentions five features of those humans who receive guidance:
o Firstly, those who believe (or are ready to believe) in the unseen – those who do not wait for rational, materialistic, and realistic proofs.
o Secondly, those who establish prayers for continuous remembrance of Allah.
o Thirdly, those who spend in the way of Allah to keep the worldly love off from themselves.
o Fourthly, those who believe unbiasedly in the unchanged heavenly books that were revealed before the Quran.
o Finally, those who fully believe to be questioned on their deeds in the hereafter.
• The disbelievers are the ones who do not wish to bring about revolutionary changes in themselves, as per the Quranic system.
• The hypocrites are those dangerous people who deny the Quranic system in their hearts, but their words revolve round their worldly benefits. They believe in to those Quranic commands which benefit them, but refuse those which hurts their worldly gains. Their hearts and tongues do not coordinate with each other.
o Interestingly Allah mentioned believers in 4 verses, disbelievers in 2, but hypocrites in 13 verses, out of which 12 of their habits are as below:
1) Falsehood
2) Deception
3) Non-conscious (of the world and the hereafter)
4) Psychological diseases like jealousy, greed, arrogance etc.
5) Trickery
6) Stupidity
7) Mockery of divine commandments.
8) Spread of mischief on earth.
9) Ignorance (despite worldly knowledge)
10) Delusion
11) Hesitation
12) Ridicule of the believers.
• Iblees (Shaytan) disobeyed Allah, became arrogant, didn’t prostrate to Sayyiduna Adam (alaihissalaam). Then he took an oath to make Sayyiduna Adam (alaihissalam) and his children (the whole of humanity) astray till the existence of the world. This incident reflects:
o The everlasting struggle between righteousness and falsehood.
o The superiority of Adam (a.s.) over the angels; him being given the caliphate of Allah on earth, and the knowledge which even angels didn’t had.
o For being seated on the chair of the caliphate, the humanity is ought to establish the Rule of Allah on earth.
• Additionally, majority of this first Juz is based on the mention of Bani Israel. Few details about them are:
o Bani Israel are the children of Sayyiduna Yaqoob (alaihissalam) his other name being Israel, the son of Sayyiduna Ishaq (alaihissalam), the son of Sayyiduna Ibraheem (alaihissalam).
o Allah chose Bani Israel and had given it the political and religious leadership for their time.
o Their deeds became contrary to their assigned designation.
o About 40 aspects of their bad deeds are being mentioned.
o They were dismissed by Allah, and their alternatives were made in the form of the Muslims to lead the religious and political spheres.