- Quran Juz 8 – Walao Annana
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• The nature of the Makkan polytheists is being mentioned. It is being said that they will not accept Islam even if they’ll be shown the dead being raised from their graves.
• To the Makkan polytheists’ demand to show a miracle, Allah says, was a mere obstinacy and stubbornness.
• Allah advised Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to carry on his propagation, without minding the refusal and opposition of the disbelievers.
• Then it is being said that majority of humanity has been on the wrong path (in disbelief) in every era, as it gives them instant enjoyment. Hence numbers is not an accurate parameter to opt for belief or disbelief (Imaan or Kufr). (Today the Western form of democracy too believes in the stance of the majority, not that of the Divine).
• Verse 125 of Surah An’aam says that Allah gives guidance to those whomsoever He Wills, and tightens the chest of those who He doesn’t want to grant guidance as if someone is ascending up to the sky.
• The above phrase of tightening of the chest during ascension is now being proved by science, whereas the Quran mentioned it over 1400 years ago. This too is the sign of Allah being the Actual Revealer of the Quran.
• All humans and all Jinns (genies) will be held accountable for their deeds in the hereafter.
• Verse 141 talks about the two types of fruits which grow trellised (like grapes) and non-trellised (like apple). Allah then asks the growers of all produces to pay the due on the day of harvest and not to spend them wastefully.
• Verses 151 to 154 talk about the 10 aspects and etiquette which all the prophets propagated about, which are based on the Rights of Allah (Huqooqullah) and the rights of humans over one another (Huqooq ul Ibad). They are:
1. To believe in the Oneness of Allah.
2. To deal with parents with good behavior.
3. To refrain from killing children due to the fear of poverty.
4. To refrain from sins.
5. To abstain from killing innocent(s).
6. Too keep away from consuming orphans’ wealth.
7. To weigh with full measure, with justice.
8. To be just with words and actions.
9. To fulfill the promises with Allah (qasm/aqd/oaths taken in the name of Allah).
10. To always follow the right path (Siraat Mustaqeem).
• The above 10 commandments are the crux of the Islamic belief system. All the other jurisprudential aspects and commands are based on them.
• After commanding the above orders, Allah asked Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to declare that the Lord has asked him to propagate this religion. This very religion was that of Sayyiduna Ibraheem & Sayyiduna Musa (alaihuma assalam).
• Verse 160 talks about Allah’s reward system for the Ummah of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. If any Muslim performs a goodness (Amal Saleh), and meets Allah (after his/her death) with it, Allah will count it as ten. However, if he/she sins, it will be counted as one. (Alhamdulillah!)
• The next verse talks of Siraat Mustaqeem (the straight path of success according to Islam). The ethos of Siraat Mustaqeem is that everything that a person does should be done for Allah (to attain Allah’s pleasure).
• The chapter ends with Allah saying that every soul will return to Allah; He the Exalted has given the humans the freedom to do anything in this world; the doers of good will be rewarded and the doers of bad will be punished.
• The central theme of this chapter is Oneness of Allah (Tawheed).
• Sura A’raaf: A’raaf means “height”. It also means “to know.” Additionally, A’raaf is also the bordering place lying between the Heaven and the Hell.
• People will be placed in A’raaf for having equal number of sins and good deeds in their account, so they’ll neither go to Paradise, nor will the be placed in Hell.
• As per other sources, the people of A’raaf are the ones who will recognize the people of Heaven and Hell; they’re either Angels or Prophets & Messengers.
• The central theme of this chapter is messengership (Risalah), apart from the mention of Heaven and Hell.
• At the beginning of this chapter, Allah (once again) motivated Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and asked him not to get demotivated because of the rejection from the polytheists of Makkah.
• Allah says that there had been many nations before too who were destroyed, due to their disbelief.
• Humanity is a single family: Then it is being said that the ones who’re dividing themselves into different sections & groups, and are waging war among themselves, are actually from one pair (Adam & Eve, peace be upon them).
• Verses 11 to 27 talk about the incident of the creation of Sayyiduna Adam (alaihissalam) & Shaytan’s disobedience.
• Shaytan (Iblees) did not prostrate to Sayyiduna Adam (a.s.), while all the Angels did so on Allah’s command.
• When Allah asked Shaytan for the reason, he said that Sayyiduna Adam (a.s.) was made of clay, whereas he was made of fire. He reasoned that fire is better than clay.
• Allah degraded Iblees due to his arrogance.
• Iblees asked Allah for a reprieve, to misguide Adam (alaihissalam) and his children (the entire humanity), by taking them away from Sirat Mustaqeem; he swore that he will come from all sides and deceive humanity and take them away from the path of Allah’s Pleasure.
• Allah granted Iblees what He wanted and said that Iblees’ followers will go to Hell.
• Allah sent Sayyiduna Adam and Sayyida Hawwa [Eve] (alaihuma assalam) into Heaven, and asked them to be away from one tree in particular.
• Iblees (Shaytaan) came in the guise of a well-wisher and told Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) that they’ve been asked to keep off that tree because if they ate its fruit, they’ll become angels and thus can live forever. Consequently, when they ate the fruit, they had to hide their bodies with the leaves of heavenly trees.
• Sayyiduna Adam (a.s.) asked for forgiveness, and His words are mentioned in the verse 23.
• This was the scheme of Allah, to descend humanity on earth.
• Allah cautioned the humanity to be vigilant and conscious of Shaytan’s trickery and deception.
• One of the major goals of Shaytan is to take humanity away from modesty, and to drag them to the path of obscenity and nudity.
• In every time and age, the satanic forces have been after humanity to involve it into indecency and nakedness.
• Nudity also existed during the time of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. The people during that time used to perform Hajj without clothes. They used to reason that Allah ordered their ancestors to do as such. However, Allah said that He NEVER orders vulgarity, rather He the Exalted granted honor and excellence to humanity by teaching it to clothe itself. Animals don’t do don’t wear clothes.
• Next verses talk about the episodes of the Hereafter, the people of Heaven, A’raaf, and Hell.
• The people of Hell will talk to the people of Heaven, ask them for their help (to pass on heavenly water etc. to them), but they’ll receive a reply that Allah forbade them to do so.
• People of Heaven will have enlightened faces, whereas those of the people of Hell will be embarrassed, dark and pitiful.
• Allah talks about the system of rainfall (Water Cycle) in the verse 57.
• Allah then says that the rain turns a good dry land to a cultivable one, and a barren land remains uncultivable despite the rain. Allah cites this example and says that similarly, good human hearts & brains take in Imaan (belief), and the bad ones reject the flowers and fruits of Imaan.
• Verse 60 talks about the leaders from Sayyiduna Nuh’s (alaihissalam) community, who said that Sayyiduna Nuh (a.s.) is in misguidance. (Astaghfirullah)
• Sayyiduna Nuh (a.s.) said that he is their well-wisher, a messenger sent from Allah, and asked them to turn toward the Tawheed (Oneness of Allah).
• Verse 65 talks about Sayyiduna Hud (alaihissalam) calling the People of Aad (Qowm Aad) toward the deen of Allah. They gave him names and rejected his call. Allah sent them terrible winds and storms and destroyed them, while saving Sayyiduna Hud (a.s.) and his followers.
• Then Sayyiduna Saleh (alaihissalam) called the People of Thamood toward Tawheed, they too rejected and started demanding Sayyiduna Saleh (a.s.) to produce a she-camel from a mountain which can bear a child right after coming in front of them. When the she-camel was produced miraculously, they killed it and thus self-imposed Allah torment as a result. They were hit by a tremendous earthquake.
• Verse 80 talks about Sayyiduna Lut (alaihissalam) and his people. These people surpassed all of the previous people in obscenity. Their men got involved in same-sex relationships to quench their sexual desires leaving their women, and when Sayyiduna Lut (alaihissalam) used to scare them of Allah’s punishment, they used to treat it as a joke. Eventually, Allah rained stones upon them and extinguished them, including Sayyiduna Lut’s (a.s.) wife, who was also a promoter of this filthy act. Only a few men with Sayyiduna Lut (a.s.) remained safe from this torment.
• Verse 85 talks about the People of Madyan (spelled Midian in English). Sayyiduna Shuaib (alaihissalam) called them toward Tawheed, cautioned them of their fraudulent commercial practices, and asked them to stop threatening the believers. They all turned against Sayyiduna Shuaib (a.s.). Sayyiduna Shuaib (a.s.) asked the troublemakers of his time to wait for Allah’s command against them.